Department of Law
Md. Riaduzzaman  Assistant Professor
Name :
Md. Riaduzzaman
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Law
Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences
Personal Webpage

LL.B (Hons) University of London (UK), LL.B (Hons), LL.M University of Dhaka.

Roundtable Discussion on Islam and International Humanitarian Law  Iran Cultural Centre November 26,  2016
Teaching Seminar on ‘International Humanitarian Law’ Jointly organized by Eastern University and International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) 2nd to 4th July 2013
Workshop on ‘Outcome--- Based Education’ Daffodil international University 2nd & 3rd June 2013
International Conference on ‘Tertiary Education: Realities & Challenges Daffodil international University 19 and 21 January 2013
Workshop on ‘Developing a Research Frame for Educational Technology’ under the auspices of the LEADHER Project, International Association of Universities held at DIU 28th & 29th November 2012

International Trade Law, Media & Information Technology Law, Private International Law, Consumer Law.

  1. Uddin, M., Rahmat, N. E., Billah, M., Amin, M. R., & Riaduzzaman, M. Doctrine of Domicile in Conflict of Laws: An Appraisal for Determining Private Law. j. life soc. Sci. (2024), 22(2):15510-15523 E-ISSN: 2221-7630;P-ISSN: 1727-4915.
  2. Babu, K.-E.-K., Riaduzzaman, M., Akter, T., Akther, S. Negative Effects of the Urban River Pollution on the Environment and Human Health in Bangladesh Nature Environment and Pollution Technology , 2023, 22(3), pp. 1081–1096.
  3. Farhana Helal Mehtab, Arif Mahmud, Riaduzzaman, Mahabub Ul Alam Khan & Fariha Hossen(2022) Right to commit suicide in India: A comparative analysis with suggestion for the policymakers, Cogent Social Sciences, 8:1, DOI: 1080/23311886.2021.2017574
  4. Riaduzzaman, M., Mahmud, M. A., & Nazneen, M. (2019). A Comparative Study on the Management of Digital Assets in Virtue of Fiduciary Relationship. DIU Journal of Humanities & Social Science, 6.
  5. Babu, K. E. K., and Riaduzzaman. M. (2020). Soil Pollution–A Consequence of Environmental Misdeeds: Bangladesh Context. Pollution Research, 39 (November Suppl. Issue), S12-S16.
  6. Saleh, Md. A., & Riaduzzaman, Md. (2019). The Compatibility of International Crimes (Tribunals) Act 1973 with Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court [Review of The Compatibility of International Crimes (Tribunals) Act 1973 with Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court]. Jahangirnagar University Journal of Law, VII, 103–124.
  7. Riaduzzaman, Md. (2017). Health and Nutritional Status of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis [Review of Health and Nutritional Status of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis]. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies, 4(3), 19–29.
  8. Riaduzzaman, Md. (2017). Juvenile Delinquency and Justice System in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis [Review of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice System in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis]. Bangladesh Institute of Legal Development (BiLD) Law Journal, 2(1), 125–144.
‘Juvenile Delinquency and Justice System in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis’ Bangladesh Institute of Legal Development (BiLD) Law Journal, (ISSN: 2518-6523).
‘Health and Nutritional Status of Female Garment Workers in Bangladesh: A Comparative Study’ International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies (IJRHSS), India, p-ISSN: 2394-6288, e-ISSN: 2394-6296.

Secured Talent pool scholarship in Class Eight, Received Board scholarship for SSC & Dhaka University scholarship for LL.B (Hons). 

Grays Inn (UK), Bangladesh Ain Samity(DU).