Department of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Ms. Mrittika Shil  Lecturer (Senior Scale)
Name :
Ms. Mrittika Shil
Employee ID
Lecturer (Senior Scale)  
Department of Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Personal Webpage

B.B.A (Major in Management), University of Dhaka.

M.B.A (Major in Strategic and International Management), University of Dhaka.


  1. Training on Research Methodology arranged by University of Dhaka, Department of Management.
  2. Training on Stata Application arranged by Faculty of Business Administration, University of Dhaka.
  3. Training on Participatory Engagement Training (PET) arranged by Daffodil International University.
  4. Training on Structured Equation Model (SEM) facilitated by Daffodil International University.
  5. Successfully Completed “Teaching with Passion”-Held on 18th to 26th December, arranged by HRDI, DIU. Key Facilitator: Ahamed Mustafa, Purdue University, USA.
  6. SPSS for Quantitative Reserach, Department of Biostatistics, University of Dhaka, February- March, 2019

Session, Workshops & Seminars Attended in 2019

1. Attended session on Questioning Questions Poster Exhibition conducted by Honorable VC Professor Yousuf Mahbubul Islam Chowdhury on June 11, 2019) at 3pm - 5pm in Banquet Hall , DIU

2. Attended workshop on 'Quality in Higher Education: Teaching Learning Perspective' (Key facilitator: Professor Dr. Quamrul H. Mazumder, P.E., Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan-Flint, USA) on 25 April, 2019 

3. Attended IQAC Workshop: "Building Awareness on Orientation of SA Process Flow among 9 new SAC, DIU , on 27 March, 2019 (Day: Wednesday) at 2:45 p.m. (BST) , Conference Room (6th floor), Daffodil Tower- 4, of Daffodil International University  

4. Attended Workshop on "Practice Oriented Teaching” organized by Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship (FBE), DIU on March 11, 2019 (Monday) at 04:00 p.m at Digital Class Room-604, Daffodil Tower conducted by professor Aminul Islam.

5. Attended Workshop on Strategic Plan arranged by  Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship (FBE) will be held on March 2, 2019 (Saturday) at 10:00 a.m  and conducted by Professor Dr. Md. Aminul Islam, School of Business Innovation and Technopreneurship at Universiti Malaysia Perlis .

6. Attended a workshop on: Use of Scopus and Science Direct, and Bibliographic Management System "Mendeley "for Research and Publications conducted by Mr. Vishal Gupta, Consultant of ELSEVIER'S South Asian Team, New Delhi, India. Division of Research at Banquet Hall, Daffodil Tower.

7. Attended the  4-days long  Research Workshop on-“Structural Equation Modeling (S.E.M)” organized by  Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management and Department of Innovation &  Entrepreneurship conducted by  Dr. Selim Ahmed, Head, World School of Business, World University of Bangladesh at Room no- 405, Account Building, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management.      

 8. Attended Session on "Entrepreneurship Development" conducted by Prof. Dr. Aminul Islam, University Malaysia Perlis which will be held on 22nd July 2019 at 10.30 am in the Room no 301. 

9.  Attended Seminar on Big Data Analytics in Digital Economy: A New Paradigm of Innovation and Growth held on July 25 (today) at 4.00 pm in the Auditorium 71, Daffodil Tower, Daffodil International University conducted by Professor Dr. Shahriar Akter, University of Wollongong, Australia.  

10. Attended seminar on "Teaching, Research and Professional Development: Reflection of my Professional Journey” , Date        : July 29th, 2019 (Monday),Time       : 03: 45 PM ,Venue    : Milonayotan-71, Daffodil Tower (Sobhanbag, Dhanmondi)conducted by Professor Dr. Ahmed Mustafa, Professor, Department of Biology & Director, Life Science Resource Center, Purdue University Fort Wayne, USA 

11. Attended 1st Academic Lecture Series on “Entrepreneurial Role of an Executive” held at Daffodil International University organized by Career Development Center (CDC), Keynote speaker : Mr. Md. Arfan Ali, President & Managing Director of Bank Asia Ltd 

12. Attended on Workshop on 'Compliance of Self-Assessment Process Flow' (for new 9 SA Departments-IQAC), 07 September, 2019 conducted by Professor Dr. M. Mozahar Ali, Director, Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural University  at  Saturday on 10:00 to 13:00, Venue: Digital Classroom (Room No: 201, Department of Pharmacy), Daffodil Tower, Daffodil International University

13. Attended Writing Research proposal for Funded Projects and PhD Admission, 27th Aug, 2019) at 10 am the TIU team, Digital Classroom (Room No: 201, Department of Pharmacy), Daffodil Tower, Daffodil International University.

14. Attended session on ‘Core Team Members to support teaching development’ on October 29, 2019 (Tuesday) at 9:30 AM, Room no-604 conducted by Honorable Vice Chancellor Yousuf Mahbubul Islam Chowdhury. 

15. Attended seminar on " Promoting Micro enterprise in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Prospects, Dated on 13th November, Organizer PKSF, Media Bazar, BICC, Sher-E- Bangla Nagor, Dhaka.

16. Attened seminar on "The role of academia in achieving Sustainable Development Goals"  held on 27 November 2019 , Time: 10 am to 01 pm at 71 Milinayoton, Daffodil Tower, Organizer:

17. Attended workshop on "Journey towards PhD" 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm,Date : 20th November 2019 (Wednesday),Venue : Room#308, 2nd floor, Main campus, DIU (102 Sukrabad, Mirpur road, Dhanmondi)

Research Articles

  1. Shil, M.,Shibli, S, M., Sultana, S., Rahman, S.N.,& Zayed, M.N.,(2020), INTRODUCTION TO UNIVERSITY BASED ENTREPRENEURSHIP ECOSYSTEM (U-BEE): A MODEL CASE STUDY FROM BANGLADESH, International Journal of Entrepreneurship, 24(1), 1-9.
  2. Shil, M., Barman, R. C., Zayed, N. M., Shahi, S. K. & Neloy, A. H. (2020). Global Transition of HR Practices in COVID-19 Pandemic Situation: A Systematic Review through 5P'S Model of HRM. Management and Human Resource Research Journal [on line], 9(6), pp. 50-57

Conference presentation at 2022 and 2021

  1. Sultana Sharmin, Parvez Mahbub, Shil Mrittika, Potentialities of Dental Tourism in Bangladesh: A Feasibility Study, presented at  1st Regional Conference on Marketing and International Business, RCMIB 2021 Proceedings,  August 20, 2021. Dhaka-Bangladesh.
  2. Shil. M, Ejaj Farhan, Farhana tisha & Jahan Naima, An Invisible War of COVID-19: Testimony of Start-Ups for Pandemic and Post Pandemic Preparationpresented at International Conference on Business Management, Macroeconomic Applications and Entrepreneurship Principles & Practices for Sustainable Development: Issues & Challenges,  27-28 March 2022.
  3. Shil, M., Ghosh, R., & Barman, R. (2020). Funding Accessibility for Micro Entrepreneurs: An Empirical Analysis Based on Bangladesh. In International Conference on Management of Innovation and Sustainability: Vision 2041(p. 38). DHAKA: IBA, University of Dhaka.

Labor Productivity in Bangladesh: An Analysis on RMG Sector. ( M.B.A thesis)

Conference paper

1. Shil, M., & Shahriar,S.M.,(December, 2019),Transfiguration & adoption of University based entrepreneurship ecosystem in Bangladesh: A case study of Daffodil International University presented at  4th International Conference on Globalisation, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies (ICGEEE), Dhaka, Bangladesh. 

2. Babu, A.R., Shil, M., & Shahriar,S.M.,(December, 2019), An Investigative analysis on entrepreneurial intention of entrepreneurship education at the secondary and higher secondary level in Bangladesh, presented at  4th International Conference on Globalisation, Entrepreneurship and Emerging Economies (ICGEEE), Dhaka, Bangladesh.


1. Selecting Tourism Destination through Social Media: Evidence from Bangladesh. Author: Sharmin Sultana and Mrittika Shil, ISSN 2664-3413 (Print) 2664-3421 (Online), Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 12, No. 2, PP. 58-65, December 2019.

Dean’s Award 2015. Faculty of Business Studies, University of Dhaka.

  1. Dhaka University Management Club.
  2. Dhaka University Career Club
  3. Food For People, Advisor.