Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Masud Rana Rashel  Assistant Professor
Name :
Dr. Masud Rana Rashel
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage
  • Ph.D. - University of Evora, Portugal - 2018
  • M.Sc. - United International University - 2014
  • B.Sc.  - United International University - 2008
  • Smart Grid - Gelisim University, Turkey - 2016 (1 Week)
  • Researcher - United International University  - 2017 (4 Month)


  • System Engineer - Kona Software Lab Ltd 2012(May)–2015(February)
  • Instructor (Part t.) - United International University - 2014

Publications in National and International Conference/Seminar 

SL. Title of the Paper with Author(s) Name of the Proceedings, PP, Year and Country 
1 Rashel M R, Gonçalves T, Tlemçani M, Melicio R, “Photovoltaic cell performance analysis under different ambient temperature and wind speed for sustainable energy” proc. Of Workshop on Sustainability and Green Technology, Vietnam, 2017
2 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., “MATLAB Simulink modeling of Photovoltaic Cells for understanding shadow effect” International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2016.
3 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., “Sensitivity analysis of parameters of a photovoltaic cell under different condition 10th International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management & Applications, China, 2016.
4 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., “Analyzing Ambient Temperature and Wind Speed Effect on the Photovoltaic Cell” Workshop on Earth Sciences, Portugal, 2016.
5 Ahmed, T., Gonçalves, T., Albino, A., Rashel, M.R., Veiga, A., Tlemçani, M., “Different parameters variation analysis of a PV cell” The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2016.
6 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., “Sensitivity Analysis of Environmental and Internal Parameters of a Photovoltaic cell” 3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference, Designing Cities & Communities for the Future, Portugal, 2017
7 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., “Error Function Analysis of Five-Parameter Model of Photovoltaic Cell” 5th Anniversary of ANSOLE, International Conference on Renewable Energy ,  Egypt, 2016
8 Rashel, M.R., Albino, A., Gonçalves, T., Veiga, A., Ahmed, T., Tlemçani, M., “Comparison of Photovoltaic panel’s standard and simplified models” The International Conference for Students on Applied Engineering, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 2016
9 Rashel, M.R., Ahmed, T., Goncalves, T., Tlemcani, M., Melicio, R., “Analysis of different types of obstacles for PV panel”, Poster paper in Eradication Poverty through Energy Innovation Workshop, Arizona State University, USA, 2018.

Publications in National/International Journals 

SL. Title with Author(s) Journal, with Vol. Number, PP, Year of Publication and Country 
1. M.R. Rashel, Md. Tofael Ahmed, Teresa Goncalves, Mouhaydine Tlemcani, “Analysis of Environmental Parameters Sensitivity to Improve Modeling of a c-Si Panel  Sensor Letters, Vol.16, pp. 1-6, March 2018
2. M.R. Rashel, M.R., Rifath, J., Gonçalves, T., Tlemçani, M., Melício, R., “Sensitivity analysis through error function of crystalline-Si photovoltaic cell model integrated in a smart grid” International Journal of Renewable Energy Research. Vol. 7, No. 4, 2017
  • Erasmus Mundus External operation Window - FUSION scholarship.(2015-2017) - European Union 2015
  • Erasmus Mundus External operation Window-eLink - European Union 2010



  • Member of Organizing Committee: 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials for Photonics, Sensing and Energy Applications’2018
  • Member of Technical program Committee and Reviewer: International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition'2018
  • Reviewer: International Journal of Renewable Energy Research.