Department of Accounting
Mr. Md. Rayhanul Islam  Assistant Professor
Name :
Mr. Md. Rayhanul Islam
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Personal Webpage

BBA in Accounting (Daffodil International University)
MBA in Accounting & Information Systems (University of Dhaka)
PhD scholar, Techno India University, India

1. 5 days long training on Participatory Engaging Teaching (PET) Techniques at HRDI, DIU.

2. Moderated a 1.5 hours panel session on Clean, Safe and Women Friendly Environment for Sustainable Development in the Bangladesh Summit on Sustainable Development 2014on 17 August 2014.

3. Co-arranger of  a national seminar on Clean, Safe and Women Friendly Environment in Educational  Institutions for Sustainable Development at Public Library Seminar Room, Shahabag, Dhaka in 2014 under the banner of Bridging Institutions and Innovations in Actions for Sustainable Development (BIASD).

4. A daylong seminar on  Prospect of SME in Bangladesh at World University of Bangladesh

Accounting, Taxation and Auditing.



  1. Testing Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) to examine Economic Openness of Australian Economy. International Journal of Arts and Social Science.
  2. Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Readymade Garments (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh. International Journal of Management, VOl 11, Issue 07, (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Coronavirus Pandemic and Future of Higher Education: A Study on the Private University Students of Bangladesh, Journal for Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development 6(1).
  4. Assessing Service Quality of Mobile Money Transfer in Bangladesh: A Case Study on bKash. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 2 (7), 83-89, Published in 2013
  5. Computerized Accounting Systems;- The challenges faced by Accountants: A Comparative study between Traditional Accounting and Computerized Accounting. Business Review Bangladesh, Vol(3), No. (1), July 2014. ISSN: 2224-1884, Published in 2014
  6. Contribution of Indirect Taxes on GDP of Bangladesh. Asia Pacific Journal of Research, (1), April 2016, Published in 2016
  7. Analysis on the Bilateral Trade Factors between Bangladesh and Philippines. LPU- Laguna Journal of Multidisciplinary Research. Vol. 4, No. 4., Published in 2016
  8. An Assessment of the Success factors of Micro Finance of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. International Journal of Advance Research and Review. October 2017, Published in 2017
  9. Present Scenario of Gift Tax in Bangladesh: Prospect and Contribution in the Economy. Journal of Finance and Marketing. Vol. 2, Issue 3, Published in 2018
  10. Testing Philips Course to Examine the Inflation rate regarding unemployment rate, annual wage rate and GDP of Phillipines:1950-2017. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. Vol. 22, Issue 5 (Scopus indexed and ABDC listed), Published in 2018
  11. Proposed Global Professional Credential: A Case Study on ICAB, Bangladesh, Tryaksh International Journal of Multidisciplinary (TIJM), Vol 1, Issue 1 (2019)
  12. Corporate Governance and Non-Performing Loans: A Study on Commercial Banks in Bangladesh, International Journal of Strategic Management & Marketing Vol 1, Issue4 (2019)
  13. Prevalence of Workplace Bullying in University, International Journal of Asian Social Science (2019), Published by Asian Economic and Social Society. SafetyLit (USA) & ProQuest (UK) indexed
  14. A Strategic Analysis on the User Acceptance, Challenges and Prospect of Internet Banking in Bangladesh, Academy of Strategic Management Journal (2020). Scopus Indexed and ABDC listed
  15. Perception towards the newly adopted VAT and SD Act 2012 in Bangladesh: A strategic analysis on tax practitioner and experts, Academy of Strategic Management Journal (2020), Scopus Indexed.
  16. The Dynamics of Relationship among Export, Import and Economic Growth in Bangladesh,  International Journal of Arts and Social Science,  Volume 3 Issue 4, July-August 2020.


Conference Papers :

  1. Presented a paper titled: " A Study on the User Acceptance, Challenges and Prospect of Internet Banking in Bangladesh" at International Summit on Employability and Soft Skills (ISESS2017) during 23-25 March 2017 at Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Presented a paper titled: “Testing Phillips Curve to Examine the Inflation Rate Regarding Unemployment Rate, Annual Wage Rate and GDP of Philippines: 1950-2017 " at 15th Asian Business Research Conference 2017 on 22.12.17 organized by World Business Institute Australia held at BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Newspaper Article:

  1. অনলাইন শিক্ষা ব্যবস্থা, পরীক্ষা এবং শিক্ষার্থীদের উদ্দেশ্যে কিছু কথা।
  2. করোনা পরবর্তী প্রস্তুতিঃ শিক্ষাতেই হতে পারে সম্ভাবনাময় বিনিয়োগ
  3. করোনা মহামারি এবং রিয়েল এস্টেট বিষয়ে উচ্চশিক্ষা ও গবেষণার প্রয়জনীয়তা

Research interest includes taxation, accounting, real estate and business issues.

1. Awarded by “Ashish”, Chilahati, Nilphamari, a regional organization for SSC result in 2003.

  1. Founder Member and Vice President of Bridging Institutions and Innovations in Actions for Sustainable Development (BIASD).
  2. Member of ChilahatiChatroKollyanSamiti, Dhaka.
  3. Member of DIU Alumni Association.
  1. Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, World University of Bangladesh.
  2. Adjunct Faculty, Uttara University.
  3. Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Institute of Science Trade and Technology (ISTT) under National University.