Department of Management
Mr. Md. Ejaj-Ur-Rahaman  Lecturer (Senior Scale)
Name :
Mr. Md. Ejaj-Ur-Rahaman
Employee ID
Lecturer (Senior Scale)  
Department of Management
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Personal Webpage
  • Post Graduation Diploma (PGD) (2021): Educational Leadership, Institute of Educational Development, Brac University (CGPA: 3.98 on a scale of 4)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) (2015): Accounting & Information Systems (AIS), University of Dhaka (CGPA: 3.76 on a scale of 4)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (2012): Accounting, Daffodil International University (CGPA: 3.95 on a scale of 4)


1. How to create “Creative Questionnaire” organized by Teachers Training College, Dhaka.

2. “Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader Training” –Organized by Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, Bangladesh.

3.  Corporate Etiquette & Manners” – Organized by HR, DIU.

4. “Participatory Engagement Techniques” Organized by HRDI.

5. Faculty Development Workshop” – by Dr. Wendy Garland, Trainer, USA

6. “Rover Scout Leader Training” – Organized by Bangladesh Scouts, Mouchak, Gazipur.

7. “Training & Preparing Creative Question Bank for Accounting” – Organized

by Cambrian College, Dhaka.

8.  “Performance of a Life Time” Organized by East Side Institute, USA and Daffodil International University.

9. “How to Write Business Plan” Organized by Yunus Centre & NSU YES Club.

10. “Workshop on how to write a Strategic Report about Bangladesh 2030: Strategy for Growth” Organized by DCCI.

11. “Self-Development Program (SDP)” Organized by Career Development Center (CDC), DIU.

Accounting, Audit, Art of Living and Ethics

  1. EU Rahaman, I Mahmud, A Himel, A Begum, N Jahan. (2022). Mathematical modelling of teachers’ intention to participate in online training during COVID-19 lockdown: Evidence from emerging economy. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 17(12), 170-183.
  2. Rayhanul, EU Rahaman, & Jasia, (2017), An assessment of the success factors of micro finance of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh, International Journal of Advance Research & Review
  3. Kamrul, Khaled, & EU Rahaman (2017), Examining the Formation of the Purchase Intention of an Apartment in Dhaka City: Roles of CRM and CRC, MTG Global Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship
  4. Syed & EU Rahaman, (2015), Media Industry Trend in Bangladesh- Today & Tomorrow, Journal of Journalism and Media Studies Department, Jahangirnagar University
  5. EU Rahaman, & Mostafa Kamal. (2013). Accounting 1st paper (XI & XII). Cambrian Publications.

1. “Media Trend of Bangladesh – Today & Tomorrow” – Jointly written by Syed Mizanur Rahman & Ejaj-Ur-Rahaman & Published in the Journal of the Department of Journalism & Media Communication of Jahangirnagar University

2. Feasibility Study of Establishing SAE (an International Media Institute) in Bangladesh – A research based on the field study in Dhaka.

3. Impact of Ethics Integrity & Subconscious bias on ‘Opinion’ Expressed by independent auditors. – A paper based on field study and literature review.

1. Gold Medal as Golden Pupil of Cambrian College

2. Best Sub-camper at 7th South Asian Scout Jamboree

2. Full Free Scholarship for Graduation in Daffodil International University

Award Leader
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Foundation, Bangladesh

1. Communication Manager
Bangladeshi Idol, MasterChef Bangladesh & Who Wants to be a Millionaire
Deltabay International - United Kingdom
Bangladesh Office.

2. Lecturer
Department of Accounting
Cambrian College