Department of Law
Mr. Mohammad Badruzzaman  Assistant Professor
Name :
Mr. Mohammad Badruzzaman
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Law
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Personal Webpage

Master of Laws (LL.M.)
Institution        : University of Dhaka
Passing Year    : 2009
Result        : Second class (3rd) securing 59% marks.

Master of Social Sciences (MSS in IRLS)
Institution       : University of Dhaka
Passing Year    : Is on progress
Result        : N/A

Bachelor of Laws [LL.B. (Hons.)]
Institution        : University of Dhaka
Passing Year    : 2008
Result        : Second class 

Title of the Training/Workshop/Seminar Date Duration Organizer
Constitutional Sprit of Secularism and Present Reality of Bangladesh(Seminar Presentation) 04 October, 2021 1 Day Daffodil International University on the Observation of Constitutional Day
Training Program on WTO Antidumping Agreement and Regional Perspective  26 to 28 February, 2018 3 Days Ministry of Finance, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and Center for Microfinance Development, University of Dhaka
Teaching and Learning Techniques, Curriculum Development   24 to 25 January and 13 February, 2016 3 Days Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Uttara University, Dhaka
Curriculum Concept, Models and Development Strategy  28 to 29 March, 2018 2 Days Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Uttara University, Dhaka
Research Methodology (Research Design, Proposal and Report Writing  6 to 7 June, 2018 2 Days Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Uttara University, Dhaka
Computer Basics and Internet Browsing 1 to 21 June, 2007 21 Days Dhaka University Cyber Center


Post (from 28/09/2021 to Present)   : Assistant Professor

Name of the Institution                    : Daffodil International University, Dhaka

Department                                    : Law


Post (from 01/05/2018 to 27/ 09/2021)     : Assistant Professor

Name of the Institution                             : Uttara University, Dhaka

Department                                             : Law


Post (01/03/2013 to 01/04/2018)              : Senior Lecturer

Name of the Institution                             : Uttara University, Dhaka

Department                                             : Law


Post (08/12/2011 to 31/12/2012)               : Lecturer

Name of the Institution                             : Gono Bishawbidyalay, Savar, Dhaka

Department                                             : Law

LL.B.(Hons.) Courses:
Law of Contracts & Partnership, Company Laws, Corporate Finance Law, Mercantile/ Business Law, Banking and Security Law, Land Laws, Information & Technology Law, Jurisprudence, Islamic Jurisprudence, Muslim Law, Labour and Industrial Law, Maritime and Shipping Law, Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Law of Evidence, Laws of Specific Relief, Public Demand Recovery and Registration, Laws of Transfer of Properties, Legal History of Bangladesh, English for Law etc.

LL.M. Courses:
International Trade and Investment Law, Intellectual Property Law, Human Rights Law, Legal Research Methodology, Research Monograph etc.

Research Articles Publication:

  1. Badruzzaman, Mohammad, and Nannu Mian. "Right to education in Bangladesh: An appraisal for constitutional guarantee." Journal of Studies in Social Sciences 13, no. 1 (2015).
  2. Badruzzaman, Mohammad. “Controversial Issues of Section-57 of the ICT Act, 2006: A Critical Analysis and Evaluation.” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 21, Issue 1 (2016) PP 62-71.
  3. Badruzzaman, Mohammad. “Analysis of General Principles of Sale of Goods Law in Bangladesh.” IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 21, Issue 7 (2016) PP 159-172.
  4. Badruzzaman, Mohammad. “An Overview of the Business Law and the Legal System of Bangladesh.” Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 4, no. (1A) (2016), pp-21-34.

Conference Paper:

  • Business Law and Social Development: A Song of Harmony, International Conference on Business Management, Economics and Social Sciences (ICBMESS 2016), Dhaka.

Text book: Badruzzaman, Mohammad. Fundamentals of International Trade Law. Sufi Prokashoni (Dhaka), 2021 (2nd Edit.).

  • Received prestigious UGC Research Award in 2015 for contribution of basic research in the field of Arts and Humanities, Law & Education.
  • Achieved Dhaka Board Scholarship for outstanding result in HSC level  
  • Hold 1st position in high school level annual cultural competition in 2001.
  • Advocate: Bangladesh Supreme Court
  • Member: Supreme Court Bar Association
  • Advocate: Dhaka Judge Court
  • Member: Dhaka Judge Court Bar Association
  • Member: Bangladesh Bar Council
SL. No. Employment Description Institution Year & Date
1. Assistant Professor Uttara University, Dhaka  1/5/2018 to 27/09/2021
2. Senior Lecturer Uttara University, Dhaka  1/3/2013 to 30/4/2018
3. Lecturer Uttara University, Dhaka  1/1/2013 to 28/2/2013
4. Lecturer Gono bishawbidyalay, Savar, Dhaka  8/12/2010 to 31/12/212
5. Program Coordinator Uttara University, Dhaka   1/5/2013 to 27/9/2021
6. Associate Lawyer THE LAWYERS (Law Camber)  1/2/214 to 15/12/2015
7. Legal Executive FLAT BAZAR LTD. (Sister Concern of Rupayan Group)  1/2/2010 7/ to 12/2010
8. Paralegal Bangladesh Legal Aid & Services Trust (BLAST)  28/4/2008 to 30/10/2009
9. Volunteer Empowerment of Law Through Common People (ELCOP) 12/1/2008 to 27/4/2008