Department of English
Rabeya Binte Habib  Assistant Professor
Name :
Rabeya Binte Habib
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of English
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Personal Webpage

MA Teaching English to the Speaker's of Other Languages (In-Service)
Institute of Education, University College London (Qs Ranking 2025 - 9th globally)
IOE, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society, has been consistently ranked Number 1 for Education since 2014 (QS World University Rankings by Subject, 2025).


  1. Attended 50th British Association of Applied Linguistics Conference 2017 at University of Leeds, UK from August 31- September 2 being awarded Early Academic Career Grant by ACU
  2. Actively participated as Rapporteur and Co-chair in the daylong Symposium titled, “Teaching of English Pronunciation in Bangladesh: Issues and Practices” organized by Department of English, DIU in DT 05, on 14th January, 2017
  3. Participated in the seminar titled, “CLT: Its present scenario & future prospects in Bangladesh” facilitated by Dr.Obaidul Hamid, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, organized by Department of English, DIU in DT 05, on 10th December, 2016
  4. Participated in the daylong workshop titled, “Curriculum & Materials Design in the Teaching of English at the Tertiary Level” facilitated by Dr.Fakrul Alam  & Dr.Shamshad Mortuza, Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka,Dr.Mohammad Shahidullah, Professor, , Department of English, Rajshahi University, Dr. Mark Bartholomew, Director ,Quality Assessment and Capacity Building, BRAC University and Dr.Sayeedur Rahman, Associate Professor, Department of English, IML, University of Dhaka, jointly organized by Department of English & IQAC, DIU in DT 05, on 26th August, 2016 .
  5. Attended a workshop on "Curriculum Development & Materials Design for the Teaching of English at the Tertiary Level” on 26th August, Friday in the auditorium of Daffodil Tower 05.
  6. Attended  a seminar and workshop entitled " Using Bangla Phonetic Alphabet (BPA) for Teaching English Phonetics" conducted by Mr. Aminur Rahman Applied Linguist(Australia), on 18th February, 2016, at DIU Auditorium.
  7. A seminar on “Social Awareness and Ethical Development of female students” held on 26 May 2016 at DIU Auditorium from 3:00 to 5:00 pm. Advocate Sultana Kamal, Chairperson of the Transparency International, Bangladesh (TIB) and Professor Dr. Taslima Monsur, Dean, Faculty of Law, Dhaka University
  8. Workshop on ‘Providing Effective Feedback’ by Dr. Sharmin Khan Department of Linguistics and Language Development, San José State University, San José, California on January 06, 2016 organized by BELTA
  9. A workshop titled, ‘Self- Assessment and Improvement Plan and Peer Review Process’ facilitated by Dr. Habibur Rahman held on 13th March, 2016 in Banquet Hall, DT 5, organized by Department of English, DIU.
  10. Workshops conducted by Fulbright fellow Claire B. Siskin held at DIU.
  11. Teachers’ training on “Quality Enhancement in Teaching and Learning” by Dr. Wendy Garland 2015.
  12. Workshops on "How Learning Works: Brain-Based Approach” and “Best Practices for Teaching Writing,” held in December, 2014 at Daffodil International University.
  13. Participated in a workshop on Active Learning through Teaching Instructional Strategies organized by Daffodil International University, Dhaka on 19th May, 2015
  14. Workshop on Bridging the Gap: Facilitating Student-Centered Learning held in November, 2014 at The Department of English & Humanities, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, in partnership with the US Embassy, Dhaka.
  15. Attended a 2-week intensive Oxford University English Language Teacher's Summer Seminar 2014 in Exeter College, London from 27th July to 9th August
  16. BELTA IML “Teacher Development Workshop-Teaching Writing: Assessment and Feedback” on January 3, 2014
  17. Attended a seminar on “Postmodern Fiction”, facilitated by Professor Dr. Syed Manzoorul Islam, Professor, Department of English, University of Dhaka organized by DIU on 27th June, 2013.
  18. BELTA ELT Workshop ‘Developing Assessment Skills’ on July 5-6, 2013 in Brac Center Inn, Mohakhali, Dhaka
  19. South Asian English Educators Program “Stimulating Innovative Practices in ELT” conducted on September 2012
  20. Teacher Knowledge Test (TKT) Module-Two of Cambridge ESOL with British Council from 10th February-20 April, 2012
  21. EWU-THT-BELTA Language Teaching program on “Innovative Approaches in ELT” on July 22-23, 2011
  22. Teacher Training Workshop on “Interactive Teaching” provided by BELTA on June 26, 2010
  23. British Council-BELTA English Language Teacher Educator Workshop on “Exploring  Recent Practices in Teacher Development” on 27 December, 2010 December, 2010

English Language and Linguistics

International Referred Journals:

  • ‘Alternative Learning Experiences: An Innovative Project Stimulating Creative Faculty of Humanities Students’ (In Press) has been accepted as a full paper for Springer publication and to be indexed to Elsevier (EI), Thomson Scientific (ISI), Scopus, Crossref, Google Scholar, DBLP, and others.
  • Habib, R. B. (2017). ‘Students Teaching Students: An Innovative Project Incorporating Active Learning at Language Classroom’. Journal of Education and Humanities Development (JEHD), Volume-6, Issue 2, Pp-182-199. American Research Institute for Policy Development (ARIPD): USA
  • Habib, R.B. (2013). (Un) Intelligibility in EIL Pronunciation: An AnalysisIOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS, Volume 14, Issue 4 (Sep. - Oct. 2013), PP 21-26 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845.www.Iosrjournals.Org. IOSR:India

International Referred Conference Proceedings:

  • Habib, R. B. (2012).” Teacher Education Policy in Bangladesh: Gap to be Bridged”. In Jai Raj Awasthi, Sajan Kumar Karn, Prem Phayak,  NELTA Conference Proceedings 2012. Paper presented at 17th NELTA International Conference “Beyond Binaries: Sharing ELT Practices and Creating the Future", Nepal (Pp: 97-100). Nepal: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group.

Conference Paper(s) and Workshop(s): 

  1. "(A)Synchronous Live Presentations: A Next Level Framework for Tech-Enhanced ESL Learner Development" presented at ICSS XVI, 16th  International Conference on Social Sciences in France. The paper was also accepted at Asia TEFL 2018 (Hongkong), World Call 2018 (Chile), LinELT 2018 (Spain). 
  2. "Google Classroom for Sustainable ESL Learner Development: How and What can be Achieved?" presented at National Conference on Achieving  Sustainable Developing Goals in Bangladesh: Educational Responses, Challenges, and Possibilities organised by the Institute of Education Research, University of Dhaka on March 31-April 1, 2018 
  3. "Proficiency Assessment through (A)Synchronous Live Presentations: A Longitudinal Case Study" in 8th BELTA International Conference, 2018 at IUB on January 12-14, 2018
  4. "Students Teaching Students: Active Learning for Enhanced EFL Learner Involvement" at 1st IML International Conference, Dhaka University on November 24-25, 2017
  5. Conducted a workshop titled "Best Practices from AE Cascading: Low-cost Student-centered Run-through" at BELTA National Conference 2017 at Daffodil International University from October 20-21, 2017
  6. "Live Presentations for Proficiency Assessment: Feats and Hitches’' presented at BELTA National Conference 2017 at Daffodil International University from October 20-21, 2017
  7. "Alternative Learning Experiences: An Innovative Project Stimulating Creative Faculty of Humanities Students’, a research paper presented on 1st International Conference on Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education in Canterbury Christ Church University, UK held on September 11-12, 2017
  8. Presented a paper titled "Fostering Corrective Feedback Forms and Sources: A Longitudinal Case Study for Proficiency Assessment" at New Trends in Language Teaching and Testing (NTELT) Conference in Dubai on September 24, 2017
  9. "Preparing Graduates with Employment Readiness: An Action Research Project’ in 3-day long ‘International Summit on Employability and Soft Skills’ held in DIU from March 23-25, 2017.
  10. "Revisiting EAP to Meet Language Needs of Tertiary Students in Praxis' in Asia TEFL International Conference 2012 held in India on October
  11. They Say “Teaching Pronunciation is Unnecessary”. Appraising Students’ Pronunciation Affecting Intelligibility’ at the Postgraduate International Conference 2012 held at Jahangirnagar University
  12. “Teacher Education Policy in Bangladesh: the Gap to be Bridged” in the 16th NELTA International Conference on February 2012
  13. Making the Early-start Fallacy a Fact to be Applauded” in the International Conference on May 2011 at Jahangirnagar University
  14. Isn’t Pronunciation an all-too-often Forgotten Skill?” in the National ELT conference on January 2011 held at Rajshahi University

M.A. Dissertation “The Position of Pronunciation in Policy and Practice in Bangladesh”

  • Best TESOL Dissertation of 2023-2024 cohort at the Institute of Education, UCL. Area: AI in English Language Teaching in Bangladesh
  • UK Government's fully-funded Chevening Scholarship 2023 to study MA TESOL (In-Service) 2023-2024 at IOE, UCL
  • Online Professional English Network program (E-Teacher Training Scholarship) Winter 2021 by US Department of State to complete an online course titled 'Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom' certified by IOWA State University, USA
  • Proposer & Team Lead, Hornby Trust (United Kingdom) TA Project Scholarship 2019 to lead a project titled  'Connecting Underprivileged CHildren and Tertiary Students through Cross-Age Teaching: A hand-in-hand ELT Approach'.
  • Teaching Practices - Excellence Award 2020, Daffodil International University
  • MEVLANA Exchange Scholarship 2017/2018, awarded by the Government of Turkey, to teach at Bulent Ecevit University, Zonguldak, Turkey
  • Awarded Early Academic Career Grant 2017 by the Association of Commonwealth Universities to attend the 50th BAAL Conference 2017 at University of Leeds, UK
  • Awarded the Cambridge English Teaching Certification of 'Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT) (Part-2)' funded by British Council and BELTA in 2012
  • National-level recognitions for Creative Writing, Impromptu Speech, and Acting being a secondary and higher-secondary student of Bharateswari Homes.
  • Publications Secretary, 2019-2021, Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA)
  • Executive Committee Member 2017-2018, Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA)
  • Lifetime Member of Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA)
  • Lifetime Member of TESOL Society of Bangladesh
  • Asia TEFL
  • Refugee EAP Network (UK) 
  • Academia

Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology, East West University, Mastermind and the Headway English Medium School