Department of General Educational Development
Mr. S.M.Safayet Ullah  Lecturer (Senior Scale)
Name :
Mr. S.M.Safayet Ullah
Employee ID
Lecturer (Senior Scale)  in Physics
Department of General Educational Development
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage

M.Sc. in Renewable Energy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, BarcelonaTech, Barcelona, Spain & Instituto Superior Técnico, LisbonTech, Lisbon, Portugal.

B.Sc. in EEE, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka.

“Participatory Engaging Techniques (PET)” conducted by Daffodil International University

“Certificate course on Renewable Energy and Its applications”, Institute of Renewable Energy, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Bangladesh Solar Energy Society.

“Certificate in Business Management and Entrepreneurship”, ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain.

Electrical Circuits, Electronic Devices, Instrumentation and Control

  1. Sajib Chakraborty, S. M. Safayet Ullah and M. A. Razzak, "Quantifying Solar Potential on Roof Surface Area of Fishing Trawlers in Chittagong Region of Bangladesh", IEEE PES International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technology- Asia Conference (ISGT ASIA 2016), 2016, Melbourne, Australia. Indexed in IEEE Xplore
  2. Sajib Chakraborty, S.M.Safayat Ullah, Mohammed Mahedi Hasan and M. A. Razzak,"Feasibility Study of Solar Power System in Fishing Trawlers in Chittagong Region of the Bay of Bengal", IEEE TENCON, 2016, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.
  3. Md Faysal Nayan, S.M.Safayat Ullah, S.N. Saif, "Comparative Analysis of PV Module Efficiency for Different Types of Silicon Materials Considering the Effects of Environmental Parameters", 3rd International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information and
    Communication Technology (ICEEICT 2016), Dhaka, Bangladesh. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.
  4. Md Faysal Nayan, S.M.Safayat Ullah," Modelling of Solar Cell Characteristics Considering the Effect of Electrical and Environmental Parameters", 3rd International conference on Green Energy and Technology (ICGET), 2015, Bangladesh. Indexed in IEEE Xplore.
  1. Renewable Energy
  2. Smart Grid

Awarded for full scholarship (category A) by KIC-InnoEnergy (European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) labeled program)for two years M.Sc. program in Renewable Energy

Research Assistant- Ciemat, Madrid, Spain                  

RET Engineer- Emerging Energy Solutions Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh.        

Internship- Energypac Engineering Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh.