Department of Business Administration
Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam  Distinguished Professor
Name :
Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam
Employee ID
Distinguished Professor  
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Personal Webpage

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Alfred Nobel Business School (Sweden). The dissertation title:
‘Growth of Private Universities and Concomitantly Management of Quality Higher Education in Bangladesh.

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Economics with financial assistance from World Bank to complete Advanced
Research Methodology course from the George Washington University, USA.

B.A (Hons), M.A, M.Phil (Economics), Rasjshahi University. SSC-10th and HSC-8th place in the combined merit list
(Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi)

Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in International Development Programme in Training Management, Slough College
of Higher Education/ Thames Valley University, UK

  • Advanced Course in ‘Research Methodology, The George Washington University, USA
  • Advanced Course on ‘Economic Policy for Sustainable Development’ World Bank Institute, USA
  • Certificate Course in ‘Training and Development’, Institute of Training and Development, UK
  • Certificate Course in ‘Rehabilitation Works Management ’, The George Mason University, USA
  • Certificate Couse in ‘ Peace Keeping Policy’, The George Mason University, USA
  • Long-term Full Time Teaching: Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka, 1984-2013
  • Teaching Abroad:
    University of Finance and Management in Bialystok (Poland), UK Campus of London School of Business. Universal College London, London Crown College School of Business (London) London College of Management and Research London Churchill College, East London University.
  • In-country Part-time Teaching:
    Daffodil International University, BRAC University, EastWest University, University of Asia Pacific, Northern University, American International University, Military Institute of Science and Technology, State University of Bangladesh,

Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Managerial Economics, Training & Development, Research
Methodology, Bangladesh Economy

  1. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1978). Handloom and Powerloom Industries of Bangladesh: A Comparative Analysis of Productivity, Employment and Capacity Utilization. Institute of Bangladesh Studies.
  2. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1980). Productivity of Banking Industry in Bangladesh. Paper presented at the Conference of the Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA) and subsequently published in AMDISA Journal.
  3. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1981). Use of Productivity Data in Labour Policy Formulation. Paper presented at the GOB/ILO/ARPLA Tripartite National Seminar (held on September 2–5, 1981).
  4. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1982). A Comparative Analysis of Productivity in Some Selected Handloom and Powerloom Firms in Bangladesh. Journal of Management Business and Economics, Vol. 8, No. 3.
  5. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1982). An Economic Analysis of Excess Capacity in Selected Handloom and Powerloom Industries in Bangladesh. Journal of Management, Business and Economics, Vol. 8, No. 1.
  6. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1983). Industrial Skill and Technology Development.
    Journal of Management, Business and Economics, Vol. VIII, No. 4.
  7. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1983). British Policy for Weaving Industry and Decay of Weaving Industry of Bangladesh. Journal of Management, Business and Economics, Vol. 9, No. 4.
  8. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1983). Tobacco Cultivation in Bangladesh ADAB News: The Journal of the ADAB, Vol. 9.
  9. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1984).Growth of Ready-Made Garments Industry in Bangladesh. Journal of Management Business and Economics, Vol. 10, No. 4.
  10. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1984). Handloom Industry in the District of Rajshahi: A Prospective Field of Output and Employment Generations. In the District of Rajshahi: It’s Past and Present (published by the Institute of Bangladesh Studies).
  11. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1986).Utilization of Development Assistance Fund by Upazila Parishad: A Deviational Analysis. The Young Economist, Upazilla Issue, April.
  12. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1987). An Investigation into Measurement of Productivity in Cotton Textile Industry: Some Methodological Issues. BMET, The George Washington University, U.S.A.
  13. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Analysis of Productivity in Cotton Textile Manufacturing Industry of Bangladesh, 1969–1982.Department of Economics, D.U.
  14. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Handloom Sector Study – 1988.
    Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS).
  15. Ahmad, M., Chowdhury, N., & Islam, A.F.M. Mafizul. (1988). Handloom Industry: Analysis of Finance, Assistance Policy and Financial Instrumentalities for the Development of Handloom in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III (conducted by BIDS for the Ministry of Textiles, Government of Bangladesh).
  16. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). The Grameen Bank Project: An Analysis of Growth and Coverage of Handloom Credit. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  17. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC): An Analysis of Handloom Credit Operation. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  18. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Weavers Cooperatives in Bangladesh.
    BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  19. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Issues in Finance and Related Institutions in the Handloom Sector. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  20. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Weavers Credit Scheme – 1982. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  21. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Sources of Finance for Investment and Working Capital for Handloom Weaving Industry: Review of Internal, External, Institutional and Non-Institutional Sources. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  22. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Bank Credit to the Handloom and Powerloom Sector and to the Yarn Trade. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  23. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1988). Financial Assistance Modalities for the Development of the Handloom Sector. BIDS (Handloom Sector Study, Vol. III).
  24. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989). Nominal and Effective Rates of Protection in Handloom Production. The Bangladesh Development Studies, Vol. XII, Nos. 1–2.
  25. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989). Plant Level Analysis of Productivity of Labour in Cotton Textile Industry of Bangladesh. Political Economy, Vol. 11.
  26. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989). Sources of Fund and Extent of Borrowing in Handloom Industry of Bangladesh. Small Enterprise Management Development and Extension Journal, Vol. XVI, No. 4.
  27. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989).Performance and Management of Rural Cooperatives in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Economic Association, Political Economy.
  28. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989).Process-by-process Level Analysis of Productivity: A Case Study of a Spinning Mill. Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 15, No. 2.
  29. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989).World Population and Distribution of World Income. The Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 15, No. 5.
  30. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989).Measurement and Analysis of Productivity with Particular Reference to Cotton Textile Manufacturing of Bangladesh. Paper presented at the International Conference on Comparative Management and Business Studies (October 5–7, 1989, Bloomsburg University, U.S.A.).
  31. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1989).Environment and Its Impact on Child Behavior. Community Education.
  32. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1990).Measurement and Analysis of Productivity in Cotton Textile Industry of Bangladesh. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 26, No. 4.
  33. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1990).Operational Performance of Handloom Industry in Bangladesh. Social Science Review, Vol. VII, No. 1.
  34. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1990).Bangladesh Faces the Future. Journal of Business Administration.
  35. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1990).Need for Institutional Credit in Agriculture Sector. The Dhaka University Studies (Commerce Faculty), Vol. 4.
  36. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1991).Bank Credit to Handloom Industry of Bangladesh: A Demand and Supply Side Analysis. Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 17, Nos. 1–2.
  37. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1991).Problems of Economic Development of Underdeveloped Economy. Journal of Business Administration, Vols. 16 & 17 (December).
  38. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1991).Case Studies of Income Generating Activities (Bengali Book Review).The Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 17.
  39. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1992).Productivity and Wages and Distribution of Productivity Gains. Paper presented at the Seminar on Productivity organized by the National Productivity Organization (NPO) in January 1992.
  40. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1994).Development of Rural Agro-based Enterprises in Bangladesh: Approaches, Performances, Problems and Potentials. Farm Economy, Vol. 9.
  41. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1995).Productivity in Bangladesh Economy with Special Emphasis on Manufacturing Sector. Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 21, Nos. 3 & 4.
  42. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1996). Grameen Bank Model: Its Replicability Potential for Weavers’ Credit. Finance and Banking, Vol. 5, Nos. 1 & 2 (January).
  43. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (1996).Origin and Growth of Textile Industry in Bangladesh. Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 22, Nos. 3 & 4.
  44. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2000).Bangladesh in International Economy: The Need for Strategic Shifts. Funded by United States Information Services (USIS), January 2000.
  45. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2000).Study on Impact of SAARC Cumulation on Agreement on Bangladesh RMG and Textile Sectors: Bangladesh and on the Overall Economy of Bangladesh.IDA Credit No. 3229-BD, December 2000.
  46. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2000).Bangladesh Economy: Some Analytical Issues. Imperial Books. [In Bengali]
  47. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2001).Basic Research in X Productivity, Competitiveness and Quality Jobs: The Case of Ready-Made Garments Sector in Bangladesh. Funded by Asian Productivity Organization (APO).
  48. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2001).Monopolization Under Globalization?: An Analysis of the Consequence of Globalisation on the World Economy. The Chartered Secretary, Vol. II, No. 8.
  49. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2001).Devaluation of Money: An Economic Analysis. Unnyan Samikkha, Vol. 18.
  50. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2001).Banking Sector in Bangladesh: Its Contribution and Performance.Journal of Business Research, Vol. 3.
  51. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2002).Basic Research Report: Enhancing Productivity, Competitiveness and Quality Jobs – The Asian Experience.Funded and published by Asian Productivity Organization (APO).
  52. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2012).Shift in Global Economic Power and Appearance of China and India as Emerging Tigers.Journal for Contemporary Development and Management.
  53. Professor Dr. A.F.M. Mafizul Islam. (2021). Economics Consciences of COVID-19, Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, Special Issue COVID-19. Institute of Research and Training.
  • Alfred Nobel Business School (Sweden) International Management Education Scholarship
  • Undergraduate and Graduate Merit Scholarship, Rajshahi University
  • Rajshahi Board Merit Scholarship (SSC-10 th and HSC-8 th Place)
  • Obtained Primary School and Junior School Scholarship
  • Member, Institute of Training and Development, UK
  • Member, Bangladesh Economic Association
  • Member, Bangladesh Sociological Association
  • Member, Bangladesh Agricultural Association.
Year Institution Locatio Position
Nov2019 – 30 Aprl 2024 Southeast University Bangladesh Vice Chancellor
9 Jan 2017 – 23 Nov 2019 Southeast University Bangladesh Adviser, BoT
24 Aug 2016- 8 Jan 2017 Southeast University Bangladesh Vice Chancellor
1 Dec 2015- 23 Aug 2016 Southeast Business School Bangladesh Professor/ Dean
11 May 2015 –23 Aug 2016 Institute of Research & Training Bangladesh Director
2016-2017 University of Finance andManagement in Bialystok PolandUK Campus Vice Rector
1984-1912 (leave 2005-12) IBA, University of Dhaka Bangladesh Professor (Lec-Prf)
2002-2004 Management Consultancy ProgmIBA, University of Dhaka Banglades-h Professor &Chairman
1995-1997 Management Development ProgmIBA, University of Dhaka Bangladesh Assoc Professor &Chairman
2005-2006 London College of Management UK Reader
2007-2012 London Churchill College UK Principal
1981-1984 Institute of Bangladesh StudiesRajshahi University Bangladesh Fellow
1986-2002(Part-time) Bangladesh Association ofCommunity Education Bangladesh TrainerFeeder School staff
1984-1912 (leave 2005-12) IBA, University of Dhaka Bangladesh Faculty
1980-1981 Bangladesh Academy for RuralDevelopment (BARD) Bangladesh Deputy Director