Department of Law
Dr. Md. Safiullah  Assistant Professor
Name :
Dr. Md. Safiullah
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Law
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Personal Webpage
01716 592169, 01672933256

LL.B (Hon’s) & LL.M (First Class), IUK
MSS specialized in Victimology and Restorative Justice (VRJ), DU
PhD fellow, University of Rajshahi

  1. Training program on “Multi-Sect oral capacity Building of Professionals Working with children in contract with law” which was jointly organized by UNICEF Bangladesh and LETI, Dhaka. Date: 12-13 March, 2011.
  2. “Advanced Training course on Research Methodology” this was organized by NAEM under Ministry of Education and BPDM, Dhaka on 2nd May to 31st May, 2011.
  3. Social Business Youth Convention” held at Daffodil International University, Date: 29 June, 2013.
  4. “Seminar on SUICIDE or MURDER: A Forensic Analysis of Hanging” which was organized by Department of Law, DIU, and Date: 30 June, 2013.
  5. International Instruments on Indigenous People and Implementation in Bangladesh” which was organized by Department of Law, DIU, Date: 25 March, 2013.
  6. “International Conference on Tertiary Education: Realities and Challenges” which was organized by Department of Law, DIU, Date: 19-21January, 2013.
  7. Successfully participated in a public lecture on ‘Judicialization of Politics in Bangladesh: Towards a Wider Margin of Appreciation for the Political Institutions’ organized by Dhaka Law Review (DHLR), an organization of University of Dhaka. (20 July, 2014)
  9. Discussion session on “Freedom of Expression: Challenges for Online Human Rights Defenders in Bangladesh”, on 06 August, 2014 (Wednesday) from 02 pm to 04 pm at the Seminar Room, Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  10. Successfully participated in a Public Lecture on “Policing a Riot-Torn City: Kolkata 16-19 August 1946” organized by Center for Genocide Studies, University of Dhaka on May 23, 2015.
  11. Successfully participated in a conference on “Islamic Criminal Law Conferences” and presented a paper titled on “Comparative Analysis on Criminal Proceedings under Islamic Criminal Law and Criminal under Common Law System: Fair Trial Perspective” jointly organized by Islamic Research Center and Faculty of Law, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey. It was taken place on 30 April-3 May 2015 in Antalya/Turkey.
  12. Participated in 3-days long workshop on "Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics" held during 2-4 May, 2016 at Banquette Hall, Level-9, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  13. Successfully participated in a workshop on “Alternative Dispute Resolution” jointly organized by Dept. of Law and Bangladesh International Arbitration Centre (BIAC) on November 3, 2016 at 11:3​0 AM @ DIU Auditorium.
  14. A day long workshop on “Course Curriculum Development” on November 09, 2006, part of the Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) project of Department of Law, Daffodil International University.
  15. Training on "How to publish articles in Impact factor enriched and good indexed journals and preparation for PhD program” on December 26, 2016 organized by Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Daffodil International University (DIU).

Muslim Law, Constitutional Law of Bangladesh. Specific Relief Act, Victimology, Human Rights Law & Law of Consumer Rights Protection



  1. Article Titled “LEGAL SAFEGUARDS FOR VICTIMIZED WOMEN IN BANGLADESH: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY Published in Daffodil International University Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Vol.2 July 2014 ISSN: 2305-0136 [Peer Reviewed].
  2. Article Titled A Comparative Approach on Criminal Liability in Criminal Proceedings under Islamic Criminal Law and Common Law System” Published in journal of The Islamic University Studies, Vol.8, No.2, June 2012 by the faculty of Law and Shariah, Islamic University, Kushtia.
  3. Article Titled “Application of Alternative Procedure in the Diversion Process of the Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh” Published in Journal of Judicial Administration and Training Institute (JATI) ISSN: 2220-6752, Volume-XIII, January 2014.
  4. Article Titled “Judicialization of Politics and Vice versa: The Transformation of Constitutional Discourse in Bangladesh” International Journal of Business and Technopreneurship, (Vol. 7, No. 02, June -2017, UniMAP, Malyasia.
  5. Article Titled “Access to Justice through Legal Aid for the Disadvantage People in Bangladesh: Issues and Challenges” Published in journal of The Islamic University Studies, Vol.8, No.2, June-12  by the faculty of Law and Shariah, Islamic University, Kushtia.
  6. Article Titled “Death Sentence Experience: An Analysis on the Psycho-Social Impact on Family Members of the Convict” published in Journal the Islamic University Studies (Vol. 098, No. 02, December 2013) under the Faculty of Law and Shariah, Islamic University, Kushtia.
  7. Article Titled Cybercrime Against Women in Bangladesh: Issues, Challenges and Legal Response” published in Journal Rajshahi University Law Review ISSN 2070-9196, Department of Law, University of Rajshahi.
  8. Article Titled “Regulatory Framework for the Disposal and Management of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) During Covid-19 in Bangladesh” is accepted for publication in a Scopus Indexed Journal of ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION, in 2022 February Supplement Issue. The journal is covered in Web of Science (ISI, Thomson Reuters, and US.A.) and NAAS India impact rating 5.41. The Journal is also in UGC-Care list of India.


Newspaper Article

  1. Published a newspaper article on 'Tortuous liability in road accident cases' in the Dhaka Tribune (A Daily English Newspaper) on August 14, 2014, available at:


Conference Papers:

  1. Attended an International Conference in Turkish and presented a paper titled “Comparative Analysis on Criminal Proceedings between Islamic Criminal Law and Criminal Law under Common Law System: Fair Trial Perspective” jointly organized by Islamic Research Center and Faculty of Law, Istanbul Medeniyet University,Turkey. It was taken place on 30 April-3 May 2015 in Antalya/Turkey.

  “The Role of Diversion process in Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh”  for M.Phil dissertation.

Islamic University Graduate Scholarship for 4years Hon’s [2002 to 2006]

Bangladesh Bar Council, Supreme Court Bar Association and Dhaka Bar Association.

Legal Practitioner at District and Session Judges Court, Dhaka.