Ph.D. in Simulation Studies, 2021
Graduate School of Simulation studies
University of Hyogo, Japan.
Executive Master in Business Administration, 2015
Major in Operational Management
BRAC University, Bangladesh.
Master of Science, 2004
Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Bachelor of Science, 2003
Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Communication Engineering
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Cyber Security, Cryptography, Ethical Hacking, Machine Learning, Modeling and simulation of complex systems, Complex networks and structural dynamics, Machine Learning and deep learning on Natural Language Processing, Computational Economics, Big Data Analysis, blockchain based distributed application and solution development.
1. Associate Professor (Full Time) (October 2023 to December 2024)
Department of CSE
Faculty of Science & Engineering
World University of Bangladesh
Avenue 6 & Lake Drive Road, Sector: 17/H, Uttara, Dhaka – 1230
2. Associate Professor (Adjunct) (September 2022 to December 2024)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Faculty of Science & Engineering
Independent University, Bangladesh.
Plot 16, Block B, Aftabuddin Ahmed Road
Bashundhara Residential Area, Dhaka-1245
3. Crypto-economist(Remote) (June 2021 to February 2022)
SifChain, Finance Ltd.
George Town, Grand Cayman KY1-1206
4. Computer Management Assistant (June 2013 to March 2017)
Executive Office
U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), Bangladesh
Madani Avenue, Baridhara, Dhaka -1212, Bangladesh
5. IT Officer (October 2008 to May 2013)
Business Support and Management Office
British Council Bangladesh
Fuller Road University of Dhaka 1000
6. Manager, Telecom (Maintenance and Operations)
Communications Technology Ltd.
1/10 Lalmatia (2nd floor), Block- A, Road- 5, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.