Department of English
Ms. Farjana Yesmin  Lecturer
Name :
Ms. Farjana Yesmin
Employee ID
Department of English
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Personal Webpage

Master of Arts in English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Arts in English, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh


  1. Participated in a workshop titled “Teaching Language through Story Telling” organized by Department of English, Daffodil International University, Dhaka on 3rd December, 2016
  2. Participated in a workshop under the banner of IQAC, Self-Assessment Committee of Department of English, Daffodil International University (DIU) titled “Workshop 3: Preparing and Submission of Improvement Plan” on  October 08, 2016
  3. Participated in a workshop titled “Curriculum Development & Materials Design for the Teaching of English at the Tertiary Level” organized by Department of English in collaboration with IQAC, Daffodil International University on 26th August, 2016
  4. Participated in a workshop titled “Sharing Survey Results of Self Assessment Process of English Department under IQAC” organized by Department of English, Daffodil International University, Dhaka on 13th June, 2016
  5. Participated in an IQAC Workshop on “Pedagogy in Theory & Practice” by Shaptaparna Roy from India on April 24, 2016 organized by Daffodil International University, Dhaka.
  6. Participated in the third Seminar on “Action Research” at Daffodil International University on Thursday, 07 April, 2016 in DIU Auditorium
  7. Participated in a Symposium titled “Teaching of English Pronunciation in Bangladesh: Issues and Practicesorganized by the Department of English, Daffodil International University on 14 January 2017

Literatures in English