1. “Economic Contribution of Tourism Industry in Bangladesh”;
Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Sports;
ISSN 2312-5187 (print) ISSN 2312-5179 (Online); Vol. 22 2016
2. “Measuring Customer Satisfaction through SERVEQUAL Model: A Study on Beauty Parlors in Chittagong”;
European Journal of Business and Management;
ISSN 2222-1905 (paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online); Vol. 8 No., 35 2016
3. “Book: Breaking the Gender Barrier Success Stories of Women in Hospitality Industry in Bangladesh”;
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 978-620-2-06590-0
4. “Proliferation of Islamic Monotheism through Religious Tourism: An Overview on TablighJamat in Bangladesh”;
American Journal of Tourism Management
p-ISSN: 2326-0637 e-ISSN: 2326-0645; 2017; 6(1): 10-14 doi:10.5923/j.tourism.20170601.03
5. “Economic growth of airlines industry: An overview of domestic airlines in Bangladesh”;
Journal of Management Research and Analysis;
January-March, 2018; 5(1):61-68 DOI: 10.18231/2394-2770.2018.0012
6. “Factors Determining Tourism: A Framework to Promote Tea Tourism Destination in Chittagong”;
Global Journal of Management and Business Research: F Real Estate, Event and Tourism Management;
Volume 18 Issue 1 Version 1.0 Year 2018
7. “Documentary Films to Digitalize Engineering Marvels of Bangladesh: A Case Study on the Prospects of Current and Future Development Projects”;
International Academic Research Journal of Business and Management;
Vol. no.7, issue no 2, June 2018, Page No. 17-24 ISSN No: 2227-1287 (Print)
Hospitality industry, Airlines industry, Customer satisfaction, Social Media, Tourismindustry, Marketing
Hotel & Tourism Management
Faculty of Business Administration
Southern University Bangladesh
Chattogram, Bangladesh.