Department of Software Engineering
Ms. Shahina Haque  Assistant Professor
Name :
Ms. Shahina Haque
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Software Engineering
Faculty of Science and Information Technology
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Ph.D. (Continuing)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka

M.Sc. in Applied Physics and Electronics,
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Applied Physics and Electronics,
Rajshahi University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh

  • 55th Training program on BASIC ELECTRONICS of NITUB,13-18th December, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Summit-Featuring Google for Education, 27-28th February 2015, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil International University, Shukrabad, Dhaka, April, 2012 – Continuing.
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil International University, Shukrabad, Dhaka, November, 2009 – March, 2012.
  •  Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil International University,  Shukrabad, Dhaka, May, 2008 – October, 2009.
  •  Ph.D. student,  Department of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan (Also worked as Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant in the University of the Ryukyus, Japan),   (Continuing)
  •  Lecturer,  Department of Computer Science and Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh  October, 1999 - Have resigned in January, 2008 due to personal reason
  • Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Ramna, Dhaka   January, 2000 April, 2000 (On lien from Islamic University)
  1. Optical Fiber Communication, Electronics II, Digital Signal Processing, Communication Engineering, Electrical Circuit I, Electrical Circuit II, Biomedical Electronics, Computer Fundamentals and Programming, Electrical Technology, Electricity and Magnetism, Basic Electronic Devices and Circuits, Structured Programming.
  2. Lab conducted: Electronics II, Electronics I, Digital Signal Processing, Electrical Circuit II, Electrical Circuit I, Structured Programming
  3. Supervision of Undergraduate Thesis

# A study on Bangla vowel analysis
# Bangla vowel analysis-synthesis using wavelet transform
# Performance study of several methods and selected wavelets for image compression
# Observation of the line of site (los) of microwave antenna, network planning and batabase manegment at ROBI”
# Project on “performance comparison of image compression methods using natural and artificial test image
# Synthesis of Bangla oral – nasal pair of words and feature extraction of Bangla vowels
# Implementation of digital filter bank
# A study on CC and IP camera surveillance systems
# A study on broadcasting mechanism of a satellite TVchannel (Diganta television)
# A study on feature extraction of Bangla vowels & consonants for male & female voice
# A comparative study on image fusion using several method
# A study on image fusion, image compression and image enhancement            
# Home security system automation
# A study on performance analysis of image compression methods and Image denoising
# Audio, Image and MRI signal processing using wavelet
# Study and performance analysis of image compression using wavelet transform and JPEG wizard

1.        BOOK CHAPTERShahina Haque, Chapter Name: Bangla Speech Analysis, Synthesis and Vowel Nasality, In the TECHNICAL CHALLENGES AND DESIGN ISSUES IN BANGLA LANGUAGE PROCESSING ,   IGI Global.  701 E. Chocolate Avenue   Hershey PA 17033-1240, USA.  April, 2013  
2.        Shahina Haque, Md. Hanif Ali, A.K.M Fazlul Haque, Effect-of-inter-speaker-hypernasality-variation-in-cleft-palate-on-acoustic-vowel-space, IJERT Vol. 10 Issue 04, (April-2021).Link:
3.        Quamruzzaman, M., Haque, M., Haque, S., Das, U.C. (2021). Electromagnetic Radiation from Cell Phones Used in Dhaka City. In: Zhang, YD., Senjyu, T., SO–IN, C., Joshi, A. (eds) Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2020. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 182. Springer, Singapore.
4.        Haque, Shahina, Md Hanif Ali, and AKM Fazlul Haque. "Generating Vowel Nasality for a Rule-Based Bangla Speech Synthesizer." International Journal 10.1 (2021).Link:
5.        Munima Haque, Md. Quamruzzaman and Shahina Haque, “Survey of EMF Emitted by Domestic Appliances in Dhaka”., Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN) Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol.-13, No.-18, Sept.2018.   ISSN. 1819-6608
6.        Mahmudul H., Sirajum M., Syed N. S., A.K.M. F.H., Shahina H., Tasnim I. R.          ‘Design and Development of an LNB based DVB-S receiver’ International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7 (3.19) (2018) 66-71, 2018. (Scopus Indexed)
7.        S.M. Julfikarul Islam, Shahina Haque, “Analysis of Speech of Male with Autism Spectrum Disorder,  International Conference on Electronics and ICT, Bangladesh Electronics society,25-26, Nov. 2018, AECD,Dhaka
8.        Md. Quamruzzaman, Munima Haque, and Shahina Haque,   “Effects of Non-Ionizing Radiation From Mobile Phone and Towers”, International Conference on Electronics and ICT, Bangladesh Electronics society,29-30, Nov. 2018, AECD,Dhaka
9.        Shahina Haque, Md. Hanif Ali and A.K.M. Fazlul Haque, "Cross-Gender Acoustic Differences in Hypernasal Speech and Detection of Hypernasality," International Workshop on Computational Intelligence (IWCI 2016), 12-13 December 2016, Dhaka. (Co-sponsored by IEEE Bangladesh Section). (Scopus Indexed)
10.    Shahina Haque, Md. Hanif Ali, A.K.M Fazlul Haque, “Variability of Acoustic Features of Hypernasality and it’s Assessment”,  International Journal of Advances Computer Science and Applications, IJACSA, Vol 7, No.9, September, 2016. (Scopus Indexed)
11.    Shahina Haque, M. A. Hanif and A. K. M. Fazlul Haque, “A Study on the Variation of Extracted Features of Pathological Speech”, Proceedings of International Conf. on Physics - 2016, 10-12 March, 2016, Dhaka.
12.    Munima Haque, Md. Quamruzzaman, Shahina Haque, “Measurement of Magnetic Field Emitted from Electrical Appliances in CSE Labs and Classrooms of Southeast University, Bangladesh”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Vol 7, Issue 10, 2016, ISSN 2229-5518, Paris, France.
13.    Md. QuamruzzamanShahina HaqueMunima Haque, “Measurement of Magnetic Field Emitted From Lab Equipments and Electrical Appliances in ETE Labs of Daffodil International University, Bangladesh” International Journal of Advanced Research and Review,  1(9), 47-56, 2016.
14.    H. Shahina, M. K. Islam, M. S. Munir, M. A. H. Talukder, M. A. Malek, “Study on the Effect of Sheath Limited Current on the Langmuir Wave in Dusty Plasma”, Proceedings of National Conf. on Physics Research and Education in Bangladesh, 24-25 Feb. 2015, Dhaka.
15.    M. A. Malek, M. K. Islam, M. Salimullah, H. Shahina, M. A. H. Talukder, M. S. Munir, “Study on the Axial Velocity of Current Sheath in a Dense Plasma Focus Device”, Proceedings of National Conf. on Physics Research and Education in Bangladesh, 24-25 Feb. 2015, Dhaka.
16.    M.A.H. Talukder, M.K.Islam, M.K. A. Hassan, H.Shahina, M.S.Munir, M.A.Malek, “Instability of the dust ion acoustic modewith dust charge fluctuation”, Proceedings of National Conf. on Physics Research and Education in Bangladesh, 24-25 Feb. 2015, Dhaka.
17.    M. S. Munir,  M. K. Islam, M. K. A. Hassan, H. Shahina, M. A. H. Talukder, M. A. Malek, “Photoelectric effect on the dust modes in streaming magneto dusty plasmas with dust charge fluctuation”, Proceedings of National Conf. on Physics Research and Education in Bangladesh, 24-25 Feb. 2015, Dhaka.
18.    M. K. Islam, M. S. Munir, A. Hossain, M. A. Malek, H. Shahina, and Y. Nakashima, “Study on the Excitation of Low Frequency Modes in Magnetized Dusty Plasma”, 10th International Conference on Open Magnetic Systems for Plasma Confinement, August 26 – 29, 2014, Daejeon, Korea.
19.    S. Haque, A.U. Khan, “Role of Haar and Daubechies Wavelet in Bangla Vowel Processing”, Journal of Telecommunications, Volume 13, Issue 1, 2012, ISSN 2042-8839, London, U.K.
20.    S. Haque, “Bangla Vowel Signal Reconstruction: Effectiveness of Selected Methods and Several Wavelets”, Proceedings of International Conference on Women in Science, Engineering and Technology, 2-4th February, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
21.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Optimal Wavelet for Bangla Vowel Synthesis”,  Vol 2, Issue 11, November 2011, IJSER - (ISSN 2229-5518), Paris, France.
22.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Performance Comparison of Daubechies Wavelet Family for Bangla Vowel Synthesis”, Volume 3, Issue 9, Journal of Computing, September, 2011,  (ISSN 2151-9617), NY, USA.
23.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Bangla Oral-nasal Vowel Pairs: Acoustic Categorization and Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Methods”,   Volume 3, Issue 7, Journal of Computing, July 2011,  (ISSN 2151-9617), NY, USA..
24.    S. Haque, T. Takara, M.A. Sobhan, “Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Methods for Bangla Vowels”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Processing of Bangla, 19th February, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
25.    S. Haque, S. A. Hossain, M.A. Sobhan “Using Wavelet Transform for Bangla Phoneme Synthesis”, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Processing of Bangla, 19th February, 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
26.    S. Haque, “A Study on Comparison of Effectiveness of Analysis-Synthesis Methods for Bangla Vowels”, Proceedings of National Conf. on Phys. for Development, Org. by Bangladesh Physical Society, 10-11 Feb. 2011, Dhaka.
27.    M.K. Islam and H. Shahina, “Simulation of plasma power deposition in RF plasma system”, The Third International Conference on Structure, Processing and Properties of Material, Dhaka, Bangladesh, STPM 2010, D04.
28.    S. Haque, T. Takara, Nasality Perception of Vowels in Different Language Background,  Proceedings of INTERSPEECH 2006 - ICSLP, 17-21st September, 2006, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, page 869-872.
29.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Rule Based Speech Synthesis by Cepstral Method for Standard Bangla“, Proceedings of 18th International Congress on Acoustics, ICA 2004, Kyoto, Japan, 4-9 April, 2004. Th.P3.19, IV-3341.
30.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Speech Synthesis of Bengali Sentence Using Cepstral Method”, Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan, March, 2004, Tokyo, Japan, Page 301-302, 3-7-10.
31.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Recognition and Synthesis of Bangla Oral-Nasal Vowel Pairs“,Proceedings of Annual Meeting of Acoustical Society of Japan, March, 2003, Tokyo, Japan, Page 437-438, 2-Q-32.
32.    S. Haque, T. Takara, “Bengali Speech Synthesis Using Cepstral Method“,4th Okinawa IT Workshop 2002, Okinawa Research Centre, Okinawa, Japan, 29th November, 2002, page 35-38.
   Technical Reports and Popular Article
33.    Popular Article written in Bangla: “LIO ISAKI O TAR TUNNEL DIODE”, ANNESHA BAEC Publication, Vol. 13 (1999-2000)
34.    Report on Regularity Survey/Inspection of Ionizing Radiation Sources in Bangladesh: X-ray Installations Rajshahi    District, Vol. 31/78, Nov. 2000


Signal Processing

  1. Research paper presented got best poster award in the proceedings of National Conf. On Phys. For Development, org. by Bangladesh Physical Society, 10-11 Feb. 2011, Dhaka.
  2. Monbusho Schorship for Ph. D.
  3. Dean Award, For M.Sc. exam, Rajshahi University
  4. Scholarship and Monnujan Sworna Podok Award, for B.Sc exam, Rajshahi University
  5.  Rajshahi Board Scholarship : For  SSC exam
  6. Junior Scholarship: Class VIII, Poba Thana, Rajshahi Board
  7. Primary Scholarship : Class V, Poba Thana, Rajshahi Board
  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil International University, Shukrabad, Dhaka, November, 2009 – March, 2012.
  •  Lecturer, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Daffodil International University,  Shukrabad, Dhaka, May, 2008 – October, 2009.
  •  Ph.D. student,  Department of Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan (Also worked as Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant in the University of the Ryukyus, Japan),   (Continuing)
  •  Lecturer,  Department of Computer Science and Technology, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh  October, 1999 - Have resigned in January, 2008 due to personal reason
  • Scientific Officer, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Ramna, Dhaka   January, 2000 April, 2000 (On lien from Islamic University)