Department of Agricultural Science
Professor Dr. M A Rahim  Professor & Head
Name :
Professor Dr. M A Rahim
Employee ID
Professor & Head  
Department of Agricultural Science
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Personal Webpage
01896034260, 01711854471
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture- University of London – October 1988
  • Post Doc (USA)
  • Master of Science in Horticulture- Bangladesh Agricultural University – January 1982
  • Bachelor of Science in Agriculture- Bangladesh Agricultural University- April 1980


1980-1982- Agriculture Advisor, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh

1991-present   Director, BAU Germplasm Center- BAU  

2014-present     Director, HORTEX Foundation Bangladesh

1982-2015       Agricultural Consultants. 

  • Conducted irrigation water market in Bangladesh
  • Conservation of agriculture through reducing the open air agriculture burning to clean cryosphare
  • Greening the hills, saline and dry areas of Bangladesh
  • Designed projects for rehabilitation of agricultural sector in Hill districts of Bangladesh.
  • Developed a graduate/undergraduate classes on “Horticulture, Agroforestry and Consevation of Agriculture for Bangladesh Agricultural University.
  • Formed water management advisory group and monitoring plan for a nutritious water program in southern Bangladesh.

2015-2016 Conducted program on safe mango production- USAID-AVC

2010-2015 Conducted Survey, Key Informant Information, FGD and House Hold Survey in AAS (FtF)    working areas in Bangladesh

1999-2015 Working as a consultant of horticultural research with University of Wisconsin and Florida

1989-1992 Consultant- Irrigation Water Market in Bangladesh, Ford Foundation

1992-1993 Consultant- Horticultural Diversity in Rajshahi and Sylhet district -FAO

2009-2012 Consultant – Studies on the Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh – Biodiversity International, AAS,

                 WorldFish and BAU-GPC

2011-2013 Consultant- Studies on information collection from the Key informants on agrobiodiversity, species loss, and conservation of crops, fish and livestock’s  - Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC

2011-2013  Consultant – Focus Group discussion on crop diversity, market diversity and dietary diversity-  Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC

2013-Present Consultant- Household Survey on Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh – Biodiversity International, CGIAR- AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC

2001 to 2022 Project Director,: Germplasm Center, Fruit Tree Improvement Program, funding  by the University Grant Commission of Bangladesh (UGC)

2006 to 2022 Program Director: Fruit Tree Improvement Program, funding by IC-AFIP,-SDC (Swiss agency for Development and Cooperation, Embassy of Switzerland)

2005-2007 Project Director, Action Research Plan on Spices crops, Funding by Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka

2005-2022 Principal Investigator: Studies on the improvement of Garlic, onion and carrot in Bangladesh and USA through varietals Improvement and Biotechnology funding by USDA-ARS,

2011-2022 Director: Improvement of onion and carrot in Bangladesh and USA. Funded by USDA-ARS

2011-2014 Principal investigators: Collection, conservation and characterization of Indigenous fruits of coastal and hilly areas of Bangladesh. Funded by BAS-USDA

2011-2-15 Principal Investigator: Characterization of Important Plant Genetic Resources: BAU Component funded by SPGR_NATP-BARC

2014-present Project Director: Utilization of Carrot CWRs for carrot Pre-breeding in Bangladesh and Pakistan.  Funded by CWR-Germany (GCDT) and USDA-ARS 

1990 to 2022. Expert services for nursery managements, fruit tree managements, mother tree orchard establishment, ToT etc in the project areas of SDC-Intercooperation.

1990-2007. Established the largest fruit germplasm in Bangladesh. Funded by SDC and UGC, Dhaka

2004-2005. Expert services on mother tree orchard establishment, fruit tree managements, training etc in the Rangpur, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat. The project areas of GTZ/SFADP. Funded by SFADP-GTZ

  • Agriculture
  • Horticulture
  • Entomology
  • Biotechnology
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Biodiversity
  • Climate Change
  • Crop Zoning
  • Applied Nutrition
  • Community Nutrition
  • Food Safety and Hygiene
  • Field Epidemiology
  • Ethics in Public Health Practice


  1. Rahim, M. A. Safe Mango Production-USAID-AVC program, May 2015-March 2016
  2. Rahim, M. A. 2012. Indiscriminate use of chemicals in fruits and their effects on health-food safety issues. Proceedings of International Conference on Food Safety and Security. AFS, Osaka, Japan
  3. Rahim, M. A. 2014. Use of hazardous chemicals in fruits and vegetables and their impact on environment, health and nutrition. Proceedings of   International Conference on Food Safety and Security. AFSA., Ho    Chi       Minh City, Vietnam.
  4. Rahim, M. A. 2014. Role of vegetables for solving micronutrient deficiency (hidden hunger) in      Proceedings of SEAVEG 2014.  Families, Farms, Food: Sustaining small scale      production and marketing   system for food and nutrition security. pp 84-88.
  5. Rahim, M. A, M. M. Anwar and M. S. Alam.   Moringa: An indigenous high value underutilized vegetable crop can play a great role in nutrition and poverty alleviation in Bangladesh. Proceedings of SEAVEG 2014. 
  6. Familires, Farms, Food: Sustaining small scale production and marketing system for food and nutrition security. pp 328-335.Rahim 2012.
  7. Studies (field survey) on the Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh (FtF areas) – Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, World Fish and BAU-GPC ISBN: 978-984-336258-2
  8. Rahim, et. al. 2013. Survey and information collection from the Key informants on agrobiodiversity, species loss, food safety, dietary diversity and conservation of  crops, fish and livestock’s (FtF areas)  Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, World Fish and BAU-GPC. ISBN: 978-984-33-6259-9,
  9. Rahim, et. al. 2014. Focus Group discussion (FGD) on crop diversity, market diversity, food safety and dietary diversity in Southern Bangladesh (FtF areas)- Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS,       World Fish and BAU-GPC. ISBN: 978-984-33-6257-5
  10. Rahim et. al. 2014. Household Survey on Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh (FtF areas) – Food Safety, Nutrition, market diversity, and dietary diversity.  Biodiversity International, CGIAR- AAS, World Fish .
  11. Rahim, M. A. 1994. Horticultural Crops Intervention in Rice Based Cropping Pattern. In: Intervened Irrigated Water Management for Crop Diversification. Ed., M. A. S. Mandal & S. C. Dutta, University Press Ltd.
  12. Rahim, M. A. 1993. Horticultural crops for Crop Diversification. In: Irrigation Water Management for Crop Diversification. Ed. M.R. Biswas & M.A.S. Mandal, University Press Limited, Dhaka.
  13. Rahim, M. A. 2015. Conservation of Agriculture by zero tillage cultivation using the left over rice straw as
  14. Conference paper on Mitigation of Emissions from open burning in the wider Himalayan region.
  15. CCAC, ICIMOD, ICCI, Nepal
  16. Rahim, M. A. 2014. Conservation of Agriculture through zero tillage system in Northern part of
  17. Proceedings of International Conference on Conservation of Agriculture, Murdoc University, Australia.
  18. Rahim, M. A. 2012. Adaptive Research project of fruit trees in southern part of Bangladesh (Feed the Future working areas). Funded by DANIDA, Embassy of Denmark, Dhaka.
  19. Rahim, M. A. 2012. Adaptive Research project of fruit trees in hilly areas of Bangladesh. Funded by DANIDA, Embassy of Denmark, Dhaka. (2011-2014).
  20. Rahim, M. A. 2014. Fruit nursery establishment project in southern (FtF areas) and northern part of Bangladesh. Funded by DANIDA and Ministry of Agriculture (2009-2013)
  21. Rahim, M. A. 2014. Collection, conservation and evaluation of fruit and forest trees in saline and hilly areas of Bangladesh. Funded by USDA (2008-2015.)
  22. Rahim, M. A., M. Farooque, M. K. Islam and M. D. Alam, 1997. Fruit Tree Management (Frame working of fruit trees: Training, Pruning and Bearing habit of fruit trees). SDC‑VFFP publications.
  23. Rahim, M. A. Horticultural Crops and Agroforestry in Bangladesh. In: Agroforestry. Ed. M. J. A. Mirza, GTI Publications.
  24. , M. A. 1994. Horticultural Crops for Diversified Cropping. In: Recent Advances in Vegetable Research. Ed., M. L. Chadha. AVRDC Publications.
  25. Rahim, M. A. and K. S. Islam. 1999. Multistoried Tree/Cropping System: A sustainable land use system and vertical yield achievements in a land scarce community forestry conditions. In: Cultivating Forest: An alternative Forest Management & Technologies for community forestry. RECOFTC, Bangkok, Thailand.
  26. F.M. Sharfuddin, S. M. Monwar Hossain and M. A. Rahim. 2002. Vegetable Cultivations. Bangladesh Open University, Dhaka
  27. A. Rahim. 2006. Nursery and Mother Tree managements. GTZ publications
  28. A. Rahim and others. 2012. Underutilized Fruits in Bangladesh. Funded by Bioversity International., RDA, and Korea 200pp.
  29. Rahim, M. A. and others. 2013. Underutilized Vegetables in Bangladesh. Funded by RDA Korea and Diversity International. 200pp.
  30. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1998. Model of garlic (Allium sativum) growth and development: II. Leaf appearance, expansion and senescence in relation to the environment. Bangladesh J. Agri., 23: 31-43.
  31. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1998. Model of garlic (Allium sativum) growth and development. I. Dry matter accumulation in relation to growing environments. Bangladesh J. Agri., 23: 45-55.
  32. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1998. Effect of leaf blade removal on subsequent leaf and clove development in garlic. Bangladesh J. Agri., 23: 9-15.
  33. A. Rahim and R. Fordham. 1998. Model of garlic growth and yield development: II. Leaf appearance, expansion and senescence in relation to the environment. Bangladesh J. Agri. 23: 31-43.
  34. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1998. Model of garlic growth and yield development: I. Dry matter accumulation in relation to growing environments. Bangladesh J. Agri. 23: 45-55.
  35. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1998. Effect of leaf blade removal on subsequent leaf and clove development in garlic. Bangladesh J. Agri. 23: 9-15.
  36. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1994. Control of bulbing in garlic. Acta Horticulturae, 358: 369‑374.
  37. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1991. Effect of shade on leaf and cell size and number of epidermal cells in garlic (Allium sativum). Annals of Botany, 67: 167‑171.
  38. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1990. The advancement of bulbing in garlic (Allium sativum) with specific reference to late season production. Acta Horticulturae, 267: 271‑277.
  39. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1990. Effect of shade and environmental conditions on the initiation and development of garlic cloves (Allium sativum). Scientia Horticulturae, 45 (1‑2): 21‑30.
  40. Rahim, M. A. and R. Fordham. 1989. Root growth and development of garlic (Allium sativum). Bangladesh Journal of Agriculture, 14 (2): 89‑96.
  41. A. Rahim and R. Fordham. 1988. Effect of storage temperature on the initiation and development of garlic cloves (Allium sativum L.). Scientia  Horticulturae, 37: 25‑38.
  42. Rouf, M. A., M. A. Rahim, M. A. Siddique and M. Ashrafuzzaman. 2013. Effects of different concentrations of GA3, ethrel and cycocel on seed production of cauliflower. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. Tech., 17(1&2):41-46
  43. Rouf, M. A., M. A. Rahim, M. A. Siddique and M. B. Meah. 2013. Effects of irrigation interval and mulching on seed production of cauliflower. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. Tech., 17(1&2):53-58.
  44. Rahman, M. M., M. A. Rahim, M.S.H. Choudhury. 2013. Carrot seed production as influenced by phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. Tech., 17(1&2):105-114.
  45. J. M. Khatun, M. M. Rahman, M. A. Rahim and M. H. Mirdah. 2014. Study on the taxonomy and nutrition status of Lalgula (Haematocarpus validus): A promising endemic ethnic fruit of Bangladesh. Int. J. Sustain. Agril. Tech. 10(2):01-04.
  46. Majumder, D. A. N., L. Hassan, M. A. Rahim and M. A. Kabir. 2012. Analysis of genetic diversity in mango (Mangifera indica) using isozymetic polymorphism. African J. Biotec., 11(87):15310-15323.
  47. M. Hossain, M. M. Islam and M. A. Rahim. 2012. Characteristics of fruit borne on different bearing position of six jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam) germplasm lines. Thai J.  Agril.  Sci., 45(4):203-211.
  48. A. Rahim and M. S. Rahman. 2012. Horticulture Research and Development in Bangladesh: At a glance. Progressive Horticulture, Vol. 44(1): 1-8.
  49. M. Haque, M. A. Rahim and M. S. H. Choudhury. 2011. Effect of different agrochemicals as foliar spray on the growth performance of mango grafts. Cv. Amrapali. J. bio-sci., 19:101-103.
  50. O. Hoque and M. A. Rahim. 2011. Effects of planting time and bulb size on the seed yield and quality of summer onion. Bangladesh J. Seed Sci. Tech., 15(1&2):13-20.
  51. K. Kamal, A. M. Farooque, M. A. Rahim and M. A. Haque. 2011. Studies on the floral biology of mango germplasm. Bangladesh J. Fruit Sci. &Tech. 2 (1 & 2): 1-13.
  52. N. A. Chowdhury and M. A. Rahim. 2011. Integrated crop management to control anthracnose of mango. Bangladesh J. Fruit Sci. &Tech. 2 (1 & 2): 15‑19
  53. K. Kamal, M. A. Rahim and A. M. Farooque. 2011. Studies on the physico-chemical characteristics of mango germplasm. Bangladesh J. Fruit Sci. &Tech. 2 (1 & 2): 21-27
  54. A. Hossain, M. A. Rahim and S. R. Saha. 2011. Study on the physical characteristics of fruits of nine jackfruit germplasm. Bangladesh J. Fruit Sci. &Tech. 2 (1 & 2): 43-51


Authors of Published Book:-

  1. Underutilized Fruits in Bangladesh
  2. Underutilized Vegetables in Bangladesh
  3. A Pictorial Guide to Nursery Plant
  4. Fruit Tree Propagation and Mother Tree Management
  5. Leaflets (24), Booklets (11), Folder (29), Food safety related papers (10)
  6. Pest and Diseases of Fruits 2016– USAID-CNFA
  7. Pest and Diseases of Vegetables -2018-USDA-CNFA
  • Bangabandhu Krish Padak (Gold Medal) in 2014
  • PM Gold Medal on National Fruit Research and Development in 2013
  • PM Gold Medal on National Tree Research and Development in 2012
  • Nobel Laureate Dr. Norman Ernest Borlaug International Science and Technology Award in 2008
  • PM Gold Medal on National Fruit Tree Planting Research and Development in 2004
  • Gold Medal, Bangladesh Academy of Sciences (BAS), 2012
  • Gold Medal, Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture (BAAG), 2016
  • Gold Medal on Mother Teresa, AZM Obaidullah, CSRL, Atish Dipankar, Helen Keller and in the other fields (total=48)
  • Received Channel I lifetime award 2021
  • Received RTV life time Award 2018
  • President-Fruit Science Society of Bangladesh
  • President-Seed Science Society of Bangladesh
  • Vice President-Agro-forestry Society of Bangladesh
  • Member-The Horticulture Society of India
  • Member-International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS) #17523
  • Member-International Tropical Fruit Network (ITFNet)
  • Member-National Organic Council, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh
  • Member-Indian Horticultural Science
  • Member-General Body and Ex-Director,  Governing Body of Hortex Foundation, Ministry of Agriculture, Bangladesh
  • Chairman- Spices and Condiments (AFDC-6), BSTI, GoB
  • Member, BSAFE foundation
  • Member, Bangladesh Academy of Agriculture (BAAG)
Position Organization
Agriculture Extension Officer DAE, Ministry of Agriculture
Lecturer Department of HorticultureBangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Assistant Professor Department of HorticultureBangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Associate Professor Department of HorticultureBangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Professor Department of HorticultureBangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Visiting Professor The University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Consultant Irrigation Water Market in Bangladesh, Ford Foundation
Consultant Horticultural Diversity in Rajshahi and Sylhet district, -FAO
Expert for base line survey Studies on the Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh – Biodiversity International, AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC
Expert  for KII Studies on information collection from the Key informants on agrobiodiversity, species loss, and conservation of  crops, fish and livestock’s  - Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC
Expert for FGD Focus Group discussion on crop diversity, market diversity and dietary diversity-  Biodiversity International, CGIAR-AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC
Expert  for Household Survey Household Survey on Agrobiodiversity in southern Bangladesh – Biodiversity International, CGIAR- AAS, WorldFish and BAU-GPC
Expert Safe Mango Production-USAID-AVC program
Expert Development of Training Module for Vegetables- USAID-AIP, CNFA program
Expert Development Flash Cards on the pests and diseases of vegetables- - USAID-AIP, CNFA program
Expert Development of training module on fruit production-USAID-CREL Winrock International
Expert Studies on the pets exclusion nets- USAID-AIFA-Winroack International-Thailand
Expert Impact analysis of USAID funded project on Nutrition and poverty in Hill and Haor  areas of Bangladesh -University of Notre dame, USA
Expert Working with University of Wisconsin. Madison, USA  for adopting the wild crops relatives in saline and drought areas of Bangladesh –USDA-ARS