Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Professor Dr. Khondoker Moazzem Hossain  Professor & Head
Name :
Professor Dr. Khondoker Moazzem Hossain
Employee ID
Professor & Head  
Department of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Personal Webpage

Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Commonwealth Scholarship): University of Glasgow,
United Kingdom

PhD in Animal Biotechnology (World Bank Scholarship): University of
Queensland, Australia

M. Sc. in Dairy Science: Bangladesh Agricultural University

Dr. Hossain has attended and conducted numerous training programs, seminars, and workshops at national and international levels. Some key areas include:

  • Resource Person in training programs on Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Teaching and Learning, Biosafety and Biosecurity, Disaster Management, and Office
  • Participant in multiple international and national virtual workshops and seminars related to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Biosafety, and Laboratory
  • Training on Academic Innovation Fund Proposal, Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) and Higher Education Acceleration and Transformation (HEAT) Project by the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh.
  • Resource Person in International Conference on Biotechnology in Sustainable Development.
  • Introduction to Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
  • Biotechnology: Concepts and Applications
  • Food Biotechnology
  • Advanced Food Biotechnology
  • Food Science and Technology
  • Food Microbiology
  • Introductory Animal Sciences
  • Animal Physiology and Reproduction
  • Animal Genetics and Breeding
  • Animal Biotechnology
  • Advanced Animal Biotechnology
  • Research Methodology
  • Technology Transfer

Number of Research Publications: 69 (sixty nine) in Refereed International and National Journals:

(1)    Mazumder B, Tahira KT, Hossain KM, Deb GK, Alam MA, Hossain SMJ (2025). Antioxidants affect heat stress proteins reactivity on dermal fibroblast cells of buffalo in vitro. Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci. 13(3): 618-629. DOI:
(2)    Khondoker Moazzem Hossain, Umama Khan and S.M. Mahbubur Rahman (2024). Potential antimicrobial and fruit juice clarification activity of amylase enzyme from Bacillus strains. Biotechnology Reports, Elsevier Publishing Company, Vol. 44:1–
(3)    Umama Khan, SM Mahbubur Rahman, Salauddin Khan, Swarna Roy and Khondoker Moazzem Hossain (2024). Effects of probiotics on productive performances and serum lipid profile of broiler as substitute of antibiotics. Science Progress, SAGE Publications Inc. Vol. 107(3) 1–23. DOI: 10.1177/00368504241276259.
(4)    Arrafy Rahman, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain, Shithima Sayed, S.M. Tushar Alam, Omar Faruq, Md. Ahasun Habib and Fahmida Khatun (2024). Antimicrobial Susceptibility Pattern of Aerobic Bacteria Responsible for Post-Surgical Wound Infection of the Patients Admitted into Khulna Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. Access Microbiology, Vol.6(2) 6:000401. DOI 10.1099/acmi.0.000401.
(5)    Hamid, M.A. and Hossain K.M. (2022). Study on Reproductive Performance of Bangladeshi Buffalo under Intensive Farming System. International Journal of Business, Social and Scientific Research, 10(1), 57–65.
(6)    Gazi M.S. Hossain K.M., Rokeya B., Pallob Band Al-Mazid M.F. (2022). Effects of Probiotic supplemented yogurt on neonatal streptozotocin-induced type-2 diabetic rats. Khulna University Studies, Volume 19 (2): 57-65. DOI:
(7)    Sarkar, A., Hossain K.M., Rahman, S.M.M. and Sarder, A. (2022). The Effects of Probiotic Isolates against Enteric Pathogenic Microorganisms in Mice Model.
International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 7(8), 906-925. DOI: 10.6084/m9.doione.IJNRD2208097.
(8)    Md. Mizanur Rahman, Shahidul Islam Salim, Imran Khan, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain, Liaquat Ali and Zahid Hassan (2022). Angiotensinogen Gene M235T And T174M Polymorphisms in Diabetic Nephropathy in a Bangladeshi Population. Avicenna J Med Biochem, 10(2):84-89. DOI: 10.34172/ ajmb.2022.2358.
(9)    Hossain K.M., Gazi, M.S., Barai, P., Al-Mazid, M.F., Jalil, M.A., Hamid M.A. and Rahman, M. (2021). Isolation and Biochemical Characterization of Probiotic Bacteria Obtained from Selective Regional Yoghurts in Bangladesh. Food Safety and Health, 1(1), 1-7. DOI: 10.5455/fsh.2021.25.
(10)    Rahman M.M., Ahmed A., Hossain K.M., Haque T., Islam M.R. and Hussain, M.A. (2021). Impact of Control Strategies on the COVID-19 Pandemic and the SIR Model-Based Forecasting in Bangladesh. Food Safety and Health, 1(1), 8-15. DOI: 10.5455/fsh.2021.9.
(11)    Haque, T., Hossain K.M., Bhuiyan, M.M.R., Ananna, S.A., Islam, M.R., Hussain, M.A., Ahmed, A. and Rahman, M.M. (2021). Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Towards COVID-19 and the Assessment of Risks of Infection by SARS-CoV-2 Among the Bangladeshi Population: An Online Cross-Sectional Survey. Food Safety and Health, 1(1), 21-34. DOI: 10.21203/
(12)    Hossain K.M., A.K. Das, S.M.M. Rahman, S. Roy and M.A. Hamid (2020). Biochemical property analysis of native probiotic isolates from selective poultry. Bang. J. Livs. Res. 27 (1&2), 39-54.
(13)    Hossain K.M., B. Mazumder, S.M.M. Rahman and M.A. Hamid (2020). Genetic Diversity analysis of lactic acid bacteria isolated from regional yogurt samples. Bang. J. Livs. Res. 27(1&2), 55-63.
(14)    Mithila Farjana, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain and Sana Mohammad Mahbubur Rahman (2020). Molecular Analysis of the Isolated Probiotic Microorganisms from Yoghurt Samples, distributed in Khulna and Chittagong City of Bangladesh, using RAPD Marker. J. Biosci. Agric. Res. 25(01), 2075-2084.
DOI: 10.18801/jbar.250120.254.
(15)    Al Azad S, Moazzem Hossain K, Rahman SMM, Al Mazid MF, Barai P and Gazi MS (2020). In ovo inoculation of duck embryos with different strains of Bacillus cereus to analyse their synergistic post-hatch anti-allergic potentialities. Vet Med. Sci., 00:1–8.
(16)    Sourav Biswas Nayan, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain, Md. Faizul Hossain Miraz, Gautam Kumar Deb, Md. Raihanul Hoque, S M Jahangir Hossain and Kazi Mohammed Didarul Islam (2020). Effects of Selective Extenders on Buffalo Semen Quality at Physical and Molecular Level. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 90(9): 1250–1254.
(17)    Jalil, M.A., A. Rahman, S.M.M. Rahman and K.M. Hossain (2019). Molecular Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Regional Yogurt Samples of Bangladesh using 16S rDNA Sequencing. Advances in Pharmacology and Clinical Trials, 4(2):000158. DOI: 10.23880/apct-16000158.
(18)    Hossain K.M., P. Barai, S.M.M. Rahman, M.F. Al-Mazid, M.S. Gazi and M.A. Jalil (2018). Isolation and Biochemical Characterization of Probiotic Bacteria Obtained from Yoghurt Samples of Rajshahi and Chittagong Divisions of
Bangladesh and their Antimicrobial Activity against Enteric Pathogens. B. Journal of Livestock Research, Special Volume 21-25:142-152. DOI: 10.3329/bjlr.v0i0.45457.
(19)    Hossain K.M., A. Rahman, S.M.M. Rahman and M.A. Jalil (2018). A Study on the Anti-allergic Effects of the Native Probiotic Isolates on β − histine Hydrochloride Induced Mice Model. B. Journal of Livestock Research, Special Volume 21-25:36-44. DOI:
(20)    Barai, P., K.M. Hossain, S.M.M. Rahman, M.F. Al-Mazid and M.S. Gazi (2018). Antidiarrheal Efficacy of Probiotic Bacteria in Castor Oil Induced Diarrheal Mice. Preventive Nutrition and Food Science, 23(4):294-300. DOI: 10.3746/pnf.2018.23.4.294.
(21)    Arrafy Rahman, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain, Jalaluddin Ashraful Haq, Shariful Alam Jilani, Hasina Mamtaz, Fahmida Rahman and Monirul Haque (2017). A Study on the Baseline of Widal Titer of the Apparently Healthy Students of a Private Medical College of Dhaka City. International Journal of Current Research, 9(3): 48130-48133.
(22)    Arrafy Rahman, SinthiaTahmina, Md. Imran Hossain, Md. Zakir Hosen, Khondoker Moazzem Hossain and Hasina Momtaz (2017). An investigation into the correlations among the Widal Titers and some diseases (other than typhoid) that are responsible for the false positive results of Widal Test. International Journal of Medical and Health Research, 3(9): 52-55.
(23)    Hamid, M.A., M.A. Zaman, A. Rahman and K.M. Hossain (2017). Buffalo Genetic Resources and their Conservation in Bangladesh. Research Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 10(1):1-13.
(24)    Hamid, M.A., M.A. Rahman, S. Ahmed and K.M. Hossain (2017). Status of Poultry Industry in Bangladesh and the Role of Private Sector for its Development. Asian Journal of Poultry Science, 11:1-13. DOI: 10.3923/ajpsaj.2017.1.13.
(25)    Hamid, M.A., A. Rahman, M. A. Zaman and K.M. Hossain (2017). Cattle Genetic Resources and their Conservation in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 11(2):54-64. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2017.54.64.
(26)    Rahman, M.M., K. Moazzem Hossain and S.M.M. Rahman, (2016). Isolation, Characterization and Properties Study of Probiotic Lactic Acid Bacteria of Selected Yoghurt from Bangladesh, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 10 (1): 23-
31. DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2015.7750.
(27)    Hamid, M.A., M.N.A. Siddiky, M.A. Rahman and K.M. Hossain (2016). Scopes and Opportunities of Buffalo Farming in Bangladesh: A Review, SAARC J. Agri., 14(2):63-77. DOI: 10.3329/sja.v14i2.31246.
(28)    Hamid, M.A., S. Ahmed, M.A. Rahman and K.M. Hossain (2016). Status of Buffalo Production in Bangladesh Compared to SARC Countries, Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 10(6):313-329. DOI: 10.3923/ajas.2016.313.329.
(29)    Hamid, M.A., S. Ahmed, M.A. Rahman and K.M. Hossain (2016). Dairy Industry in Bangladesh: Present Scenario, Major Constraints and Strategies for Development. Bangladesh Open University Journal, 3(1): 17-43.
(30)    Hassan F.M.N., Md. Shaifur Rahman, K.M.T. Rahman, Sharmin S. Sumi, Md. F. Islam, Md. Badrul Alam, Md. Giasuddin and Khondoker M. Hossain (2015). In- Silico Evaluation of the Capsid Proteins of FMDV as Potential Vaccine Candidates. Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 3(1):6-20. DOI: 10.11648/j.cbb.20150301.12.
(31)    Rahman, S.M.K., B.K. Das, F.K. Shoikat, S.M.M. Rahman and K. Moazzem Hossain (2015). Characterization of Probiotic Bacteria Isolated from Regional Chicken Feces. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 9 (12), 880-885. DOI: 10.5897/AJMR2015.7384.
(32)    Rahman, S.M.K., A. Jalil, S.M.M. Rahman and K. Moazzem Hossain (2015). A Study on Probiotic Properties of Isolated and Identified Bacteria from Regional Yoghurts. International Journal of Biosciences, 7 (4), 139-149. DOI: 10.12692/ijb/7.4.139-149.
(33)    Hamid, M.A. and K.M. Hossain (2014). Role of Private Sectors in the Development of Dairy Industry in Bangladesh. Livestock Research for Rural Develpoment, 26 (10), 1-21.
(34)    Diba, F.S., K.M. Hossain, M.A. Azim and M.M. Hoque (2013). Isolation, Characterization and Determination of Antimicrobial Properties of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Human Milk. Jordan J. of Biol. Sci., Vol. 6 (2), pp. 111-116. DOI: 10.12816/0000268.
(35)    Khatun, M.M., K.M. Hossain and S.M.M. Rahman (2012). Molecular Characterization of Selected Local and Exotic Cattle using RAPD Marker. Asian- Aust. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 25 (6), pp. 751-757. DOI: 10.5713/ajas.2011.11331.
(36)    Hoque, M.Z., F. Akter, K.M. Hossain, M.S.M. Rahman, M.M. Billah and K.M.D. Islam (2010). Isolation, Identification and Analysis of Probiotic Properties of Lactobacillus Spp. from Selective Regional Yoghurts. World Journal of Dairy and Food Sciences, Vol. 5(1), pp. 39-46. IDOSI Publications; ISSN 1817-308X.
(37)    Rahman, M.S., K.M. Hossain, M.M. Saha and M.M. Khatun (2010). Assessment of the Potential of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FANC) in the Diagnosis of Tumor at a Public Medical College Hospital in Bangladesh. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 10 (1&2), pp. 191-200.
(38)    Khatun, M.M., K.M. Hossain, M.S. Rahman and M. Billah (2009). Quality Evaluation of Selected Brands and Locally Available Honey in Southern Region of Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric., Vol. 4(1&2), pp. 125-127.
(39)    Hoque, M.Z., K.M. Hossain and F. Akter (2009). The Effect of Lecithin-A
Non-Absorbing Emulsifying Agent on Cookie Production. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 8 (7), pp. 1074-1077. DOI: 10.3923/pjn.2009.1074.1077.
(40)    Hossain, B.M., A. Babu, A.K. Obaidul Huq, M. Hossain, Moazzem Hossain, M. N.H. Bhuiyan and S.M. Samsuddin (2007). Development of Non-alcoholic Carbonated Health Drinks for Athletes in Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Sci. 55(1): 123-128.
(41)    Hossain, K.M. and M.J. Stear (2007). Genetic Variation and Parasitic Disease Resistance of Small Ruminants. B. Journal of Livestock research, Vol. 13 (1&2), pp.96-111.
(42)    Hossain, B., K.M. Hossain, M.A. Babu, R. Jahan, S.M.A. Rob, P.K. Dhar, K.M. Obaidul (2006). Studies on Pollution Indicator in Effluents from Selected Beverage Plants in Bangladesh. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. NPG. 10(2): 1-5.
(43)    Mamun, A.M., K.M. Hossain, M.J. Hosen, M. Salim and R. Ara (2006). Assessment of Coliform Risk on Selected Non-alcoholic Beverages of Bangladesh. J. of Subtropical Agricultural Research and Development 4(4):154-159.
(44)    Hossain, M.B., S.M.E. Babor, K.M. Hossain and M. Ashrafuzzaman (2005). Effect of different Food Enzymes as Leavening Agent on Wheat Flower Protein during Fermentation. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 6(1, 2), pp. 39-42. DOI:
(45)    Hossain, K.M., M.A. Hossain, A. Ashraf and M.M. Alam (2004). Abortic Effect of Papaya (Carica papaya) in Female Mice. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 4(2),
pp. 762-764. DOI:
(46)    Ahamed T, Hossain KM, Billah MM, Islam KMD, Ahasan MM, Islam ME (2004). Adaptation of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) on Vero cell line, International Journal of Poultry Science 3(2): 153-156.
DOI: ttp://
(47)    Aryal, P.K., K.M. Hossain, M.M. Ahasan, K.M.D. Islam, M.M. Billah, M.E. Islam, M. Mehedi and S. Mitra (2003).Sero-prevalance of Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Specific Antibody in Chicken. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, Vol. 2 (6), pp. 366-371.
(48)    Islam, K.M.D., T. Ahmed, M.M. Ahsan, MM. Billah, M.E. Islam and K.M. Hossain (2003). Adaptation of Reovirus on Vero Cell Line. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, Vol. 2 (8), pp. 425-429.
(49)    Hossain, B.M., K.M. Hossain, N. Jahan, D.I. Sharif, M.M. Alam, N. Sultana and K. Nag (2003). Study on the Effect of Alpha-Amylase on Commercial Bread Production Techniques in Bangladesh. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 4(1), pp. 627-631. DOI:
(50)    Hossain, K.M., M.M. Alam, B.K. Sil and M.J.F.A Taimur (2003). Comparative Sero Evaluation of Live and killed Newcastle Disease (ND) Vaccine in Broiler Farm. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 4(1), pp.633-639.
(51)    Mamun, M.A., K.M. Hossain, M.B. Hossain, M.R. Islam, D.K. Paul and M.A. Sattar (2003). Study and Determination of Bacterial load of Ice Cream Products. Journal of Applied science and Technology. Islamic University Studies, Vol. 3 (1),
pp. 55-59.
(52)    Bose, R.K., K.M. Hossain, B.K. Sil and M.J.F.A. Taimur (2003). Comparative
Sero Evaluation of Live and Killed Gumboro Vaccine in Broilers. Italian Journal of Animal Science, Vol. 2/3, pp.157-162.
(53)    Ahasan, M.M., K.M. Hossain and M.R. Islam (2002). Adaptation of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) on Vero Cell Line. Journal of Biological Sciences, Vol. 2(9),
pp. 633-635. DOI: 10.3923/jbs.2002.633.635.
(54)    Mehedi, M., K.M. Hossain, M.J.F.J. Taimur, B.K. Sil and M.R.Islam (2002). Haemagglutination Antigen Preparation of Newcastle Disease Virus on Vero Cell Line. Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol. 2(10), pp. 648-649.
(55)    Hossain, K.M. and N.P. McMeniman (2001). Effects of Dietary Protein Level Upon Peripheral Plasma Progesterone Concentration and Conception Rate in Dairy Cattle. Khulna University Studies, Vol. 3(l):447-453. DOI: 10.53808/KUS.2001.3.1.0116-L.
(56)    Hossain, K.M. and N.P. McMeniman (2001). Effects of Dietary Protein Upon Concentrations of Urea in Peripheral Plasma and Uterine Fluid in Dairy Cattle. Khulna University Studies, Vol.3 (2), pp.533-536.
(57)    Sil, B.K., M.J.F.A. Taimur, K.M. Hossain, M. Giasuddin, M.E. Haque, E.R. Chowdhury, M.R. Alam and A.J. Sarkar (2001). Preliminary Study Towards the Development of Inactivated PPR Vaccine. B. Journal of Livestock Research, Vol. 7&8 (1-2), pp.1-6.
(58)    Sil, B.K., M.J.F.A. Taimur, K.M. Hossain, M. Giasuddin, M.E. Haque, M.M. Rahman, A. Roy, J. Alam, M.R. Islam, B. Rashid, N. Akter, B.K. Pramanik and
A.K.M.M. Anower (2001). Development of Mab-based Enzyme Immuno Slide Assay (EISA) for the Rapid and Accurate Field Diagnosis of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus. B. Journal of Livestock Research, Vol. 7&8 (1-2), pp.48-63.
(59)    Hossain, M.B, SSMA Khorashani, M.A. Malek, S.M. Hossain, K.M. Hossain, S.M. Shamsuddin and S.G. Khaleque (2000). Effects of Fiber-Enriched Special Diet on the Patients of Hypertension. South Asian J. Nutr., Vol. 2 (1&2), pp. 77-81.
(60)    Hossain, K.M., A.K.M.A. Mannan, B. Hossain, F. Begum & M.A Haque
(2000). A study on Quality of Chomchom and Malaikari– Market and Laboratory Made Sweet-Meats of Selected Areas in Bangladesh. South Asian J. Nutr., Vol. 2 (1 & 2), pp. 69-76.
(61)    Hossain, M.B., K.M. Hossain, S.M. Hossain, D.K. Saha & P.K. Kundu (1999). Development of Coconut Delight Candy Using Desiccated Coconut Kernel. South Asian J. Nutr., Vol.1 (1& 2), pp. 23-28.
(62)    Sil, B.K., M.J.F.A. Taimur, K.M. Hossain, N.C. Debnath, M. Giasuddin and M.R. Alam (1999). Adaptation of Goat Pox Virus in Vero Cells. B. Journal of Livestock research, Vol. 6 (1&2), pp.13-17.
(63)    Sil, B.K., M.J.F.A. Taimur, M. Ershaduzzaman, K.M. Hossain, A.J. Sarkar, N.C.Debnath and M.R. Alam (1999). Comparative Efficacy Trial of PPR Experimental Vaccine Candidate (avirulent mutant) with Rinderpest Live Vaccines.
B. Journal of Livestock Research, Vol. 6 (1-2), pp.18-22.
(64)    Begum, F., K.M. Hossain, M.A. Haque, K.A. Kabir and N.H. Chowdhury (1999). Effect of Soaking on Physical and Cooking Properties of Rice. South Asian J .Nutr.,Vol. 1 (1&2), pp. 41-44.
(65)    Hossain, K.M., N.P. McMeniman, K.F. Dowsett, D. Jillella& L.M. Knott (1998). The Effects of Dietary Crude Protein, Urea Solutions and Uterine Urea concentrations upon Sperm Motility and Survival. B. Journal of Livestock Research, Vol. 1(1-5), pp. 72-91.
(66)    Hossain, K.M., N.P. McMeniman, K.F. Dowsett, D. Jillella & L.M. Knott (1998). The Effects of Dietary Crude Protein Intake upon Bovine Embryo Development and Survival. B. Journal of Livestock research, Vol. 1(1-5), pp.114-126.
(67)    Hossain, K.M., T.N. Nahar, A.I. Talukder and S.S. Kibria (1996). Beef Fattening by Rural Women. Success stories of Women in Agriculture, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 65-72 (ISBN No. 984-500-011-8).
(68)    Kibria, S.S. and K.M. Hossain (1995). Achievements of Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (BLRI) on Gender Issues in Agriculture. Gender Issues in Agriculture. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 35-38.
(69)    Kibria, S.S. and K.M. Hossain (1995). Agroforestry-Livestock Linkage in Bangladesh. Agro-forestry Training Course Module for Bangladesh. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council and Winrock International, Vol.3, pp. 21-36 (ISBN No. 984-500-012- 6).

Book Published:

S. Al-Azad, K.M. Hossain and S.M.M. Rahman (2018). Is Bacillus cereus only Defective? LAMBERT Academic Publishing (ISBN: 978-613-9-84637-5).

  • Higher Secondary Board Scholarship, Rajshahi
  • Undergraduate Scholarship, Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • Graduate Scholarship, Bangladesh Agricultural University
  • World Bank’s PhD Award (Australia)
  • Commonwealth Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

(1) Member, Australian Society of Animal Production
(2) Member, the Australian Veterinary Association
(3) Member, Bangladesh Animal Husbandry Association
(4) Member, Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh
(5) Member, Bangladesh Association of Biotechnology
(6) Member, Bangladesh Association of Animal Production, Education and Research
(7) Member, Bangladesh Nutrition Council
(8) Member, Bangladesh Krishibid Institution
(9) Member, Bangladesh Society for Safe Food
(10) Member, Bangladesh Association for Biosafety and Biosecurity

  • Professor, Khulna University (Jul 2005 – Dec 2024)
  • Associate Professor, Khulna University (Jul 2001 – Jul 2005)
  • Assistant Professor, Khulna University (Sep 1996 – Jul 2001)
  • Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute (May 1987 – Sep 1996)
  • Research Officer, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Govt. of Bangladesh (Feb
  • 1988 – Feb 1989, on deputation)