Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Ms. Fahmida Afrin  Lecturer
Name :
Ms. Fahmida Afrin
Employee ID
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage

B.Sc. in Computer Science and Engineering, Jagannath University.

  1. Training on “Mobile Application” under National Mobile Application Trainer and Innovative Application Development Program by ICT Division.
  2. Top Up It Training in .Net and Soft Skill ,ICT Ministry.
  3. Training on “Computer Interfacing and Embedded System” by GOLD Affinity Group, IEEE Bangladesh Section and ITRRC, HEQEP of Dept. of C.S.E. ,Jagannath University.
  4. English Spoken Training Course from S@ifur’s from 13thMay, 2006 to 13thAugust, 2006.
  5. Teacher training program for 5 days at Daffodil International University arranged by DIUHRD.


  • Database Management System
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Microprocessor and Assembly Language
  • Software Engineering
  • Operating System

Journal :


  1. Md. Kowsher, FarhanaSharminTithi, TapasyRabeya, Fahmida Afrin and Mohammad Nurul Huda , “Type 2 Diabetics Treatment and Medication Detection with Machine Learning Classifier Algorithm”,(2018) International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2018.
  2. Fahmida  Afrin,  Md.  Al-Amin  and  Mehnaz  Tabassum, "Comparative  Performance Of Using PCA With  KMeans  And  Fuzzy  C  Means  Clustering  For  Customer  Segmentation", International  Journal  of  Scientific  &  Technology  Research, vol. 4, October 2015, pages 70-74, ISSN 2277-8616.


  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning  
  • Internet of Things
  • Math Olympiad Champion in Siddheswari Girl’s Colleage , 2007.
  • Debate Champion in Dhaka District, Biggan o GronthoBorsho, Organized by BD Govt., 2005.