Department of General Educational Development
Ms.Tajmary Mahfuz  Assistant Professor
Name :
Ms.Tajmary Mahfuz
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  in Statistics
Department of General Educational Development
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Statistics (Ongoing)
University: Shajalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)

M.S & B.Sc. (Hons.)  in Statistics, Jahangirnagar University (J.U).

Facilitator in "Training on SPSS and Writing Articles for Journal" held on every semester in Daffodil International University.

Title/Topic Name of the Institute From (Date) ------- To (Date)  Year
Workshop on” how to write international standard journal articles” Elsevier, Pearson and a2i (Bangladesh Govt.) 2th March 2017
How to publish articles in Impact factor enriched and good indexed journals and preparation for PhD program DIU 26th December 2016
“HEA Fellowships- Professional Recognition in L&T in Higher Education” DIU 12th December 2016
Research Methodology: Structural Equation Model DIU 16-17th November 2016
Workshop on “ How to select an Index Journal” DIU 21th  March 2016
Workshop on “Poster Presentation on Research Methodology” DIU 14th March 2016
Seminar on “How to Write a good Research paper for publication” DIU 9th March 2016
Workshop on “How to develop research based mapping poster for conference” DIU 8th March 2016
Training on “SPSS and Writing Articles for Journals” DIU 19th January to 4th February” 2016
 The Duke of Edinburgh’s award foundation Bangladesh “DAE Night” DAE Foundation 5th December 2015
Teachers Training Program DIU 25th May 2015
ICT EXPO 2015 –at BICC held on 15th -17th June BICC 15th to 17th June 2015
17th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT) 2014-held on 22th December, 2014. DIU 22th December 2014
7th International conference on Electrical and computer Engineering (ICECE) ICECE 20th December to 22th December 2013
Training on “Duke of Edinburgh International Award leader” DAE 21th to 22th July 2013
Workshop on” developing learning materials for social media”. University SAINS, Malaysia. 27th -29th November 2013
Asia Regional ACM-ICPC Competition DIU 8th December 2012
Workshop of “BASIS Soft EXPO”. BASIS 18th December to 22th December 2012
Workshop based on “Mobile Application, Games and Robotics Design and Development”. BICC 26th November to 27th November 2012
Workshop on “teaching and learning”. DIU 11th May to 13th May 2011
Basic computer and programming and hard wiring course. Dept. Of Statistics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka. 1st July to 30th July 2004 to2009

Statistics and Probability, Applied Statistics, Demography



  1. Most.Tajmary Mahfuz, “Identifying the Key Determinants of Women Empowerment (WoE): A Perception Survey on Academicians in Tertiary Education”, Volume 11, Issue 2, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER) - (ISSN 2229-5518).
  2. Tajmary Mahfuz, Subhenur Latif, "An Assessment of 3G Mobile Service Acceptance in Bangladesh". International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), ISSN: 2158-107X, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2013. Published by The Science and Information Organization, USA.
  3. Most. Tajmary Mahfuz, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, “Meta Analysis of Series of Toxicities Assessment Trails of Various Preparations for Health Care based on Gastro Intestinal Disorders”, International Journal of Information and Computational Intelligence (IJICI),  ISSN: 2304-6678 (Print Version), vol. 2, pp. 42-45.
  4. MM Hasan, Most. Tajmary Mahfuz, Woakil Uddin Ahamed, Syed Akhter Hossain, “Requirement Analysis for Context-Awareness to Create a Digital Persona in eHealth Based Pervasive Intelligent Environment”, Journal of Information and Communication Technologies- JICT (ISSN 2047-3168), vol. 2, issue 3(2012), pp.11-15, United Kingdom.
  5. Md. Mahmudul Hasan & Most. Tajmary Mahfuz (2013), "Teletraffic Model for K-fold Multicast Network: Performance Evaluation with Buffer using M/M/n/n+q/N Kendal's Notation",The SIJ Transactions on Computer Networks & Communication Engineering (CNCE), The Standard International Journals (The SIJ), Vol. 1, No. 3, Pp. 67-71.
  6. Most.Tajmary Mahfuz A Statistical Case Study of using ICT in Educational Sector in Rural Context of Bangladesh”, Global Journal,




1.  Title:”Meta analysis of series of toxicity assessment trails”.
Author: Most.Tajmary Mahfuz.
ISBN: 978-3-659-29237-8.
Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (November 7, 2012)


Conference Papers: 


  1. Most.Tajmary Mahfuz, Mr. Rafi Al Mahmud, Ms. Subhenur Latif(2018).“Identifying the Key Determinants of Women Empowerment: A Perception Survey on Academicians in Tertiary Education”.Recent Advances in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (ICRAMPS 2018), Paper ID: 81232 .
  2. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Most. Tajmary Mahfuz, Mohamed Ruhul Amin, “Optimizing Throughput of K-fold Multicast Network with Finite Queue using M/M/n/n+q/N Traffic Model”, 7th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE-2012), ISBN: 978-1-4673-1436-7, 20-22 December 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 537-541, and IEEE Xplore Digital Archive.
  3. Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Most. Tajmary Mahfuz, Mohamed Ruhul Amin, “Achieving optimum value of k in a K-fold Multicast Network with Buffer using M/M/n/n+q/N Traffic Model”, The Fourth International Workshop on Computer Networks and Communications (CoNeCo-2012), pp. 21-30, CS & IT-CSCP, October 2012, Coimbatore, India.
  • Statistical Data mining
  • Demography
  • Econometrics


  • Yearly University Scholarship awarded by Jahangirnagar University.

Senior Lecturer at DIU from 10th September 2013 to 30th April January 2016.