Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Mr. Abu Hayat  Lecturer
Name :
Mr. Abu Hayat
Employee ID
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage

1. Master of Science (M.S.) in Physics, Jahangirnagar University (2021 held in 2023), GPA 3.96 (1st class 1st position)
2. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Physics, Jahangirnagar University (2020 held in 2022), CGPA 3.82 (1st class 1st position)

Teaching Apprentice Fellowship (TAF)
 HRDI, Daffodil International University
 Two Days’ Induction Training for Teachers which included the following:
 (a) Introducing IQAC Institutional Quality Assurance Cell by Professor Dr. A. K. M. Fazlul Haque, Director, IQAC, DIU
 (b) Outcome Based Education (OBE) & Bloom’s Taxonomy by Mr. Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty, Associate Professor and Associate Head, CSE
 (c) Using Online Facilities in Teaching: Blended Learning Center (BLC)
 (d) AI Education by Mr. Amit Chakraborty, Assistant Professor, CSE

Capacity Development Training
"How to Make a Perfect Online Course for the Students" facilitated by Dm. Mehedi Hasan Abid, 2024
A Teacher Training session on "Towards Excellence in Educational Leadership" facilitated by Prof. Dr. Franco Gandolfi
"To Be a Good Teacher" organized by HRDI, DIU, 2023
"OBE Based Course File Preparedness" organized by CE, DIU, 2023
"OBE Based Course File Preparedness and OBE Software Demo" organized by EEE, DIU, 2023
"Conduction of Examination and Examination Rules" organized by Exam Controller Office, DIU, 2023

1. Classical Mechanics
2. Optics
3. Thermodynamics
4. Wave and Oscillation
5. Electricity and Magnetism
6. Modern Physics
7. Quantum Mechanics
8. Lab Experiment Conduction (Electrical and Solid)

1. A Hayat, S Sultana, M R Hossen,  M Salahuddin, A A Mamun, Dust-acoustic shock waves in non thermal dusty plasma , Plasma Physics Reports.(Under Review).

2. A Hayat, S Sultana, M R Hossen,  M Salahuddin, A A Mamun, Modulational Instability Of Dust Ion Acoustic Waves In Superthermal Dusty Plasma, Plasmas of Physics (Submitted).

Plasma Physics: “Non-linear electrostatic modes in non Maxwellian plasmas”

  • National Science & Technology (N.S.T.) fellowship (2022-2023).
  • Got Scholarship from Jahangirnagar University BCS officers Forum (JUBOF),(2023).
  • University yearly awarded Scholarship (2016-2020).
  • Attended Disaster Resilience Week 2023 ,organized by the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief at Pan Pacific Sonargaon , Dhaka.
  • Attended 5th  International conference on "Physics for Sustainable Development & Technology (ICPSDT2023)” (7-8 September, 2023).


  • Employ differentiated teaching methods, incorporating audio and visual activities to address all learning styles.
  • Work as a lab-in-charge in “Plasma Physics Research Lab”.
  • Instruct several MS thesis and project students in “Plasma Physics Research Lab”. Educational Background MS Thesis Title International Publications Language Proficiency Key Responsibilities Handled
  • Organize several occasions on behalf of “Plasma Physics Research Lab”.


  • Lecturer (Contractual) at Daffodil International University, Birulia, Savar, Dhaka.
  • Lecturer (Part time) at United International University, North Badda, Dhaka. Bangladesh.