Department of Public Health
Dr. Salamat Khandker  Professor
Name :
Dr. Salamat Khandker
Employee ID
Department of Public Health
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Personal Webpage

M.D (FU-Berlin) MSc. CHDC (University of Heidelberg) , Germany.

“Peace mediation and crisis diplomacy in action” held in Berlin Germany during 31st August to 4th September 2020 and was sponsored by German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD).

Health care waste management system in Bangladesh and its  drawbacks. University of Jena, Germany. DAAD supported special program for  doctors, held during 06.11.2016 to 17.11.2016 at Jena and Bonn, Germany

Organized and participated “‘Engendering in Higher education Institutes of Bangladesh” that held on February 11-18, 2013 at the Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was supported by DAAD and jointly organized by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Institute for Interdisciplinary Gender Research and Diversity, University of applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany


Organized and participated ‘training program on Gender Excellence in Bangladesh’ that held on May 7-14, 2012 at the Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was supported by DAAD and jointly organized by the Department of Women and Gender Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Institute for Interdisciplinary Gender Research and Diversity, University of applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany.

Participated in the international DAAD Expert Seminar in Healthcare held at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany from 15-22 November 2010. It was supported by German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD).

Attended “Occupational Health Crossing Borders” course during 19 – 31 May 2008 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany. The course was sponsored by DAAD.

Completed 6 months Distance learning course on ‘Commonwealth of Learning on writing effectively for the World Health Organization’ in December 2007. WHO sponsored this course.

Completed two weeks training on “Epidemiology and Bio statistics Using SPSS” during March 19-31, 2006 at NIPSOM, Mohakhali, Dhaka. It was sponsored by Cambridge University UK.


Attended “Fogarty International Training workshop on Basic and Molecular Epidemiology, Environmental Health, Arsenic Exposure and risk Assessment” during December 13-20, 2005 in Kolkatta, India. It was organized jointly by the Indian Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata and University of California, Berkeley, USA.

Attended “Inter-Country Workshop to Build Capacity for Arsenic Epidemiology and Research” from 21.06.04 to 25.06.04 at the Prince of Songhkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand. South East Asian Regional Office of WHO organized it.

Participated “Inter-Country workshop on Capacity Building in the use of WHO Field guide for the Detection and Management of Arsenicosis” from 23.05.04 to 28.05.04 at the Bangladesh Academy of Rural Development, Comilla, Bangladesh. South East Asian Regional Office of WHO organized it.

Organized and participated “Inter-country Meeting of Trainers for Arsenic Epidemiology and research” from 14.09.03 to 18.09.03 at the Institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail, Dhaka. The Government of Bangladesh and WHO Bangladesh organized it jointly.


Attended workshop on “Psychosocial intervention & case management among street children from 01.12.99 to 07.12.99. Child Hope Asia Philippine and Aparajeyo Bangladesh, Dhaka jointly organized it.


Participated workshop on “Prevention of brain damage due to birth asphyxia” from 17.03.97 to 20.03.97 at Dhaka Shishu Hospital organized by the Commonwealth Association for Mental Handicap & Developmental Disability (CAMHADD).


Completed “Supervisory skills training course on diarrhoeal diseases” from 18.01.92 to 23.01.92 at Rangpur Medical College. Program for Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases, WHO, Bangladesh organized it.


Completed “orientation training course on T.B. control” from 06.07.91 to 11.07.91 at National T.B. control project building, Shymoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Attended “Ninth European course in tropical Epidemiology” from 13.08.90 to 24.08.90 at Berlin. German Foundation for International Development supported it.


Completed “Orientation course on child health” from 02.12.89 to 14.12.89 at the Bangladesh Institute of Child health, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Participated training on “Laboratory works with unsophisticated equipment”, from 10.04.89 to 14.04.89 at the Institute of the Missionary Medicine of the University of Wurzburg, Germany.

Clinical medicine, Community Medicine, Public health, Epidemiology, Hospital Management, Management, Environmental and Occupational Health, Arsenic Epidemiology.



  1. Management of preterm low birth weight infants in Dhaka: a comparison between Standard Care and Kangaroo Mother Care. Publication data: J Pediatr Neonat Individual Med. 2021;10(1):e100111. doi: 10.7363/100111

    Country portrait Bangladesh: Social policy, Social work and Social Economy: (Published on 05.11.2020). 

  2. Smoking behaviour among Tuberculosis relapse cases attended at tertiary level hospitals in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. International Medical Journal: ID:IMJ 26.12.2019-99 (Scopus Indexed)
  3. Comparison of Foetal Weight and Birth Weight estimated by Ultrasonography and clinical Assessment of the pregnant Mothers. Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine, (JOPSOM): January 2019, Vol.38, No. 1
  4. Arsenic Exposure of Mothers and Low Birth Weight. Iranian Journal of Health, Safety & Environment, Vol. 6, No.3, pp1289-1297: Accepted, May 2018: Published October 2019
  5. Gestational Diabetes among the Arsenic Exposed Women from Arsenic Contaminated Area of Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018, Vol. 18 (2): 13-19
  6. Birth Preparedness and complication Readiness (BPCR) among the Married Women Attended an Upazila. Health Complex. JOPSOM 2018, 37 (1): 9-16
  7. Community Perception on Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in Two Selected Upazillas of Bangladesh: JOPSOM 2017; 36 (2): 6-15.
  8. Principal author of the book “Climate Change Issue on food security and health”. ISBN – 978-613-5-67942-7. Lambert Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Lanfstrasse 99, D-66123, Saarbruecken. Germany. January - 2018
  9. Blood Cholinesterase level and health effect among the organophosphates exposed agricultural workers. JOPSOM 35(1), 1-11. (2016).
  10. Role of agriculture for choline intake by pregnant women in Bangladesh: The Agriculturists 14(2): 86-94 (2016): A Scientific Journal of Krishi Foundation.
  11. Teeth abrasion among arsenic exposed and non-exposed population. Journal Daffodil International University of Allied Health Sciences: Volume 2, Issue 1& 2, January –July 2015.
  12. Choline intake pattern among women in their 3rd trimester of Pregnancy at Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital: JOPSOM: June 2016.
  13. Composition of Respiratory Problems among Women and Children of Rural Households Using Improved Cooking stoves and Traditional Cook Stoves: JOPSOM 2015; 34(1):8-15
  14. Health effect of Biomass Fuel Combustion on Women and Children and Intervention of Improved Cook Stove and Hand Washing Practices (Phase I): Journal of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University: Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2014.
  15. Health Problem of Garment workers: National Public Health Seminar 2014: Organized by National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Mohakhali, Dhaka 1212, Web:
  16. Health effect of Biomass Fuel Combustion on Women and Children and Intervention of Improved Cook Stove and Hand Washing Practices (Phase I): Journal of Allied Health Sciences, Daffodil International University,: Volume 1, Issue 2, July 2014.
  17. “Blood Lead Levels and Health Problems of Lead Acid Battery Workers in Bangladesh. The Scientific World Journal: Vol. 2014, Article ID 974104, 7 pages, 2014. 
  18. Co-author of the book “Drinking water contaminants in Bangladesh”: ISBN: 978-3-8433-8969-3, January, 2011.  Lambert Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Lanfstrasse 99, D-66123, Saarbruecken.
  19. A colour Atlas on Cutaneous Arsenicosis and its Differential Diagnosis: 978-92-9022-300-9, May 2007    Environmental Health Unit of WHO, Dhaka. Printed by Evergreen Printing and Packaging, 9 Segunbagicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  20. Evaluation of physical and mental development of children of arsenic exposed areas in Bangladesh. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh, p15-30.
  21. Evaluation of physical and mental development of children of arsenic exposed areas in Bangladesh. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh, p15-30
  22. Speciation of arsenic in rice and vegetable from arsenic exposed areas in Bangladesh. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh; p 43-52.
  23. Total antioxidant content in foodstuffs from arsenic affected area of Bangladesh. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh; p 53-62.
  24. Re-screening of Arsenicosis patients in 3 Upazilla. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh; p 74-92.
  25. Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of topical use of salicylic acid for treatment of keratosis in Arsenicosis patients. WHO-May 2007: Applied research on arsenic in Bangladesh; p 92-100.
  26. Arsenic-safe drinking water and anti-oxidants for the management of Arsenicosis patients. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology: Page 42-50, Vol. 1, No. 2: December 2006.
  27. Efficacy of spirulina plus zinc in the treatment of arsenicosis patients. A double blind randomized placebo-controlled trial. The Clinical Toxicology, 44:35-41, January 2006
  28. Health Needs Assessment of street children in Dhaka city. The JOPSOM – 2000; 19(2): 66- 71.
  29. Health Manual of Street Children in Bangladesh. June 2001. Available in the ARISE office, NASS – Bhaban, E-8/B-1, Agargaon, Dhaka –1207. Tel: 8124092
  30. The street children’s health and environment.  ARISE Souvenir on Child Right’s Week 2000, NASS Bhaban, DSS Complex, E-8/B-1, Agargaon, Dhaka – 1207.
  31. Experiences of two pilot Primary Health Care Project Thanas. The New Nation, August 10, 1992.
  32. Village Health Care Post, System Pivotal. The New Nation, July 20, 1992.




  1.  Perceived workplace hazards and health problems among the workers of garment factory in Dhaka city. JOPSOM: 35(2), 1-9, December 2016.


  1.  “Drinking water contaminants in Bangladesh”: ISBN: 978-3-8433-8969-3, January, 2011.  Lambert Academic Publishing, GmbH & Co. KG, Dudweiler Lanfstrasse 99, D-66123, Saarbruecken, Germany
  2. Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh: WHO publication: 2008
  3. A Field Guide on Arsenicosis case detection, Management and disease Surveillance: WHO publication: 2005
  4. Compendium on Occupational Health and Safety: NIPSOM publication:  2008,

Reports and workshop proceedings:

  1. Evaluation report on PHC intervention Upazialas in 1992
  2. Final report on implementation status of Maternal and Neonatal Health Care Project in 1998
  3. A Manual on Health Needs of Street Children in 2002
  4. Proceeding of the DAAD supported regional meeting of ‘MEDALNETZ” held at Hotel Lake Castle in Dhaka from Sept. 28 to Oct. 11, 2009.
  5.  Proceedings of DAAD supported training program entitled “Gender Excellence in Bangladesh.” Organized jointly by the Department of Women and Gender Studies of the University of Dhaka and the University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany: 2012
  6. Proceedings of DAAD supported training program entitled “Engendering in Higher Education institutes of Bangladesh.” Organized jointly by the University of Dhaka and the University of Applied Sciences Kiel, Germany: 2013

Conference Papers: 


  1. Arsenic contamination of ground water and its health problem in Bangladesh. DAAD supported meeting “Science meet economy” held from 20th to 27th October 2013 in Mumbai, India.
  2. DAAD supported the regional meeting of ‘MEDALNETZ” held at Hotel Lake Castle in Dhaka from Sept. 28 to Oct. 11, 2009. I coordinated the meeting and presented a scientific paper.
  3. Presented a scientific paper on arsenic epidemiology in SEA at the regional meeting of “MEDALNETZ” held in Moshi, Tanzania, during 22nd September to 5th October 2008. DAAD provided financial assistance.
  4. Attended international conference for DAAD fellow doctors from developing countries, held at the Humboldt University, Berlin in Sept. 2007. Presented a paper on ‘Arsenic epidemiology in South East Asian Region” at the Justus Liebig Universitaet, Giesen under the guidance of Prof. M. Krawinkel.
  5. Workshop on new findings concerning the health effect and geochemistry of arsenic held on May 21, 2007 in Hotel Sheraton, Dhaka Bangladesh.  Title of presention “Management of Arsenicosis patients: findings of some research studies conducted in selected sub-district of Bangladesh”.
  6. Workshop on the Role of Environmental Performance Verification for Safe Water held on November 30th and December 1st 2006, Kathmandu, Nepal. It was organized by OCETA. Title of presentation “Arsenic related health issues in South East Asia.”
  7. ” Conference on ‘impact of global issues on women and children held in Dhaka, Feb.12-16, 2006. The National Institute of Health USA organized a panel on arsenic exposure, mitigation and treatment. Presented a paper on “Use of alcohol extracted spirulina plus zinc in the treatment of Arsenicosis”.


Research :

List of Scopus indexed journals
Full name of DIU Authors Please write publication details as per APA style
Dr. Salamat Khandker Gestational diabetes among the arsenic exposed women from arsenic contaminated area of Bangladesh:  Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2018, Vol. 18 (2): 13-19
List of Non-Scopus journals
Dr. Salamat Khandker Birth Preparedness and complications readiness (BPCR)among the married women attended an Upazila Health Complex: JOPSOM; December, 2018. Vol.37, No. 1
Dr. Salamat Khandker Community perception on climate vulnerability and adaptive capacity in two selected Upazilas of Bangladesh: JOPSOM;: July 2017, Vol. 36, No.2


  1. Cholerae Epidemiology: 1988
  2. Primary Health Care and HFA Strategy: 1992
  3. Breast feeding practices among mothers with children below 12 months age: 1993
  4. Street children’s health problem: 2000
  5.  Arsenic Epidemics in South East Asian Region: 2005
  6. Assess health problem of poisoning and snake bite cases in selected district of Bangladesh: 2006 
  7. Feasibility and cost of hospital waste management system at primary, secondary and tertiary  level health care facilities in Bangladesh: 2006
  8. Randomized Control Trial of treatment Regimen for Arsenicosis patients: 2007
  9.  Nutritional status of children living in arsenic hot spot areas:2007
  10.  KAP survey on Occupational safety and Health in the Construction Sector of Bangladesh: 2008
  11.  Knowledge Attitude and Practice on Indoor Air Pollution in the Rural Community of Bangladesh: 2008
  12.  Health impact of Indoor Air Pollution among rural Bangladeshi women: 2010
  13. Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Medical Waste Management among selected Upazila Health Complexes in Bangladesh (1st phase before training):  2008
  14.  KAP of selected hospital staff on health care waste handling and disposal: 2nd phase after intervention:  2011
  15. Garments workers Health Problem: 2011
  16. Health Problem of Lead Battery workers: 2011
  17. Situation analysis of Health Care Waste Management (HCWM) system in Bangladesh: 2012

1986-1989: Awarded German Scholarship for International development (DSE)
1992-1993: Awarded scholarship from German Academic Exchange Services (DAAD)

During 1996 to 2016 have received 9 (Nine) short term scholarships from German Academic Exchange services (DAAD) to attend seminar and deliver lecture at the Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Germany and at the University of Jena, Germany.

Google scholar link:

  • Member Board of Trusty Nature Conservation Management (NACOM)
  • Life member of the Heidelberg Alumnae International
  • Life Member of the Bangladesh Medical Association.
  • Member of the Bangladesh Public Health Association.
  • Board of Trusty Member of the German University  Bangladesh (GUB)
  • EC Member of the  Alumnae Association of German Universities in Bangladesh 
  • EC Member of Asian Arsenic Network, Bangladesh.
  • Member of National Steering Committee of “Bandhu Chula” Project.
  1. 13.05.2013 to 22.03.2021:  Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, DIU
  2. Senior National Consultant: World Health Organization, Environmental Health Unit (WHO-EHU): Shahid Captain Monsur Ali Sarani – 14, DPHE Bhaban, Kakrail, Dhaka – 1000. Tel.: +889343372, Mobile: 01712595502, Duration: October 2002-August 2014
  3. Health Specialist: Under ARISE Project of  United Nationas Development Program (UNDP)  & Department of Social Services (DSS),  Ministry of Social Welfare, Government of Bangladesh, NASS – Bhaban, Duration: September 1999- April 2002
  4. Medical Officer for post flood response activities: United States Aid for International Development (USAID), House # 1, Rd. # 23, Gulshan, Dhaka – 1212,  Bangladesh. Duration: October 1998 to April 1999
  5. District Project officer: Under Maternal  and Neonatal Health Care (MNHC), project of World Health Organization (WHO),  DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka – 1212
    Duration: February 1993-August 1998
    1992-1993: Received DAAD scholarship to attend MPH course at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
  6. Medical officer PHC:  Under Primary Health Care Project of World Health Organization (WHO), DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka – 121
    Duration:  January 1992 to September 1992
  7. Medical Officer: Under Primary Health Care Project of Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC)
    Duration: January 1990 to December 1991
  8. Registrar: University Clinic Charlottenburg, Department of Infectious Diseases, West Berlin, Germany.
    Duration: June 1987 to June 1989
  9. Internee Doctor: University Clinic Steglitz, West Berlin, Germany
    Duration: June 1986 to May 1987