Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering
Mr. Juwel Rana  Assistant Professor
Name :
Mr. Juwel Rana
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Nutrition and Food Engineering
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Personal Webpage

MS in Food Engineering, 2018
University: Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Major:  Food Engineering

BSc in Food Engineering, 2016
University:  Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh.
Major: Food Engineering

  • Successfully completed 7 days (18-12-19 to 26-12-19) long training program on “Teaching with Passion” arranged by Daffodil International University.
  • Successfully completed one day (25-11-19) long training program on “Achieving Professional Excellence (APEX)” arranged by Skill jobs and Daffodil International University.
  • Successfully completed 6 days (30 November to 05 December, 2014 ) “Extension Field Trip” at Dhanbari Upazila, Tangail arranged by Department of Agricultural Extension, BAU and gained knowledge and experiences about Rural development issues and made survey works in identifying of problems through farm and home visit. Also acquainted with organizational set-up, current programs, activities and working procedure at Upazila level agricultural and rural development organizations and also develop leadership.
  • Successfully completed 45 days Industrial Training Program in PRAN RFL Industrial Park, Bagpara, Palash, Narsingdi. Gained Knowledge about Industrial in line production, all Quality concerns, Safety, Packaging, Maintenances, manpower management etc.


Unit Operation in Food Industries, Food Process Engineering, Food Processing and Packaging, Food Preservation Engineering, Food Storage Engineering, Engineering Properties and Principles of Food Machineries, Advanced Food Process Engineering, Quality Control in Food Industries, Food Chemistry, Introduction to Food Science, Food Technology.

1 Mazumder, M. A. R., Rana, J., Jubayer, M. F., Ranganathand, T. V., & Ansari, M. J. A. (2023). Sonication microwave synergistic extraction of bioactive compounds from plant source. In G. A. Nayik, M. Ranjha, X. A. Zeng, S. Irfan, & S. M. Zahra (Eds.), Ultrasound and Microwave for Food Processing: Synergism for Preservation and Extraction (1st ed., pp. 239–267). Elsevier. 2023
2 Sarker, A., Mondal, S. C., Ahmmed, R., Rana, J., Ansary, M. W. R., & Bilal, M. (2023). Prospects and challenges of polymer nanocomposites for innovative food packaging. In N. Ali, M. Bilal, A. Khan, T. A. Nguyen, & R. K. Gupta (Eds.), Smart Polymer Nanocomposites (1st ed., pp. 355–377). Elsevier. 2023
3 Islam, A., Rahman, M., Rana, J., Hasan, Z., Soeb, J. A., Kayshar, S., & Jubayer, F. (2022). Challenges towards raising agro-machinery industries in Bangladesh: Conceptualizing a multitasking framework for action. Multidisciplinary Reviews, 5(3), DOI: 2022
4 Sarker, A., Ghosh, M. K., Islam, T., Bilal, M., Nandi, R., Raihan, M. L., ... & Kim, J. E. (2022). Sustainable Food Waste Recycling for the Circular Economy in Developing Countries, with Special Reference to Bangladesh. Sustainability, 14(19), 12035. 2022
5 Ferdoush, Z., Antora, R. A., Rana, J., Iqbal, A., Aziz, M. G., & Uddin, M. B. (2021). Effect of postharvest treatment with thiovit and rovral on extending shelf-life of snake-gourd and papaya. evsjv‡k cjøx Dbœqb mgxÿv. 2021
6 Monirul Hasan Tipu, M., Baroi, A., Rana, J., Islam, S., Jahan, R., Shipon Miah, Md., & Asaduzzaman, Md. (2021). Potential Applications of Nanotechnology in Agriculture: A Smart Tool for Sustainable Agriculture. Agricultural Development in Asia - Potential Use of Nano-Materials and Nano-Technology. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.101142 2021
7 Sarker, A., Deepo, D. M., Nandi, R., Rana, J., Islam, S., Rahman, S., Hossain, M. N., Islam, M. S., Baroi, A., & Kim, J.-E. (2020). A review of microplastics pollution in the soil and terrestrial ecosystems: A global and bangladesh perspective. Science of The Total Environment, 733, 139296. 2020
8 Jerin, A., Sarkar, B. K., Monia, T. J., Nessa, B., Rana, J. & Barman, S. K. (2019). Antibacterial activity of ethanolic extract of Commelina benghalensis L. leaf. Jagannath University Journal of Life and Earth Sciences, 5(2), 220-223. 2019


Conference Paper:

Juwel Rana, Masud Rana, Zannatul Ferdoush (2019): Design and Implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point principles for Lexus biscuit plant in Bangladesh. International Conference on Recent Advances in Chemistry (ICRAC).

1.    Undergraduate Project.
•    Combined project work under supervision of Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Alim and project title was “Study on preparation of yoghurt from whole milk with substitute of banana”.

2.    M.S Thesis.
•    Assessment of formaldehyde level in selected fruits and vegetables.

3.    Supervised Work:
•    Design and Implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point principles for Lexus biscuit plant in Bangladesh
•    Effect of Blanching and thickness on drying kinetics of Beet root on Multiple Tunnel solar dryer.
•    Effect of Blanching and thickness on drying kinetics of Beet root leaf on Multiple Tunnel solar dryer.
•    Preparation and sensory evaluation of Corn Silk Tea.
•    Preparation and Sensory Evaluation of Herbal Tea (Guava Leaf Tea)
•    Preparation Of Instant Pineapple Soft Drink Powder
•    Study on preparation of yoghurt from whole milk with substitute of Corn milk.

•    Achieved National Science and Technology (NST) fellowship scheme 2016-2017 by Ministry of Science and Technology

•    Bangladesh Society of Food Engineers & Technologists
•    Food Engineering Club
•    Badhan (A voluntary Blood Donor Organization).

  • Worked as Lecturer, Department of Food Engineering and Technology, State University of Bangladesh from 27th January, 2019 to 31th August, 2019.
  • Worked as Lecturer, Department of Food Science & Technology, International Institute of Applied Science & Technology (IIAST), Rangpur affiliated by University of Rajshahi from 1st July, 2017 to 26th January, 2019.