PhD in ICT Supported Teaching and Learning, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia.
M. Sc. in Physics, (First Class First), Chittagong University. Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Physics, (Second Class First), Chittagong University. Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Education, (First Class First), Rajshahi University, Bangladesh.
ICT for Development (various sectors)
Development of a Sustainable Research Culture at a young University
World University Rankings: Methodologies and Applications
E-learning and M-learning
Implementation of Collaborative Learning
Teacher Development
Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP), Member of Research and Innovation Committee, 2021 to 2024 (International)
EURAS (Turkey), Panelist and Resource Person, International Rankings for Higher Education Institutes: Opportunities and Challenges, May 2021 (International).
Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), UK, Early Career Researcher Training on Grant Proposal Writing, March –April 2021, conducted for three universities in Dhaka, Training Organizer and Resource Person. (International Funding)
Principal Investigator of a quality education project on A Quality Education Framework in Higher Education in Bangladesh, a collaborative research project with United International University, Dhaka, 2020. (National)
Magna Charta Observatory, UK, Director of Living Value Project at Daffodil International University, 2019 to till date, (International Project).
Is Blended Learning Compatible with Social Constructivism and Connectivism, Keynote Presentation at 12th International Malaysian Educational technology Convention (IMETC2018), 24-26 September 2018, Kuantan, Phahang, Malaysia (International).
Daffodil International University, Resource Person of Teacher Development Initiative, 2018 to till date (National).
Keynote presentation on Group Dynamics of Undergraduate Students in Google Classroom, International Colloquium on Immersive Technology (ICIT), Centre for Islamic Technology, University Sains Islam Malaysia, 27 September 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (International).
University Sains Malaysia (USM), Penang, Research Mentor, Capacity Building Workshops’, 2014. (International)
USM, Malaysia and Daffodil International University, Research Leader, ‘LEADER Project’, Funded by International Association of Universities (IAU), 2014. (International)
Asian Development Bank, Consultant and Instructional Designer, ‘Study of Technology in Education to Reduce Poverty- Asia and the Pacific’, 2007. (International)
HSTTI, Comilla, Bangladesh, Resource Person, ‘Training Program for College Principals’, 2008.
Open University of Hong Kong, Visiting Scholar, 2005. (International)
Department of Education and Youth Affairs, Government of Australia, Melbourne, Researcher of Better School Project, Victoria University, (A project with Professor Dr. Maureen Rayan, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Human Development, 2003 (International)
Christchurch College of Education, New Zealand, Participant ‘Teachers Training Program’, 1996.
UNDP Consultancy Support Bangladesh, Member, ‘Examination Skills Development Program’,
September 1998. (National)
Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, Member, ‘Training of Trainers’, 1995. (National)
NAEM, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh, Member, ‘Project Management and Development’ September 1994. (National)
University of Philippines, Fellow, ‘Curriculum Development’, 1991. (International)
University of Philippines, Participants ‘Academic Supervision Strategies’, 1988. (International)
During my eleven years of Professorship at Daffodil International University, I have made the following contributions:
As a Faculty Member of CSE Department (May 2010 to April 2013)
As Head of the Department of Multimedia and Creative Technology (May 2013 to May 2017)
As the Director of Division of Research (July 2017 to till date)
Development of a Research Culture at DIU
University World Rankings obtained by DIU
I directly worked for the following World University Rankings
Empowering Tertiary Level Students to Understand Fundamentals of Programming, Islam, Y. M., Islam, M. K. and Haque, M. S. (eds.), University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) press, Kuala Lumpur, 2020.
Book Chapter
Hoque, M. S & Islam, M. K. (2020). Can Academic English be improved using Social Media Activity? in Empowering Tertiary Level Students to Understand Fundamentals of Programming, Islam, Y. M. Islam, M. K. and Haque, M. S. (eds.) University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) press, Kuala Lumpur.
Islam, M. K. & Hossain, M. E. (2020). So, what we have learned, in Empowering Tertiary Level Students to Understand Fundamentals of Programming, Islam, Y. M. Islam, M. K. and Haque, M. S. (eds.), University Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) press, Kuala Lumpur.
Islam, M. K. Ashraf, A. Ahmed, H. Hasinat, R. & Vale, C. (2021). Quality Education of Private Universities: Lessons from Bangladesh, submitted to Education Research International (Scopus Indexed), under review (an outcome of my collaborative research project with UIU)
Ashraf, A. Ahmed, H. Islam, M. K. Hasinat, R. (2021). In Quest for Sustainable Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Evidence from Bangladesh, Quality Assurance in Education, Emerald Publishing, (Scopus Indexed), under review (an outcome of my collaborative research project with UIU)
Sarker, M. F. H, Islam, M. K. Islam, M. S. Alam, M. M. Mohiuddin, K. Hoque, M. S. & Srijohn, A. A. (2021). Student counseling and Academic Performance of the Students in Bangladesh, Heliyon, ELSEVIER (Scopus Indexed), under review.
Hoque, M. S., Karthikeyan, J., Islam, M. M. & Islam M. K. (2021). Tyranny of Communicative Language Teaching: Perils of Pupils In Primary Schools of Bangladesh, International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, vol (..), pages, accepted, and final version submitted for publication soon (Scopus indexed, & Q1 ranked Journal)
Sayed, M. Sarker, M. F. H. & Islam, M. K. (2021). Exploring the Effectiveness of Blended Learning in Facilitating the Employability Skills of Tertiary-level Students: Bangladesh Perspective, Journal of Social Work Education, Taylor & Francis, under review (Scopus indexed)
Islam, M. K., Sarker, F. H. and Islam, M. S. (2021). Promoting Student-centred Blended Learning in Tertiary Education: A Model, E-learning and Digital Media, June 24, SAGE Journals. (Scopus indexed)
Khan, T., Paul, B. K., Hasan, M. T., Islam M. R., Arefin, M. A., Ahmed K., Islam, M. K., Ali Moni, M. A., (2021). Significant pathway and biomarker identification of pancreatic cancer associated lung cancer, Informatics in Medicine Unlocked, Volume 25, 100637 (Scopus indexed)
Ali, S., Sarker, M.F.H., Islam, M.S. Islam, M. K. and Mahmud, R. A. (2021). Pursuing higher education: adaptation challenges and coping strategies of rural students at urban universities in Bangladesh. Tert Educ Manag 27, 91–106. (Scopus indexed)
Hasan, M. T., Hassan, M., Ahmed K., Islam M. R., Islam, M. K., Touhid Bhuyian, T., Uddin, M. S., & Paul, B. K. (2020). Network based study to explore genetic linkage between diabetes mellitus and myocardial ischemia: Bioinformatics approach, Gene Reports, Volume 21, 100809. (Scopus indexed)
Puspo, N. A., Akter, L., Siddique, S., Paul, B. K., Ahmed, K., Bhuiyan, T., & Islam, M. K., (2020). Analyzing the protein-protein interaction network and the topological properties of prostate cancer and allied diseases: A computational bioinformatics approach, Gene Reports, Volume 21, 100842. (Scopus Indexed)
Islam, M. B., Wong, C. & Islam, M. K. (2020). S3D-R2R: An automatic stereoscopic 3D image recomposition to retargeting method with depth modification, VISIGRAPP, Volume 4. (Scopus indexed)
Ali, S., Sarker, M.F.H., Islam, M.S. Mahmud, R. A. & Islam, M. K. (2019) "Use of e-learning at higher educational institutions in Bangladesh: Opportunities and challenges", Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 11 (2), 210-223. (Scopus indexed)
Islam, M. K., Alam, M. M., Md Rashad Al Hasan Rony, M. R. H., Mohiuddin, K. (2019). Statistical Analysis and Identification of Important Factors of Liver Disease using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Architecture. ACM Publications, (ICIAI 2019). March 15-18, 2019, Suzhou, China (, Scopus indexed)
Tec, B., Islam, M. B., Kumar, N., Islam, M. K., & Eaganathan, U. (2018). Statistical and Spending Behavior based Fraud Detection of Card-based Payment System, IEEE Xplore, (Scopus indexed)
Alam M.M., Mohiuddin K., Das A.K., Islam M.K., Kaonain M.S. & Ali, M. H. (2018). A Reduced feature based neural network approach to classify the category of students, ACM, 28-32. Scopus indexed)
Alam M.M., Mohiuddin K., Islam M.K., Hasan, M. Hoque M. A. & Allayear, S. M. (2018). A Machine Learning Approach to Analyze and Reduce Features to a Significant number for Employees Turnover Prediction Model, Springer Publications, (Scopus indexed)
Islam M.K., Alam M.M., Islam M.B., Mohiuddin K., Das A.K., & Kaonain M.S. (2018) An Adaptive Feature Dimensionality Reduction Technique Based on Random Forest on Employee Turnover Prediction Model. In: Singh M., Gupta P., Tyagi V., Flusser J., Ören T. (eds) Advances in Computing and Data Sciences in Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 906. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus indexed)
Alam, M. M. & Islam, M. K. & (2017). Technical Model for Problem Solving in a Holistic Approach, ULAB Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 1.
Islam, M. K., (2016). Use of Social Media for Participatory Education at Tertiary Education: Bangladesh Perspective, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, Vol. 6, Issue 12.
Hoque, M. S. & Islam, M. K. (2015). Peer Interaction in Social Media for Improvement of EAP and Problem Solving Skills, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research”,
Islam, M. K. Hoque, M. S. & Islam, Y. M. (2014). Poor Academic Performance of University Students: Problems and Solutions, ULAB Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 5, 18-25.
Islam, M. B, Ahmed, A. Islam, M. K. Shamsuddin, A. K. (2014). Child Education through Animation: An experimental Study, International Journal of Computer Graphics and Animation (IJCGA), vol 4, no 4, 43-52.
Samsuddin, A. K. Islam, M. K. & Islam, M. B. (2014). A Directional Model of Concept Art, Journal of Modern Science and Technology, vol 2, no 2, 78-86.
Azad, A. K, Islam, M. K., Hoque, M. S. (2014). An Analysis of Popularity of Consumer to Consumer Websites, International Journal of Computer Science Research (IJCSR), Volume 4, Number 3, Issue 16.
Islam, M. B. Islam, M. K. Shamsuddin, A. K. & Rahman, Z. (2013). Low Cost and Efficient Collision Detection for Rigid and Deformable Objects, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 11, pp. 440-451.
Islam, M. B. Islam, M. K. Ahmed, A. & Shamsuddin, A. K. (2013). Interactive Digital Learning Materials for Kindergarten Students in Bangladesh, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 11, pp. 423-433.
Islam, M. B. Islam, M. K. & Samsuddin, A. K. (2013). Evaluating Content Based Animation through Concept Art, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 11, pp. 818-830.
Shamsuddin, A. K. Islam, M. B. & Islam, M. K. (2013). Page Architecture: A Research Based Analysis on Graphic Design, International Journal of Trends in Computer Science, Volume 2, Issue 11, pp. 371-385
Sohag, S. A., Islam, M. K. & Islam, M. B. (2013). A novel approach for Image Steganography using Dynamic Substitution and Secret Key, American Journal of Engineering Research (IJER), Vol 2, No 9
Das, B. S., Islam, M. K., & Hossain, S.A. (2013). Architectural Design of an Efficient Data Centre, International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER), Volume 3, Issue 9.
Islam, M. K. (2013). A Model for Treatment of Remote Patient through Telemedicine System, Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Research (JECSR), Vol 2, N0 2.
Islam, M.Z., Rahman, M.M. Islam, M.K. (2013). Online Examination System in Bangladesh Context, International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, Vol 2, Issue 3.
Islam, M. K. (2013). A Framework for E-learning in Developing Countries: Challenges and Solutions, Journal of Electronics and Computer Science Research (JECSR), Vol 2.
Islam, M. K. & Vale, C. (2012). The Teacher’s Role in Promoting Online Peer group Learning, International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Research, 2 (1), January.
Islam, M. K. & Hossain, M. F. (2012). Online Vs. Traditional Shopping in Bangladesh, DIU Journal of Business, Volume 6, Issue 1.
Islam, M. K. (2012). ICT-supported Collaborative Learning in Engineering Education: Bangladesh Context, ULAB Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 3, November 2012.
Pasha, M., Hossain, S. A. & Islam, M. K. (2012). Student learning Management based on Collaborative and Interactive Information System, ULAB Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 3, November 2012.
Islam, M. K. (2005). A Model for Teaching and Learning Online in Asian Context, Open Education Research, 11 (6), 63-67.
Newspaper Article
Islam, M. K. (2011). ICT in Learning: DIU initiative, The Independent, Page 29 July 1, Dhaka,
Islam, M. K. (2019). World University Rankings and Bangladesh, The Daily Observer, 25 November, 2019 Dhaka. (Available at:
Selected Conference Papers
Islam, M. K. (2018). Is Blended Learning Compatible with Social Constructivism and Connectivism? 12th International Malaysian Educational technology Convention (IMETC2018), 24-26 September 2018, Kuantan, Phahang, Malaysia. (Keynote Speech).
Islam, M. K. (2018). Group Dynamics of Undergraduate Students in Google Classroom, International Colloquium on Immersive Technology (ICIT), Centre for Islamic Technology, University Sains Islam Malaysia, 27 September 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Keynote Speech).
Islam, M. K. Hoque, M. S. & Hossain, M. E. (2016). Articulation of Group Dynamics of Undergraduate Students in Social Media, International conference on Open, Online and Flexible Learning: The Key to Sustainable Development, Pan Commonwealth Forum (PCF8), Jointly organized by the Commonwealth of Learning, Canada & OUM, KL, 27-30, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Supervision of Students’ Project in CSE Department
Effectiveness of classroom feedback system (CFS) in higher education in Bangladesh, M.Sc. Thesis, 2011
A study of business to consumer (B2C) website and traditional store in Bangladesh, M. Sc. Thesis, 2011
A Model of a Next generation Data Centre, M. Sc. Thesis, 2012
An analysis of different factors of business to business (b2B) website in Bangladesh, M. Sc. Thesis, 2012
A novel approach for image steganography using dynamic substitution and secret key, M. Sc. Thesis, 2012
Mobile Banking: A Case Study, M. Sc. Thesis, 2012
An Analysis of Mobile Commerce in Bangladesh, M. Sc. Thesis, 2012
A Case Study of Internet Banking System, M.Sc. Thesis, 2014
Internet Banking: Services and Benefits, M. Sc. Thesis, 2014
ICT4D, Multimedia and Web Technologies in Learning, E-learning and M-learning, Machine Learning, Constructivist Design of Learning
Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association
Asia Pacific Physics Teachers and Educators Association, University of the Philippines. Manila
(Position), (Organization), (Stat Date), (End Date)
Professor, Department of MCT, Daffodil International University, 01 February, 2014 – till date
Associate Professor of CSE, Daffodil International University, 02 February, 2010- Jan 14
Research Mentor, Victoria University, Melbourne, January 2002- October 2003
Senior Member Directing Staff (Professor), Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute, Dec 1997 – Dec 1998
Member Directing Staff (Associate Professor), Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute, April 1995 – November 1997
Assistant Professor & Zonal Project Officer, Secondary Education and Science Development Center, September 1987 – March 1995
Lecturer, Government and Non-government College, July 1985 – August 1987
(Role), (Organization), (Start Date), (End Date)
Director, Division of Research, Daffodil International University, June 2017- till date
Head of the Department of MCT, Daffodil International University, May 2013 – May 2017
Chairman, Examination Committee, Daffodil International University, September 2012- August 2013
Member, Research Evaluation Committee, Department of CSE, Daffodil International University, January 2011- May 2014
Director, Regional Resource Center, Bangladesh Open University, November 2003 –January 2010
Training Coordinator, Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute, December 1997 - January 1998
Action Research Coordinator, Higher Secondary Teachers Training Institute, August 1995- November 1996