Department of Accounting
Dr. Mohammad Rokibul Kabir  Professor & Head
Name :
Dr. Mohammad Rokibul Kabir
Employee ID
Professor & Head  
Department of Accounting
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Personal Webpage

Post-Doctoral on Blockchain  
Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia (2021)

PhD in Management Accounting
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh  (2017)

MPhil in Financial Disclosure
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh (2013)

MSc in Data Analytics and Design Thinking for Business
East Delta University (2023)

from UITS, Bangladesh  (2011)

MBA in AIS (2004; Held in 2007)                         
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

BBA in AIS (2003; Held in 2006)
University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

MDP in Business Analytics                                                        
Indian Institute of Management (IIMC)

Certificate in Business Analytics                                          
University of Colorado (Online)

Research Methods in Accounting
By Dr. Shahzad Uddin, of Essex University, UK under HEQEP.   
Teaching Methods in Accounting and Finance
By Dr. H. Gin Chong, of Prairie View A & M University,USA under HEQEP
Training on Smart PLS , STATA, R, ANN, Machine Learning, E-views and SPSS

Sports and Debate

  1. Ex Captain of Chittagong University Handball Team.
  2. Ex Captain of Chittagong District Handball Team.
  3. Best speaker and debater at College level.
  4. Ex Secretary of Chittagong Handball Players’ Association (CHPA), Bangladesh.
  1. Kabir, M. R., Arman, S. M., Sobhani, F.A., & Zakaria, N.B. (2024). Determinant of Green Sukuk Investment in Bangladesh: Does Spirituality Play a Moderating Role? Sage Open. (Scopus-Q1, Accepted)
  2. Zakaria, N.B., Kabir, M. R., Musa, K., Sobhani, F.A., & Abdillah, M.R. (2024). The Impact of Geopolitical Risk and COVID-19 Pandemic Stringency on Sukuk Issuance in Malaysia. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. (Scopus-Q2, Accepted)
  3. Karim, R. A., Kabir, M. R., Rabiul, M. K., Kawser, S., & Salam, A. (2024). Linking Green Supply Chain Management Practices and Environmental Performance in the Manufacturing Industry: A Hybrid SEM-ANN Approach. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (Scopus-Q1)
  4. Kabir, M. R. (2023). A Longitudinal Study on OF Continuance Behaviour of Generation Y and Generation Z: Can Health Consciousness Moderate the Decision?Young Consumers-Emerald, 24(5), 513-539. (Scopus-Q1).
  5. Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Human or Ai? Understanding the Key Drivers of Customers' Adoption of Financial Robo-Advisory Services: The Role of Innovation Resilience. Journal of Global Business and Technology19(1), 19. (Scopus-Q4)
  6. Alam, I. A., Ashrafi, D. M., & Kabir, M. R. (2023). Buy or die: An investigation of consumers’ intention to engage in unusual purchasing behaviour through the lens of stimulus-organism-response approach. Malaysian Journal of Consumer and Family Economics 31, 234-363. (Scopus-Q4)
  7. Kabir, M. R., A Sobhani, F., Mohamed, N., & Ashrafi, M. (2022). Impact of integrity and internal audit transparency on audit quality: the moderating role of blockchain. Management & Accounting Review (MAR)21(1), 203-233. (Scopus-Q3)
  8. Ashrafi, D. M., Dovash, R. H., & Kabir, M. R. (2022). Determinants of Fintech Service Continuance Behavior: Moderating Role of Transaction Security and Trust. Journal of Global Business and Technology18(2), 35. (Scopus-Q4)
  9. Kabir, M. R., Sobhani, F. A., & Mohamed, N. (2022). Impact of Integrity and Internal Audit Transparency on Audit Fraud Risk Mitigation: Moderating Role of Blockchain Technology. Academy of Strategic Management Journal20(6). (Scopus-Q3)
  10. Karim, R. A., Sobhani, F. A., Rabiul, M. K., Lepee, N. J., Kabir, M. R., & Chowdhury, M. A. M. (2022). Linking Fintech Payment Services and Customer Loyalty Intention in the Hospitality Industry: The Mediating Role of Customer Experience and Attitude. Sustainability14(24), 16481. (Scopus-Q1)
  11. Kabir, M. R., Khan, M.H.S., & Khan, Ibrahim, M. (2022). Factors Influencing Blockchain-based Mobile Banking Adoption: Evidence from a Developing Country. Journal of Technology Management and Business,9(2), 1-21.
  12. Kabir, M.R.and Islam, S. (2022), "Behavioural intention to purchase organic food: Bangladeshi consumers' perspective", British Food Journal, 124(3), 754-774. (Scopus-Q1).
  13. Akhter, F., Hossain, M. R., Omrane, A., & Kabir, M. R. (2022). Impact of corporate attributes on human resource disclosure practices, evidences from commercial banks of Bangladesh. FIIB Business Review11(3), 303-314. (Scopus-Q3)
  14. Kabir, M. R. (2021). Behavioural intention to adopt blockchain for a transparent and effective taxing system. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 14(1), 170-201. (Scopus-Q2).
  15.  Kabir, M. R., Islam, M., Marniati, & Herawati (2021). Application of Blockchain for Supply Chain Financing: Explaining the Drivers Using SEM. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity7(3), 167. (Scopus-Q1).
  16. Kabir, M. R., & Muhiuddin, K. M. (2021). External, Organizational and Processing Characteristics Influencing Management Accounting Practices: A Contingency Theory Approach Using PLS-SEM, Conference Proceedings, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh’.
  17. Kabir, M. R., Hossain, M. & Akhter, A. (2021). 2010 Catastrophe and Investors’ Reluctance for Investment in the Capital Market of Bangladesh, Conference Proceedings, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh’.
  18. Chowdhury, T. & Kabir, M. R. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting under GRI Guidelines: A Study of the Listed Bangladeshi Banks, Conference Proceedings, ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh’.
  19. Kabir, M. R., & Islam, M. (2021). Behavioural intention to adopt blockchain technology in Bangladeshi banking companies, ‘AIP Conference Proceedings’, 2347, 020025. (Scopus Conference).
  20. Kabir, M. R., & Islam, M. (2021). Extension of TAM explaining the determinants of I-banking adoption: Bangladesh perspective, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2347, 020026. . (Scopus Conference).
  21. Kabir, M. R., & Islam, M. (2021).  Socioeconomic impact of Covid-19 on the lower middle and lower income people in Bangladesh, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2347, 020268. (Scopus Conference).
  22. Kabir, M. R., Islam, M. A., & Deena, S. A. (2020). Explaining the adoption of technology-based design of higher education during and after COVID 19 period from a developing country perspective. IxD&A46, 88-119. (Scopus-Q1)
  23. Kabir, M. R. (2020). Impact of Faculty and Student Readiness on Virtual Learning Adoption amid COVID 19. International Journal of Education for Social Justice, 9(3). (Scopus-Q1).
  24. Kabir, M. R., Ibrahim, M., & Khondker, M.B.U. (2020). Adoption of Mobile Banking for Financial Inclusion in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study Using Extended TAM. Solid State Technology 63(6). (Scopus-Q4)
  25. Kabir, M. R. (2020). Impact of ERP Implementation on Productivity and Profitability: An Empirical Study on the Largest Bangladeshi Steels Manufacturer. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research 3(4):88-94 DOI: 10.31580/ijer.v3i4.1535
  26. Kabir, M. R., & Saleh, O.B. (2020). Measuring the Immediate Impact of COVID 19 on the Financial Performances of the Listed Companies in Bangladesh. International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship 10( 3), 369-378.
  27. Kabir, M. R. (2019). Management Accounting Dynamics in Bangladesh: Areas and Factors behind the Changes. Asia-Pacific Management Accounting Journal14(2), 51-77. (WoS-ESCI)
  28. Kabir, M. R., Sobhani, F. A., Omar, N. B., & Mohamed, N. (2019). Corporate Governance and Risk Disclosures: A Comparative Analysis between Bangladeshi and Malaysian Islamic Banks. International Journal of Financial Research, 10(5). (Scopus-Q4)
  29. Kabir, M. R., & Akhter, F. (2019). An Alternative Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative to Augment Social Business Model. International Journal of Business and Tehnopreneurship, 9(2), 91-102.
  30. Islam, S., Kabir, M. R., Dovash, R. H., Nafee, S. E., & Saha, S. (2019). Impact of Online Banking Adoption on Bank’s Profitability: Evidence from Bangladesh. European Journal of Business and Management Research4(3), 1-4.
  31. Akhter, F., & Kabir, M. R. (2018). Does Good Governance make the Companies More Socially Responsible? International Journal of Business and Tehnopreneurship, 8(2), 125-136.
  32. Kabir, M. R., Sobhani, F. A., & Kausar, A. (2018). Management of Sadaqah through Social Enterprises: A Study on Anjuman Mufidul Islam Bangladesh. IIUC Business Review, 5 (1).
  33. Hossain, M. A., & Kabir, M. R. (2018). Impact of Short and Medium Period Investment Concentration on Earning and Dividend Distribution: Evidence from Islamic Banks in Bangladesh.  IIUC Business Review, 5 (1).
  34. Kabir, M. R., & Sobhani, F. A. (2017). Transformation from charity to ethical profit social enterprises: Its necessity, scope and barriers. International Journal of Bangladesh Society for Human Resource Management, 1(1).
  35. Kabir, M. R., & Sobhani, F. A. (2017). Risk Disclosures in Bank’s Annual Report: Bangladesh Perspective. Australian Academy of Accounting and Finance Review3(1), 11-20.
  36. Kausar, A., Alauddin, M., & Kabir, M. R. (2016). A Masjid Based Zakat Management Model in Alleviating Poverty: Bangladesh Perspective. International Journal of Ethics and Social Sciences, 4(2), 63-82.
  37. Kabir, M. R., & Chowdhury, A. H. (2016). A Comparative Analysis of Profit Rate on Deposit in Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. IIUC Studies10(1), 81-98.
  38. Yunus, M., Kabir, M. R., & Rahman, M. A. (2015). Corporate social responsibilities and related disclosures: a study on the listed banks in Bangladesh. World Journal of Social Sciences, 5 (1), 1-25.
  39. Kabir, M. R., Rahman, M. A., Yunus, M., & Chowdhury, A. (2015). Applications of Accounting Software: An Empirical Study on the Private Universities of Bangladesh. World Review of Business Research, 5(1), 72-85.
  40. Kabir, M. R., & Sakib, N. (2015). Accounting for Islamic Social Enterprises: An Islamic Perspective. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6(2).
  41. Serajul, I., Kabir, M. R., & Alam, A. H. M. N. B. (2015) Socially Responsible Investments of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited (IBBL). International Journal of Ethics and Social Sciences 3(1), 119-136.
  42. Kabir, M.R. (2016). Evaluation of Disclosures in Annual Report- A Study on the Listed Textile Companies in Bangladesh. IIUC Business Review, 4 (1).
  43. Yunus, M., Kabir, M. R., & Rahman, M. A. (2015). A Comparative Analysis of the Rate of Interest on Deposit between Banks and Non-Bank Financial Institutions in Bangladesh. Journal of Islamic Finance and Business Research3(1), 38-49.
  44. Kabir, M. R., Ullah, M. M., & Chowdhury, M. M. (2013). Impact of human resources training on the performances of banks-an empirical study. China-USA Business Review12(5), 524-531.
  45. Kabir, M. R. (2013). Factors influencing the usage of mobile banking: Incident from a developing country. World Review of Business Research3(3), 96-114.
  46. Azad, M. A. K., Kabir, M. R., Bhuiyan, F., & Masum, A. K. M. (2013). Prospects Analysis of an Islamic Capital Market in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13 (6), 57-61.
  47. Kabir, M. R., Bhuiyan, F., & Chowdhury, S. R. (2013). Psychological and Economic Determinants of Market Price of Shares-An Empirical Study on the Listed Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(8), 37-50.
  48. Chowdhury, M. S. R., Rahman, M. T., & Kabir, M. R. (2013). Solving of waiting lines models in the bank using queuing theory model. IOSR Journal of Business and Management10(1), 22-29.
  49. Masum, A. K. M., Bhuiyan, F., & Kabir, R. (2013). HRIS practices in universities: An exploratory study on the private universities in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research13(7), 25-29.
  50. Chowdhury, M. A., Yunus, M., Bhuiyan, F., & Kabir, M. R. (2013). Impact of Human Resources Information System (HRIS) on the Performance of Firms: A Study on Some Selected Bangladeshi Banks. In 9th Asian Business Research Conference, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  51. Kabir, M. R., Rahman, M. A., & Yunus, M. (2013, December). Applications of management accounting tools in Bangladesh: An exploratory study. In proceedings of 9th Asian Business Research Conference (pp. 20-21).
  52. Rahman, M. T., Chowdhury, M. S. R., & Kabir, M. R. (2013). Customer Perceptions and Expectations Regarding Service Qualities in Govt. Owned Commercial Banks of Chittagong City-A Study on Janata Bank Limited, Bangladesh. International Journal of Business Research and Management4(1), 23-31.
  53. Kabir, M.R. (2013), Dr. Yunus’s Concept of Social Business – A Mere Dream or Reality? International Conference organized by University Perlis and Ministry of Education Malaysia held in Penang, Malaysia.
  54. Kabir, M. R., Ullah, M. H., & Khan, M. M. (2012). Comparative analysis of profit rate of Islamic banks on investment (ROI) and fixed rate of interest on loan of conventional banks in Bangladesh. World Review of Business Research 2(5), 39-48.
  55. Ahmmed, M., Kabir, M.R., & Billah, M.A. (2012). Impact of River Bank Erosion on Population Displacement & Socio Economic Condition: A Case Study on River Bank of Padma, Faridpur, Bangladesh. International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management, 1(6), 17-24.
  56. Ullah, M. H., Kabir, M. R., & Ahmmed, M. (2012). Catastrophe in stock market in Bangladesh-A view of investors and financial analysts of Chittagong stock Exchange. International Journal of Economics and Finance4(7), 117-131.
  57. Ahmmed, M., Kabir, M. R., & Billah, M. A. (2012). Maintaining International Reserves under Three Major Political Regimes in Bangladesh: A Performance Evaluation using the Dummy Variable Approach. World Journal of Social Sciences, 2(7), 182-192.
  58. Islam, S., Chowdhury, N. J., & Kabir, M. R. (2012). The Role of Mudaraba Perpetual Bond (MPB) of IBBL for Development of Bangladesh Bond Market. Thoughts on Economics, 21(4), 39-56.
  59. Islam, S., Noman, A. H. M. & Kabir, R. (2011): National Budget of Bangladesh FY 2011-12:
    Challenges and its solutions. The Journal of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh. 39(4), 23-29.



  1. Presented three (3) papers in the International Conference ‘BLM2-ICAM4’ held in Taylor University, Malysia in 2021.
  2. Presented one (1) paper in the 11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL CRIMINOLOGY (ICFC) 2021’ organized by ARI, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia held in 2021
  3. Presented three (3) papers in the National Conference on The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh’ organized by Bureau of Business Research, University of Chittagong held in 2021.
  4. Presented three (3) papers in the International Conference on Design Innovation, Social Science & Technology (ICDISST 2020) held in UniMAP, Penang Malysia in 2020.
  5. Presented two (2) papers in the International Conference on Business Innovation for Inclusive Development (ICBIID 2019) held in IIUC, Bangladesh in October, 2019.
  6. Presented one (1) paper in the International Conference on Governance and Accountability held in Melaka, Malaysia in 2016.
  7. Presented two (2) papers in International Conference on Islamic Economics held in Krabi, Thailand in September, 2015.                             
  8. Presented two (2) papers in International Conference on Islamic Economics, Governance and Social Enterprise held in Melaka, Malaysia in 2015.
  9.  Presented three (3) articles in International Conference on Business Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Engineering 2013 held in Penang, Malaysia in 2013. 
  10. Presented Two (2) articles in the 6th Asian Business Research Conference held in Bangkok, Thailand in 2012. 
  11.  Presented a paper in the 7th Asian Business Research Conference held in Dhaka, Bangladesh in December, 2012.
  1. Islamic Development Bank (IDB) provided a grant in 2015 for an action research conducted under the Center for Research and Publication (CRP) of International Islamic University Chittagong on ‘Community Based Approach to Eradicate Extreme Poverty’.
  2. Awarded ARI-HICoE Research Grant in 2016 to conduct a research in collaboration with Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) under the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), Malaysia.
  3. Grant received as a Research Consultant from Essex Business School, University of Essex, UK.
  4. Awarded ARI (Accounting Research Institute, Universiti Teknologi MARA)-UIU Research Grant in 2022
  1. ‘Special Paper Award’ for the Article titled Impact of Integrity and Internal Audit Transparency on Audit Fraud Risk Mitigation: Moderating Role of Blockchain Technology’ presented in ‘11th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCIAL CRIMINOLOGY (ICFC) 2021’ organized by ARI, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia held in 2021.
  2. Best Paper Award’ for the Article titled External, Organizational and Processing Characteristics Influencing Management Accounting Practices: A Contingency Theory Approach Using PLS-SEM’ presented in ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR): Reshaping Business for Sustainable Development in Bangladesh’ organized by Bureau of Business Research, University of Chittagong held in 2021.
  3. ‘’Best Paper Award’ for the Article titled A Community Based Sadaqah Approach to Eradicate Extreme Poverty: An Evaluation of IIUC Action Research Projects’ presented in the International Conference organized by University Sains Islam, Malaysia (USIM) held in 2015.
  4. ‘Innovative Paper Award’ for the Article titled ‘Dr. Yunus’s Concept of Social Business – A Mere Dream or Reality?’ presented in the International Conference organized by University Perlis, Malaysia and Ministry of Education Malaysia held in Penang, Malaysia in 2013.
  5. Scholarship awarded by “PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT” of Chittagong University in 2006.
  6. Scholarship awarded by “NIPPON FOUNDATION JAPAN” for the year 2003-2004.
  7. Scholarship awarded by “NIPPON FOUNDATION JAPAN” for the year 2004-2005.

Daffodil International University, Bangladesh

Adjunct Professor (October, 2023- Till Date)

Department of Accounting and Finance,

Taylor’s University Malaysia

Visiting Professor  (July, 2023- Till Date)

Amity University Mumbai

Research Fellow  (September, 2023- Till Date)

INTI International University, Malaysia

 Professor & Dean (April, 2021- December, 2023)

School of Business Administration

East Delta University, Bangladesh                 

Associate Professor  (April, 2017- April, 2021)

School of Business Administration

East Delta University, Bangladesh  

Chairman, Department of Public Leadership, Governance and Management (May, 2019- May, 2022)

East Delta University, Bangladesh                     

Director, CPDC  (October, 2019- December, 2023)            

 East Delta University, Bangladesh                    

Lead, Change Management       (July, 2021- June, 2023) 

East Delta University, Bangladesh 

 Director, External Engagement (July, 2021- June 2023)  

Advocate (Non-practicing)            (April, 2013- till date)

Member of Chittagong Bar, Bangladesh                

Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer

Department of Business Administration    (2008- 2017)     

 International Islamic University Chittagong 

Research Fellow, CRP (2014- 2016) International Islamic University Chittagong