Department of Information Technology & Management (ITM)
Dr. Imran Mahmud  Associate Professor
Name :
Dr. Imran Mahmud
Employee ID
Associate Professor  
Department of Information Technology & Management (ITM)
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Personal Webpage
Ext: 35100
01847140117, 01711370502
  • PhD in Technology Management, Universiti Sains Malaysia, 2017
  • MSc in Software Engineering University of Hertfordshire, UK, 2009
  • BSc in Computer Science,BRAC University, Bangladesh, 2006

• Theory Building Workshop, by Professor ViswanathVenkatesh,Distinguished Professor and Billingsley Chair at the Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas organized by the School of Business, 28th July, 2015, Monash University Malaysia
• Literature Review & Qualitative Analysis using Nvivo10 Applications, School of Management, UniversitiSains Malaysia, 24th Nov- 25th Nov, 2014
• Statistical Hypothesis Testing & Data Analysis, 3rd Sep- 4th Sep, 2014,School of Mathematical Sciences, UniversitiSains Malaysia
• ISTQB software testing training course, Daffodil International University, 2013.
• Research Capacity Building Workshop at UniversitiSains Malaysia, 2012
• Developing Learning Materials for Social Media, at Daffodil International University &UniversitiSains Malaysia, 2012
• Developing Effective and Efficient Learning Materials, at Daffodil International University and UniversitiSains Malaysia, 2013

Software Engineering, Database Management System, Management Information System, Computer Architecture and Organization, Computer fundamentals and applications etc

ISI/ Web of Science INDEXED Journals

  1. Thi, U. N., Van, M. H., Mahmud, I., & Thuy, L. V. T. (2023). Innovation and the Sustainable Competitive Advantage of Young Firms: A Strategy Implementation Approach. Sustainability, 15(13), 10555. Impact factor: 3.889, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  2. Faruqui, N., Kabir, M. A., Yousuf, M. A., Whaiduzzaman, M., Barros, A., & Mahmud, I. (2023). Trackez: An IoT-based 3D-Object Tracking from 2D Pixel Matrix using Mez and FSL Algorithm. IEEE Access. Impact factor: 3.367, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  3. Paula, L. P. O., Faruqui, N., Mahmud, I., Whaiduzzaman, M., Hawkinson, E. C., & Trivedi, S. (2023). A Novel Front Door Security (FDS) Algorithm using GoogleNet-BiLSTM Hybridization. IEEE Access. 19122 - 19134 Impact factor: 3.367, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  4. Alam, S., Mahmud, I., Hoque, S. S., Akter, R., & Rana, S. S. (2022). Predicting students’ intention to continue business courses on online platforms during the Covid-19: An extended expectation confirmation theory. The International Journal of Management Education, 20(3), 100706. Publisher: Elsevier. Impact factor: 4.564, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  5. Imran, M. H., Mahi, R. B., Saha, R., Islam, M. H., & Mahmud, I. (2022). NISHASH: A reasonable cost-effective mechanical ventilator for COVID affected patients in Bangladesh. Heliyon, e09400. Impact factor: 3.776, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  6. Rahman, A., Ai Ping, T., Mubeen, S. K., Mahmud, I., & Abbasi, G. A. (2022). What Influences Home Gardeners’ Food Waste Composting Intention in High-Rise Buildings in Dhaka Megacity, Bangladesh? An Integrated Model of TPB and DMP. Sustainability, 14(15), 9400. Impact factor: 3.889, [SCI and Scopus Indexed]
  7. Alzahrani, A., Mahmud, I., Thurasamy, R., Alfarraj, O., & Alwadain, A. (2021). End users' resistance behaviour paradigm in pre-deployment stage of ERP systems: evidence from Bangladeshi manufacturing industry. Business Process Management Journal. Publisher: Emerald, Impact factor: 3.715, [SSCI and Scopus Indexed]
  8. Mahmud, I., Sultana, S., Rahman, A., Ramayah, T., & Cheng Ling, T. (2020). E-waste recycling intention paradigm of small and medium electronics store managers in Bangladesh: An S–O–R perspective. Waste Management & Research, 0734242X20914753. Publisher: Sage, Impact Factor: 432, [SSCI and Scopus indexed]
  9. Vafaei-Zadeh, A., Thurasamy, R., Hanifah, H., Kurnia, S., & Mahmud, I. (2020). Supply Chain Information Integration and Its Impact on the Operational Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Malaysia. Information & Management, 103386. Publisher: Elsevier, Impact Factor. 328 [SSCI and Scopus indexed]
  1. Ramayah, T., Soto-Acosta, P., Kheng, K. K., & Mahmud, I. (2020). Developing process and product innovation through internal and external knowledge sources in manufacturing Malaysian firms: the role of absorptive capacity. Business Process Management Journal. Publisher: Emerald, Impact factor: 715 ,[SSCI and Scopus Indexed]
  2. Alzahrani, A. I., Mahmud, I., Ramayah, T., Alfarraj, O., & Alalwan, N. (2019). Modelling digital library success using the DeLone and McLean information system success model. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 51(2), 291-306.Publisher: Sage, UK. Impact factor: 1.820 [SSCI and SCOPUS Indexed].
  3. Ahmad, N. H., Ramayah, T., Mahmud, I., Musa, M., & Anika, J. J. (2019). Entrepreneurship as a preferred career option. Education+ Training. 61 No. 9, pp. 1151-1169.. Impact factor: 3.058, Publisher: Emerald. [SSCI+Scopus Indexed]
  4. Mahmud, I., Ramayah, Sherah Kurnia (2017), To use or not to use: Modelling end user grumbling as user resistance in pre-implementation stage of enterprise resource planning system. Information Systems, 69, 164-179. Publisher: Elsevier, Impact factor: 3.18 [SCI and Scopus Indexed].
  5. Ahmed Ibrahim Alzahrani, Imran Mahmud, T Ramayah, Osama Alfarraj, Nasser Alalwan (2017), Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to Explain Online Game Playing among Malaysian Undergraduate Students. Telematics and Informatics, 34(4), 239-251 Publisher: Elsevier, Impact Factor : 9.140 [SSCI and Scopus indexed]
  6. Wong Wai Peng, Vito Veneziano, Imran Mahmud (2016), “Usability of Enterprise Resource Planning software systems: an evaluative analysis of the use of SAP in the textile industry in Bangladesh”. Information Development. 32(4), 1027-1041 Publisher: Sage, UK. Impact factor: 2.079. [SSCI and Scopus Indexed].

 Scopus Indexed Journals

  1. Ali, M. M., Al-Doori, V. S., Mirzah, N., Hemu, A. A., Mahmud, I., Azam, S., ... & Moni, M. A. (2023). A machine learning approach for risk factors analysis and survival prediction of Heart Failure patients. Healthcare Analytics, 3, 100182.
  2. Rahman, S., Jahan, N., Sadia, F., & Mahmud, I. (2023). Social crisis detection using Twitter based text mining-a machine learning approach. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 12(2), 1069-1077.
  3. Bitto, A. K., Bijoy, M. H. I., Yesmin, S., Mahmud, I., Mia, M. J., & Biplob, K. B. B. (2023). Tumor-Net: convolutional neural network modeling for classifying brain tumors from MRI images. International Journal of Advances in Intelligent Informatics, 9(2), 148-160.
  4. Bitto, A. K., Bijoy, M. H. I., Arman, M. S., Mahmud, I., Das, A., & Majumder, J. (2023). Sentiment analysis from Bangladeshi food delivery startup based on user reviews using machine learning and deep learning. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 12(4), 2282-2291.
  5. Rahaman, A., Bitto, A. K., Biplob, K. B. M. B., Bijoy, M. H. I., Jahan, N., & Mahmud, I. (2023). Bitcoin trading indicator: a machine learning driven real time bitcoin trading indicator for the crypto market. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 12(3), 1762-1772.
  6. Bitto, A. K., Bijoy, M. H. I., Khan, S., Mahmud, I., & Biplob, K. B. B. (2023, May). Approach of Different Classification Algorithms to Compare in N-gram Feature Between Bangla Good and Bad Text Discourses. In Machine Intelligence Techniques for Data Analysis and Signal Processing: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference MISP 2022, Volume 1 (pp. 105-116). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  7. Molla, S., Shamrat, F. J. M., Rafi, R. I., Umaima, U., Arif, M. A. I., Hossain, S., & Mahmud, I. (2022). A predictive analysis framework of heart disease using machine learning approaches. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11(5), 2705-2716.
  8. Rahman, F., Mahmud, I., Jiang, B., Sarker, K., & Sarker, K. (2022). Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior: A Case of Learning Chinese as a Third Language. International Journal of Instruction, 15(1). 945-964.
  9. Rahaman, E. U., Mahmud, I., Himel, R., Begum, A., & Jahan, N. (2022). Mathematical Modelling of Teachers’ Intention to Participate in Online Training During Covid-19 Lockdown: Evidence from Emerging Economy. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 17(12).
  10. Jahan, H., Kowshir Bitto, A., Arman, S., Mahmud, I., Fahad Hossain, S., Moni Saha, R., ... & Hasan, M. (2022). Sentiment Analysis of E-commerce Consumer Based on Product Delivery Time Using Machine Learning. In Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications (pp. 649-661). Springer, Singapore.
  11. Bitto, A. K., & Mahmud, I. (2022). Multi categorical of common eye disease detect using convolutional neural network: a transfer learning approach. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, 11(4).
  12. Shamrat, F. J. M., Chakraborty, S., Ahammad, R., Shitab, T. M., Kazi, M. A., Hossain, A., & Mahmud, I. (2022). Analysing most efficient deep learning model to detect COVID-19 from computer tomography images. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 26(1), 462-471
  13. Satter, A. Z., Mahmud, A., Rahman, A., Mahmud, I., & Akter, R. (2021). Civic engagement through restaurant review page in Facebook: a structural equation modelling approach. International Journal of Ethics and Systems. 37(2). 197-221
  14. Das, S., Islam, M. S., & Mahmud, I. (2021, May). A Deep Learning Study On Understanding Banglish and Abbreviated Words Used in Social Media. In 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS) (pp. 1690-1695). IEEE.
  15. Shamrat, F. J. M., Ghosh, P., Mahmud, I., Nobel, N. I., & Sultan, M. D. (2021). An intelligent embedded AC automation model with temperature prediction and human detection. In Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security (pp. 769-779). Springer, Singapore.
  16. Shamrat, F. J. M., Ghosh, P., Sultan, M. D., Majumder, A., & Mahmud, I.(2021) Software Defined Networking with Multiple Routing Utilizing DFS to Improving QoS. Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security: Proceedings of IEMIS 2020, Volume 3, 475.
  17. Mahmud, I., Das, S. R., Ahmed, S., J-Ho, S. C., & Andalib, T. W. (2020). Fun or Frustration: Modelling Discontinuance Intention of Social Media Users. " International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies", 11(2), 107-118.
  18. Arman, M., Akter, R., Mahmud, I., & Ramayah, T. (2020). Modelling turn away intention of information technology professionals in Bangladesh: a partial least squares approach. International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708), 10.
  19. Juthi, J. H., Gomes, A., Bhuiyan, T., & Mahmud, I. (2020). Music Emotion Recognition with the Extraction of Audio Features Using Machine Learning Approaches. In Proceedings of ICETIT 2019 (pp. 318-329). Springer, [Scopus Indexed]
  20. Sadia, F., Mahmud, I., Dhar, E., Jahan, N., Hossain, S. S., & Satter, A. Z. (2019). Dataset on the influence of software development agility on software firms’ performance in Bangladesh. Data in Brief, Publisher: Elsevier, 103741.
  21. Mahmud, I., Sadia, F., Rahman, M., Ahmed, S., & Islam, D. (2020). Web usability test in 60 seconds: a theoretical foundation and empirical test. Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 17(1), 398-403.
  22. Soliman M, Karia. N, Moeinzadeh. S. Islam, S. I, (2019). “Modelling Intention to Use ERP Systems among Higher Education Institutions in Egypt: UTAUT Perspective”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 8, Issue. 2. .
  23. Toma, T. R., Mahmud, I., Hossain, M. E., Jahan, N., Ramayah, T., & Jayapal, P. (2018). To Read or Not to Read: Modeling Online Newspaper Reading Satisfaction and Its Impact on Revisit Intention and Word-Of-Mouth. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 13, 337-359.
  24. Haque, R., Mahmud, I., Sharif, M. H., Kabir, S. R., Chowdhury, A., Akter, F., & Akhi, A. B. (2018, October). Modeling the Role of C2C Information Quality on Purchase Decision in Facebook. In Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society (pp. 244-254). Springer, Cham.
  25. Hossain, M. E., Bhuiyan, T., Mahmud, I., Ramayah, T., & Scholtz, B. (2018, August). Role of Absorptive Capacity in Predicting Continuance Intention to Use Digital Libraries: An Empirical Study. In International Conference for Emerging Technologies in Computing (pp. 297-308). Springer, Cham.
  26. Hossain, M. E., Bhuiyan, T., Mahmud, I., & Arman, M. S. (2018, July). Modelling the Knowledge-Sharing Behaviour of Students on Facebook. In ICEL 2018 13th International Conference on e-Learning (p. 84). Academic Conferences and publishing limited. .
  27. Brenda Scholtz, Imran Mahmud, T Ramayah (2016), Does Usability Matter? An Analysis of the Impact of Usability on Technology Acceptance in ERP Settings. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 11,309-330.
  28. Touhid Bhuiyan, Wong Wai Peng and Imran Mahmud (2015). Measuring learning motivation of students in supply chain management games setting: a case study of Innov8.0 game. Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 92-101,ISSN 1727-7051.
  29. Rifat Hossain, Imran Mahmud (2016), Influence of cognitive style on mobile payment system adoption: An extended technology acceptance model. International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2016.
  1. Vito Veneziano, Imran Mahmud, AmenaKhatun, Wong Wai Peng (2014), “Usability Analysis of ERP Software: Education and Experience of Users’ as Moderators”, 8th SKIMA Conference, United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. DOI: 10.1109/SKIMA.2014.7083560.
  1. Imran Mahmud, Vito Veneziano (2011),” Mind-mapping: An Effective Technique to Facilitate Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development” . 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2011). Organizer: American International University Bangladesh. Co Sponsor: IEEE Bangladesh.

Book Chapters

  • Training Manual: Training for Professional and Personal Skill Development of Health Personnel in the Area of Computer, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2022.
  • Cheng Ling T., Mahmud, I. (2021) ,Emerging Research in Innovation and Operations Management: A Systematic Meta Analytic Approach". Publisher: Universiti Malaysia Perlis
  • Imran Mahmud, T Ramayah, Md Mahedi Hasan Nayeem, SM Muzahidul Islam, Pei Leng Gan (2017), Chapter 14 : Modelling Cyber-Crime Protection Behaviour among Computer Users in the Context of Bangladesh, Book :Design Solutions for User-Centric Information Systems, 253-273, Publisher: IGI Global. [Scopus indexed]
  • Siriluck Thongpoon, Noor Hazlina Ahmad, Imran Mahmud (2017), Chapter 1: Sustainable Approach towards Thai SMEs: The Effects of Country Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy and Government Support. Book: Handbook of Research on Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. 1-22. Publisher: IGI Global. [Scopus indexed]
  • PL Gan, Imran Mahmud, T. Ramayah, Fatema Tuz Zuhora (2017), Chapter 3: Understanding Attitude towards Green IT among Professionals in IT Service
    SMEs in Bangladesh.
    Book: Handbook of Research on Small and Medium Enterprises in Developing Countries. 48-66. Publisher: IGI Global. [Scopus indexed]

 Conference Papers

  1. Md. Shohel Arman, Imran Mahmud , T. Ramayah , Tapushe Rabaya , Shahriar Rawshon (2017),My knowledge is not enough: An investigation on the impact of threat of professional obsolescence on turn away intention among IT professionals in Bangladesh, In the proceedings of 1st International Conference of Business and Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. T. Ramayah, T. Rabaya, S. Saparya, Imran Mahmud, S.Rawshon (2017). Why Are They So Addicted? : Modeling Online Games Addiction Behavior Among University StudentsIn the proceedings of 1st International Conference of Business and Management, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Remans Mohammad Mushfiqur, Nusrat Jahan, Farzana Sadia, Poly Bhoumik, Imran Mahmud (2016) , “Measuring Entrepreneurial Intentions of It Students in Bangladesh: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test”. In the proceedings of 14th Asian Business Research Conference, Bangladesh.
  4. Rifat Hossain, Imran Mahmud (2016), Influence of cognitive style on mobile payment system adoption: An extended technology acceptance model. International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2016. [IEEE and Scopus indexed].
  5. Touhid Bhuiyan and Imran Mahmud (2015). Searching Barriers of Technology Enabled Innovation: Role of Technostress and Switching-Exhaustion. International Conference of Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management,25-26Nov, 2015, ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University, Pathumthani, Thailand.
  6. TouhidBhuiyan and Imran Mahmud (2015). Digital Game-based Education: A Meta Analysis. International Conference of Inclusive Innovation and Innovative Management,25-26Nov, 2015, ValayaAlongkornRajabhat University, Pathumthani, Thailand.
  7. Vito Veneziano, Imran Mahmud, AmenaKhatun, Wong Wai Peng (2014), “Usability Analysis of ERP Software: Education and Experience of Users’ as Moderators”, 8th SKIMA Conference, United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. IEEE and SCOPUS Indexed. DOI: 10.1109/SKIMA.2014.7083560.
  8. Mokbul Hossain, Shahriar Rawshon, Imran Mahmud (2012), “Micro Teaching is a Qualitative Tool to Improve the Quality of Higher Education: an Analysis on Students’ Perspectives”, International Conference on “Quality in Higher Education” 2012, Bangladesh, Organizer: International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh.
  9. Imran Mahmud, Shahriar Rawshon, Md. Fazle Munim, Yousuf M Islam (2011), “Mind mapping to Explore Creativity of University Level Students”, 1st National Conference on “Teaching Learning at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh”, Bangladesh, Organizer: Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.
  10. ShahriarRawshonBilkisFahmida, Syeda Sabrina Ahsan, Imran Mahmud (2011), “Micro Teaching in Teachers Training: A Tool to Improve Craft of Tertiary Level Teachers”, 1st National Conference on “Teaching Learning at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh”, Bangladesh, Organizer: Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.
  11. Md. Fazle Munim, Khwaja Mehedi Azam, Imran Mahmud (2011), “Evaluating Technology Acceptance of a Digital Library in the Context of Teaching and Learning Improvement Case Study on BRAC University Bangladesh”, 1st National Conference on “Teaching Learning at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh”, Bangladesh, Organizer: Daffodil International University, Bangladesh.
  12. Imran Mahmud, Vito Veneziano (2011),” Mind-mapping: An Effective Technique to Facilitate Requirements Engineering in Agile Software Development” . 14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2011). Organizer: American International University Bangladesh. Co Sponsor: IEEE Bangladesh. [IEEE and Scopus. Indexed].
  13. Imran Mahmud, Shahriar Rawshon, Md. Jahidur Rahman (2011), “Role of Mosque for Human Resource Development”, 5th International Conference on “Islam, Education and Development”, Bangladesh, Organizer: International Islamic University of Chittagong.
  14. Imran Mahmud, Shahriar Rawshon, Fazle Munim (2011), “Usability of SMS as a Financial ICT Tool in Banking Sector: Bangladesh Case Study”, International Conference on Business, Strategy and Management, India. Publisher: Veloxian Learning & Consultancy, ISBN: 81-87912-08-01.
  15. Imran Mahmud, Shahria Rawshon, Fazle Munim (2011), “Efficiency of SMS marketing in developing countries: Bangladesh Case study”, International Conference on Interdisciplinary Business and Economics Research, Thailand. Publisher: Society of Interdisciplinary Business Research (SIBR).
  16. Fazle Munim, Imran Mahmud (2011), “MindMap: A Powerful Tool to Improve Academic Reading, Presentation and Research Performance”. International Handbook of Academic Research and Teaching. ISSN: 1940-1884, Publisher: Intellectbase International Consortium, USA.
  17. Imran Mahmud, Arifatur Rahman (2011), “Usability Analysis of SMS Grading System: IUBAT Case Study”, Seminar on “Engineering Innovation”. Organizer: IUBAT-International University of Business Agriculture and Technology, Bangladesh.

2015 October – 2016 January:
Graduate research assistant
Topic: Manager’s perception on green information system (IS) adoption and environmental performance in Malaysia SMEs: A field survey
Project Leader: Professor. RamayahThurasamy

2015 (April- September)
Graduate research assistant
Topic: Surfing not studying: Internet addiction, is it a disruptive and emerging clinical phenomenon among undergraduates
Project Leader: Professor. RamayahThurasamy

2014 (April - September):
Graduate research assistant
Topic: Towards a successful implementation of Business Process Management for sustainable organization performance
Project Leader: Dr. Wong Wai Peng

  • Champion under category Project of the Year- Academic Research in Bangladesh Project Management Symposium & Excellence Awards 2021 by PMI Bangladesh Chapter.
  • Special Researcher Award 2020”, Daffodil International University
  • “Young Researcher Award , 2019”, The award is associated with Vendant college of engineering and technology, India and Kasetsart University, Thailand.
  • “Persada Kencana: Publication Award 2018”, Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • “Young Scientist Award” in the field of Management, 2018 by Venus International Foundation, India
  • “Research award for scholarly publication in indexed journal, 2018” from Daffodil International University.
  • “Sanggar Sanjung”/ “Hall of Fame” award winner for publication from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2017.
  • “Excellence in Scholarly Publication Award 2012” by IUBAT
  1. Intellectbase International Consortium, NJ,USA
  2. International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology(IACSIT)


Universiti Sains Malaysia
Position: Senior Lecturer, Graduate School of Business


Institute Technology Bandung, Indonesia
Position: Visiting Lecturer, School of Business and Management


Hong Kong Management Association
Position: Visiting Lecturer, GSB PhD Program


2010- 2012

IUBAT- international University of Business Agriculture and technology
Position: Faculty, Department of Computer Science and Engineering


2009- 2010

BSGS College, UK
Position: Lecturer of IMIS(Institute of Management Information System)



Soft Ed Limited
Position: Software Engineer and Research Associate



Focus Technologies
Position: System Analyst