Department of Textile Engineering
Mr. Sumon Mozumder  Assistant Professor
Name :
Mr. Sumon Mozumder
Employee ID
Assistant Professor  
Department of Textile Engineering
Faculty of Engineering
Personal Webpage
9116774, Ex-258

M.Engg. in Advanced Engineering Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering &
Technology (BUET), 2014
M.Sc. in Textile Engineering, Daffodil International University, 2011
B.Sc. in Textile Technology, University of Dhaka, 2007

1. Two months Industrial Training in Anlima Textile Limited, Savar, Dhaka.
2. One week training in the Physical & Chemical Testing Lab of Matex (BD) Ltd.
3. Training on Industrial Fire Safety and Quality Control (QC) Guidelines in the Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Ltd. (Bangladesh Pakistan Liaison Office)
4. Training on Factory Compliance and Auditing System in the Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Ltd. (Bangladesh Pakistan Liaison Office)

B.Sc. in Textile Engineering:

Specialized Wet Processing Technology, Textile Dyeing, Printing & Finishing Technology, Textile Raw Materials, Textile Physics, Textile Testing & Quality Control, Environmental Management for Textile Industries.

MBA (Textile & Apparel Management):

Fibre, Yarn Production & Sewing Thread, Textile Testing & Quality Control, Apparel Washing & Finishing, Apparel Merchandising, Apparel Statistics.


[1] Swati, S.S., Mozumder, S., and Majumder, S.M.M.H., Investigation on ecological parameters of textile effluent generated after dyeing with mono and bi-functional reactive dyes, IOSR Journal of Polymer & Textile Engineering, India, Vol.4(5), pp.1-8, Sep-Oct 2017. [ISSN: 2348-019X (Online), 2348-0181 (Print)]

[2] Swati, S.S., Mozumder, S., and Majumder, S.M.M.H., Ecological impact of effluents discharged after dyeing cotton knit fabric with reactive dyes, Daffodil International University Journal of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, Vol.12(1), pp.45-51, January 2017. [ISSN 1818-5878]

[3] Mozumder, S., and Majumder, S.M.M.H., Comparison between Cotton and Silk Fabric Dyed with Turmeric Natural Colorant, Daffodil International University Journal of Science &Technology (DIUJST), Bangladesh, Vol.11(2), pp.73-78, July 2016. [ISSN 1818-5878]

[4] Mia, M., Mazumder, S., and Dhar, N.R., Improvement of productivity in readymade garment through line balancing, Journal of Textile Engineering, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh,Vol.2(1), pp. 10-18, July 2015. [ISSN 2309-6349]

[5] Saha, P., and Mazumder, S., Impact of working environment on less productivity in RMG industries: A study on Bangladesh RMG sector, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, USA, Vol. 15(2), pp.19-26, April 2015. [ISSN: 2249-4588 (Online), 0975-5853

[6] Mazumder, S., Lean wastes and its consequences for readymade garments manufacturing, Global Journal of Researches in Engineering (Industrial Engineering), USA, Vol.15(1), pp.15-19, March 2015. [ISSN: 0975-5861 (print), ISSN: 2249-4596 (electronic)]

[7] Shimo, S.S., and Mazumder, S., Effective surface active agents for improving colorfastness of reactive dyeing, International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, India, Vol.4(3), pp.187-191, March 2015 [ISSN 2277-1581]

[8] Mazumder, S., and Doulah, A.B.M.S., Resolve of impact on textile surface area density subsequent to enzymatic hydrolysis with cellulase at various conditions, Pakistan Textile Journal, pp.40-43, July 2014.

[9] Mazumder, S., and Uddin, M.Z., Effective bio-polishing process for cotton under optimum conditions (Application of bio-technology in textile finishing), VDM Verlag Dr. Muller GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, 2011. [ISBN 978-3- 639-34981- 8]

[10] Mazumder, S., and Haque, M.M., Importance of fixing agent on the color fastness of reactive dyestuffs originated from various dye manufacturers, Pakistan Textile Journal, pp.44-47, April 2011.

[11] Mazumder, S., Haque, M.M., and Uddin, M.Z., Assessment of pilling rate and weight loss after bio-polishing of cotton knit fabrics with acid cellulase, Textile Trends, India, Issue-09, pp.43-46,December 2010. [ISSN 0040-5205]

[12] Mazumder, S., Global impacts of genetically modified cotton cultivation in textile sector,Bangladesh Textile Today, Issue-05, Nov-Dec 2010, pp.67. [ISSN 1999-2076]

[13] Mazumder, S., Determination of weight loss percentage after bleaching of cellulose fabrics with various bleaching agents, Daffodil International University Journal of Science & Technology,Bangladesh, Vol.5(2), pp.63-67, July 2010. [ISSN 1818-5878]

[14] Mazumder, S., Effects of sandblasting with industrial enzyme silicon wash on denim apparel characteristics, Daffodil International University Journal of Science & Technology, Bangladesh, Vol.5(1), pp.6-9, January 2010. [ISSN 1818-5878]

Presentation of Conference Papers

[1] Mazumder, S., and Rahman, M.M., Influences of fixing agent on the performance of reactive dyeing, The 3 rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials Engineering, Brasov,Romania, 27-29 October 2010. [ISSN 1844-9336]

Master’s Thesis

“Productivity Improvement in Readymade Garments Industry-A Case Study”

“Effects of Process Parameters on the Bio-polishing of Cotton Fabrics with the Cellulase Enzyme”

Honor’s Project

“Effects of Process Parameters in Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics with Vat Dyes”

Research Interests

Textile Dyeing, Printing & Finishing, Apparel Manufacturing & Management, Garments Washing & Finishing, Eco-processing in Textiles, Computer Color Matching System (CCMS), Water treatment, Textile Effluent Treatment.

1. Yearly Merit Scholarship awarded by College of Textile Engineering & Technology (CTET) under the University of Dhaka (DU) during 2002-2006.

1. Member of Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)
2. Member of Institute of Textile Engineers and Technologists (ITET)

1. Lecturer at Textile Engineering Department of Daffodil International University.
2. Lecturer at Textile Engineering Department of Primeasia University.
3. Production Engineer at Carrefour Global Sourcing Asia Limited (Bangladesh Pakistan Liaison Office).
4. Production Executive at PA Knit Composite Limited.