Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. Md. Sohidul Islam  Associate Professor
Name :
Dr. Md. Sohidul Islam
Employee ID
Associate Professor  
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage
  • Ph.D. in Information and Computer Science (Ongoing), Saitama University, Japan
  • Ph.D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Islamic University of Technology, Bangladesh
  • Hands-on Satellite Design: CanSat, Technical University Berlin, Germany
  • M.Sc. in Telecommunication Engineering, East West University, Bangladesh
  • B.Sc. in Computer Engineering, American International University-Bangladesh


1. Cisco Networking Academy Program:
●  Instructor of Certification in IT Essentials 7.0 Course
●  Introduction to Cyber Security (Learner)
●  IoT and Digital Transformation (Learner)

●  CISCO CCNAv7: Introduction to Networks
●  CISCO CCNAv7: Switching, Routing, and Wireless Essentials v7.02
●  CISCO CCNAv7: Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation

3. Hands-on Satellite Design:
●  beSpace Gmbh / TU Berlin
●  Expertise in on-board computer design and coding, payload analysis, and communication module design for CUBESAT/CanSat systems.

Wireless Communications, Cybersecurity, Data Communications, Computer Networks, Research Methodology

  1. Md. Sohidul Islam, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura, "Novel Tight Closed-Form Capacity Analysis for Rician Fading Wireless Channel Using Small Limit Argument Approximation", Journal of Signal Processing, vol. 28 no. 4 pp. 119-122, July 2024.
  2. Md. Sohidul Islam, Y. Sugiura and T. Shimamura, "Novel Tight Closed-Form Capacity Analysis for Rician Fading Wireless Channel Using Small Limit Argument Approximation", in Proc. International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP’24), Hawaii, USA, pp. 145-148, Feb. 2024.
  3. K. Raiyan,  S. Khan, Md Sohidul Islam, K. Tanveer & P. Saha, "Use of Metaverse Technology in Education Domain", Journal of Metaverse, Vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 79 - 86, 2023.
  4. Md. Sohidul Islam, M. Sajjad, M. Mahmudul Hasan, and M. Sakib Islam Mazumder, “Phishing Attack Detecting System Using DNS and IP Filtering”, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology,  vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 16–20, Apr. 2023.
  5. Borshan Sarker Sonok, Md. Sohidul Islam & Md. Mazid-Ul-Haque, "Hoyt Wireless Fading Channel Capacity Analysis Using Large Limit Argument Approximation", in proc. International Conference on Computing Advancements (ICCA 2022), ACM Digital Library, 10-12 March 2022, AIUB, DHAKA, Bangladesh.
  6. E. Abrar, N. Hasan, A. Biswas, S.  Shohag & Md. Sohidul Islam, "Analysis of Micro Duty Cycle Techniques for Efficient SMAC", in proc. International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), IEEE Xplore, 5-7 , AIUB, DHAKA, Bangladesh 2021.
  7. Md. Sohidul Islam & Khan, A., “Outage Capacity Analysis for Next Generation Wireless Communication Using Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access”, International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, vol. 16, no. 12, pp. 587 – 591, 2022.
  8. Md. Mazid-Ul-Haque and Md. Sohidul Islam "Data Rate Limit in Low and High SNR Regime for Nakagami-q Fading Wireless Channel", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications , vol. 11, no.7, pp. 636-641, 2020.
  9. Siam Bin Shawkat, Md. Mazid-Ul-Haque, Md. Sohidul Islam, Borshan Sarker Sonok "Fundamental Capacity Analysis for Identically Independently Distributed Nakagami-q Fading Wireless Communication", International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 659-663, 2020.
  10. Md. Sohidul Islam, Mohammad Rakibul Islam, "Secrecy Mutual Information of the Independent and Identically Distributed Nakagami-q Fading SIMO Channel", IETE Journal of Research, vol. 65, no.3, pp.387-396, 2018.
  11. Md. Sohidul Islam, Mohammad Rakibul Islam , "Average secrecy mutual information of the non-identically independently distributed hoyt fading wireless channels", International Journal of Electrical, Computer, Energetic, Electronic and Communication Engineering, vol. 9, no. 11, pp. 1313-1319, 2015.
  12. Mohammad Rakibul Islam, Mamoudou Mamadou, Md. Sohidul Islam, "Design and analysis of a highly sensetive hollow-core photonic crystal fiber for chemical sensing", Journal of Nanophotonics, vol. 14, no.3, pp. 036014-1- 036014-16, November 2020. Web of Science
  13. Md. Sohidul Islam, KM Samaun Reza, Mohammad Rakibul Islam , "Low Loss Topas Based Porous-Core Single-Mode Photonic Crystal Fiber for THz communications", Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, vol. 57, no.11,pp. 836-41, November 2019. Web of Science (Clarivate).
  14. Md. Sohidul Islam, Jamilur Reza, Mohammad Rakibul Islam,"Topas Based Low Loss and Dispersion Flatten Decagonal Porous Core Photonic Crystal Fiber for Terahertz Communication", Int. Jour. of Micwav. and Opt. Tech., vol.14, no., pp. 62-69, January 2019. Scopus Indexed.
  15. Md. Sohidul Islam, KM Samaun Reza, Mohammad Rakibul Islam, "Topas based high birefringent and low loss single-mode hybrid core porous fiber for broad-band applications", Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, vol. 56, no. 05, pp. 399-404, May 2018. Web of Science (Clarivate).
  16. Md. Sohidul Islam, M. Mofazzal Hossain and Mohammad Rakibul Islam, "Computation of Thermally Accessible Electronic States and Potentials of Fluorine, Oxygen and Nitrogen at Thermal Equilibrium Condition", in proc. 23rd Bangladesh Science Conference, 15-17 October 2015, BSMRAU, Gazipur.
  17. Md. Sohidul Islam, Dr. Mohammad Rakibul Islam,2013,"Positive Secrecy Mutual Information over non-identically independently distributed Nakagami-q Fading Wireless Channel", International Conference on Engineering, Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE), 10-13 January 2013, SUST, Sylhet.
  18. Md. Sohidul Islam, Mohammad Rakibul Islam, "Capacity of a SIMO System Over Hoyt Fading Wireless Channels", DUET Journal, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 19-23, May 2014.

  • Information Theory
  • Physical Layer Security    
  • Channel capacity and secrecy capacity analysis for wireless communication
  • WSN based applications in transportation and agriculture
  • Cybersecurity: Phishing link detection using machine learning
  • THz photonics for telecommunication and sensing
  • Best Paper Award: 2024 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications, and Signal Processing (NCSP’24), Hawaii, USA
  • DAAD Scholarship, Technical University Berlin, Germany
  • Excellent Academic Performance Award 2024, Saitama University, Japan.
  • Monbukagakusho (JASSO ) Honors Scholarship PFIS, Saitama University, Japan, 2023-24.


  • Research Assistant, Saitama University, Japan
  • Associate Professor, American International University-Bangladesh
  • Assistant Professor & Head, German University Bangladesh
  • Lecturer, Asian University of Bangladesh